Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."

This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


Stop watching so much television. The New York Times wrote about this two days ago.

I.R.S. Commissioner to Testify on Ex-Official’s Lost Emails
Tax Agency Says Lois Lerner Emails Were Destroyed in Computer Crash

Issa is great at BLISTERING statements; and good for little else.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


sounds like to me Issa never had them in the first place... now he's whining about the case he never had
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Strawman arguments and half truths.
It's all Democrats have.

If Bush had done half this stuff liberals would be screaming about tyranny.

9/11, Iraq, SELA.........many screamed about those "errors". Bush II was another teflon President, had Reagan's eye for 'details', i.e., facts, also. If the IRS did target groups because of political leanings, prosecute(.) And yes, emails can be lost. But Lerner must have had backups, or this is incompetence raised to an art form.

Hardly the same. Actually completely different. Your attempt at equivalencec is laughable.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.


It's just like when your computer at home crashes and you lose data, right?
How stupid are you, yet again?
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?
you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.


It's just like when your computer at home crashes and you lose data, right?
How stupid are you, yet again?
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
Strawman arguments and half truths.
It's all Democrats have.

If Bush had done half this stuff liberals would be screaming about tyranny.

9/11, Iraq, SELA.........many screamed about those "errors". Bush II was another teflon President, had Reagan's eye for 'details', i.e., facts, also. If the IRS did target groups because of political leanings, prosecute(.) And yes, emails can be lost. But Lerner must have had backups, or this is incompetence raised to an art form.

Hardly the same. Actually completely different. Your attempt at equivalencec is laughable.

Read carefully, Lerner must have had backups. And yes, humans died because of Bush's FUBARs. This still rates an investigation.
Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?
Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

Did she send emails to the WHite House? DId she send emails to the Justice Dept? To the IRS itself? To congressmen? All of them must be stored on the recipient's email unless we've had an attack by an electromagnetic bomb And I must have missed that.
Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

I Am not insisting that they are lost forever. Who is doing that?

I simply want proof that someone made an attempt to destroy evidence. Got any of that?
you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.


It's just like when your computer at home crashes and you lose data, right?
How stupid are you, yet again?
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Explain how a personal computer hard drive crashing effects a separate independent server designed and operated to store the emails?
Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

Did she send emails to the WHite House? DId she send emails to the Justice Dept? To the IRS itself? To congressmen? All of them must be stored on the recipient's email unless we've had an attack by an electromagnetic bomb And I must have missed that.


As I've said elsewhere, the fact that it's been 2 years since the so-called hard drive crash, and that we're only just hearing about the missing emails in the last week or so, tells us that there's bee a whloe lot of server-scrubbing going on.

It takes a long time to track down every server in a system that big, every recipient's computer, and every backup; locate every email of concern on every drive, and scrub all those drives so well that even the FBI can't find the emails any more.

No wonder the Obamacare website was such a piece of junk when they rolled it out. All their programmers and IT experts were "otherwise occupied"!
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Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

I Am not insisting that they are lost forever. Who is doing that?

I simply want proof that someone made an attempt to destroy evidence. Got any of that?

The IRS already admitted they were not complying with the subpoena. How much more proof do you want? What would constitute proof to you?

It's just like when your computer at home crashes and you lose data, right?
How stupid are you, yet again?
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Data Loss and Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failure is an inescapable reality in the modern business world. Whether due to human error, software corruption or other causes most firms will face incidents of lost data through hard drive failure. In this paper we analyze the various causes of hard drive failure and estimate the costs of each incident. Our calculations indicate that on average a single data loss incident will cost an organization $2,900, the majority of which is measured as lost productivity. Finally, we offer seven suggestions for responding to hard drive failures.
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Data Loss and Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failure is an inescapable reality in the modern business world. Whether due to human error, software corruption or other causes most firms will face incidents of lost data through hard drive failure. In this paper we analyze the various causes of hard drive failure and estimate the costs of each incident. Our calculations indicate that on average a single data loss incident will cost an organization $2,900, the majority of which is measured as lost productivity. Finally, we offer seven suggestions for responding to hard drive failures.

But the emails dont vanish from the face of the earth just because one computer is incinerated. That's the point, dumbshit.
If she used a shredder like Ollie would she have been treated like a hero by the Right???
Curious minds want to know.
Explain how emails get lost when one computer hard drive crashes.

Me? :lol:

I can't but I'm sure some highly trained IT tech could ... and about those emails ... I don't give a honk in a hat about them either way.

Stupid, ignorant and apathetic is no way to go through life, s0n.

exactly what do you plan to do about those missing emails, bitch on a message board ?

being a bitch is no way to go through your pathetic little life, BOY.

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