Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.

Well there is no doubt whatsoever now that the IRS was targeting conservative groups.

None whatsoever. I hope that people get nailed with obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence or whatever.

Orange suits would look good on many IRS personnel.
This is the WHALE in the White House Aquarium...the biggest source of fear amongst the crowd we call ADMIN.

A much smaller transgression (18 minutes of missing tape) took down "the crook".

Two fuckin' YEARS of selected enails (sic) should do no less!

I shudder to think of how many additional hard drives and servers were scrapped in a vain attempt to purge the world of every miniscule shred of evidence that we have another fuckin' impeachable criminal in the Oval Office! Something will come up!
They all do it
Last month was a long time ago

Issa is a smart guy. He will have people turning state's evidence.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.


It's just like when your computer at home crashes and you lose data, right?
How stupid are you, yet again?
apparently stuff does disappear Issa ol pal, ask Snowden... then stfu
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.
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This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.

Darrell Issa's 5 Biggest Lies About The IRS 'Scandal' - The National Memo

Strawman arguments and half truths.
It's all Democrats have.

If Bush had done half this stuff liberals would be screaming about tyranny.
The computer crash is a lie and we all know it. These folks are destroying evidence and that should be another charge. They are disgraceful and it's amazing that some will buy the lies just because they are blindly loyal.
you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.

Darrell Issa's 5 Biggest Lies About The IRS 'Scandal' - The National Memo

Strawman arguments and half truths.
It's all Democrats have.

If Bush had done half this stuff liberals would be screaming about tyranny.

Character Assassination, spin, and talking points ... its all YOU have. I'm not a Dem
And to think......by the time anything comes of it, Obama will have left office in January 2017!!

I love watching RW'ers get angry and pissed off. Bitter clingerish if you will.

I don't really care what Lois Lerner did. I do love watching idiot Republicans nearly die from anger and frustration though haha.
you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.

Darrell Issa's 5 Biggest Lies About The IRS 'Scandal' - The National Memo

Strawman arguments and half truths.
It's all Democrats have.

If Bush had done half this stuff liberals would be screaming about tyranny.

9/11, Iraq, SELA.........many screamed about those "errors". Bush II was another teflon President, had Reagan's eye for 'details', i.e., facts, also. If the IRS did target groups because of political leanings, prosecute(.) And yes, emails can be lost. But Lerner must have had backups, or this is incompetence raised to an art form.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


Stop watching so much television. The New York Times wrote about this two days ago.

I.R.S. Commissioner to Testify on Ex-Official’s Lost Emails
Tax Agency Says Lois Lerner Emails Were Destroyed in Computer Crash

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