"Dark Maga" a real thing?

Liberal propaganda yahoo news always post snapshots of trump in some grimacing picasso looking style while biden and all dems are always portrayed as lovely smiling rembrandt looking types. The same as msnbc always pushes their propaganda along with fox news pushing their stuff.
That's an old yellow journalism trick going all the way WAY back when I was a cub reporter myself. The reporters and editors were not allowed to overtly express personal opinion anywhere but on the editorial page, but they frequently managed to slip in a photo or two that portrayed the one they supported in a favorable light and vice versa for those they opposed. Compare these photos of a newly sworn in as President Nixon vs the one they used the day he resigned:
Nixon and vp.jpg

Now most of the MSM doesn't even try to appear objective. They blatantly sugar coat any negative news of their 'heroes' and 'sacred cows' or dilute it by including something terrible about Republicans or whatever and if there is any good news re the opposition, they bury it as deep as they can in a story so few will ever see it if they report it at all.

It seems obvious to me though that they're trying to develop some traction for this "Dark MAGA" thing as they will be more than pleased to use it to tarnish Trump supporters, Republicans, Patriots in general.
Sorry I don't play the 'your side did/does it too' game or use it as an excuse. And I won't say I can't be sucked into deflections that intend to change the subject, but I do try to avoid that as much as possible.

Funny how you think I'm not on topic because I'm not saying what you want me to say.

And you're claiming you're not playing this little nasty game that it's so obvious you are playing.

You keep denying it, everyone on here can see it.
Funny how you think I'm not on topic because I'm not saying what you want me to say.

And you're claiming you're not playing this little nasty game that it's so obvious you are playing.

You keep denying it, everyone on here can see it.
If you want a food fight with somebody, I'm sure there are some here who will accommodate you. Please understand that I am just not interested in that. Have a wonderful evening.
If you want a food fight with somebody, I'm sure there are some here who will accommodate you. Please understand that I am just not interested in that. Have a wonderful evening.

And if you ever want a proper conversation, you can come find me. Instead of this ridiculously childish nonsense you've posted.

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