Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."

Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Notice how etc carefully changes the subject from "loss of emails" to "loss of data on the diak", and hopes that no one will notice they have little to do with each other, since emails exist on many computers simultaneously, not just the one computer that had a crash?

He's really hoping no one points out the truth.
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


CNN had run at least 2 or 3 stories on this.
Some people know the difference between a computer crash and a hard drive crash. And then again, some people are stupid enough to think there is no difference.
How stupid are you, yet again?

Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Data Loss and Hard Drive Failure

Hard drive failure is an inescapable reality in the modern business world. Whether due to human error, software corruption or other causes most firms will face incidents of lost data through hard drive failure. In this paper we analyze the various causes of hard drive failure and estimate the costs of each incident. Our calculations indicate that on average a single data loss incident will cost an organization $2,900, the majority of which is measured as lost productivity. Finally, we offer seven suggestions for responding to hard drive failures.

You are seriously going to use this?
So what are the odds of every hard drive these emails are on failing at the same time.... and only losing the emails that are being sought after?

Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
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Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

I Am not insisting that they are lost forever. Who is doing that?

I simply want proof that someone made an attempt to destroy evidence. Got any of that?

The IRS already admitted they were not complying with the subpoena. How much more proof do you want? What would constitute proof to you?

Without being an ass...what are you referring to here. Which subpoena....issued on what date? Document the refusal to comply.
Please explain how emails get wiped away when someone's hard drive crashes. This'll be good.
The perpetual Right-wing dumb act again. There are whole industries, both backup and recovery, based on the loss of data from hard drive crashes.

Notice how etc carefully changes the subject from "loss of emails" to "loss of data on the diak", and hopes that no one will notice they have little to do with each other, since emails exist on many computers simultaneously, not just the one computer that had a crash?

He's really hoping no one points out the truth.
First of all, the HDD crash was in 2011, before any investigation started, and secondly, if you know who received the email you can get it from them if they didn't delete it. In fact 24,000 of the "lost" emails were recovered from the recipients and sent to Issa, as you well know. Obviously there was no smoking gun in the 24,000 recovered emails so the Right has to pretend there are other imaginary "incriminating" emails that are still missing though they can't say when or who got them.
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Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

The “lost” Emails are one thing, but what are the administration and the IRS going to do about the paper copies they are required to make and keep?

“But even if the IRS is telling the truth about the computer crash, its own employee procedures indicate that Lerner should have paper copies of all her emails on file.”

“The IRS maintains an Internal Revenue Manual, and chapter 10, section 3 of that manual deals with standards for using email. Those standards, which apply to “all IRS employees,” make it clear that paper copies of all emails must be maintained.

“Section 3 states that, “All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency.”
“If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly,” it adds. “The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records.”

IRS Rules Say Lerner Was Required to Keep Printed Copies of Those Supposedly ?Lost? Emails | TheBlaze.com

(Note: The complete article at the above site provides a direct link to the applicable IRS regulations.)
Lerner must have had backups.

Yes, she (or the IT staff) must have had backups. In fact, such backups are required by Federal law.

So why are the Leftists insisting the emails are "gone forever"?

The “lost” Emails are one thing, but what are the administration and the IRS going to do about the paper copies they are required to make and keep?

“But even if the IRS is telling the truth about the computer crash, its own employee procedures indicate that Lerner should have paper copies of all her emails on file.”

“The IRS maintains an Internal Revenue Manual, and chapter 10, section 3 of that manual deals with standards for using email. Those standards, which apply to “all IRS employees,” make it clear that paper copies of all emails must be maintained.

“Section 3 states that, “All federal employees and federal contractors are required by law to preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency.”
“If you create or receive email messages during the course of your daily work, you are responsible for ensuring that you manage them properly,” it adds. “The Treasury Department’s current email policy requires emails and attachments that meet the definition of a federal record be added to the organization’s files by printing them (including the essential transmission data) and filing them with related paper records.”

IRS Rules Say Lerner Was Required to Keep Printed Copies of Those Supposedly ?Lost? Emails | TheBlaze.com

(Note: The complete article at the above site provides a direct link to the applicable IRS regulations.)
But she is free to Ollie North any paper copies, right? :eusa_whistle:
This isn't being reported anywhere in the mainstream media, except on Fox News and internet outlets like Brietbart.

I just checked, and there are NO stories about missing emails on CNN, CBS, NBC, or ABC websites.

If you were wondering how Democrats thought they could possibly get away with such blatant destruction of evidence and excuses about it.... now you know.


Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

Darrell Issa: Records Like Lois Lerner's Emails 'Don't Just Disappear... Unless That Was the Intention'

by Dan Riehl
18 Jun 2014

Amid new reports claiming that Louis Lerner's emails sought by Congress pursuant to claims the IRS targeted Tea Party groups are lost forever, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a blistering statement alleging that such federal records can only disappear like this through deliberate destruction.

If the IRS truly got rid of evidence in a way that violated the Federal Records Act and ensured the FBI never got a crack at recovering files from an official claiming a Fifth amendment protection against self-incrimination, this is proof their whole line about "losing" e-mails in the targeting scandal was just one more attempted deception.

Old and useless binders of information are still stored and maintained on federal agency shelves. Official records, like the e-mails of a prominent official, don't just disappear without a trace, unless that was the intention.


Poor dupes and Issahole are victims of the msm and the.....wait a minute....

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=LQ5lM6Kf3_E]CNN Mocks IRS for Missing Lois Lerner Emails: 'Do You Believe in Santa Claus?' - YouTube[/ame]

And it's been on every network and is in every paper, but Issahole is the little boy who cried wolf and is viewed by to many citizens as just a pain in the ass nuisance trouble maker.
you mean the lying rightwingnut blogosphere....

it may be true... but issa is saying it, so its probably a full on distortion or an outright lie.

So how do e-mails just disappear?

They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.
So how do e-mails just disappear?

They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.

Plus everyone knows the groups the IRS was going after were a bunch of lying ass criminals to start with. They basically rob the tax payers with their tax free scam that allows them to gets donations from rich cats who get tax breaks for donating to them. Big scam to rob the American tax payers. So, nobody really gives a fuck if an overzealous IRS got a little carried away trying to catch some crooks.
Darrel Issa: Emails "don't just disappear... unless that was the intention."


Issa’s completely devoid of credibility, he’s just another partisan rightwing hack, just another conservative loon jumping to the conclusion of an unfounded conspiracy theory absent any facts or evidence.
So how do e-mails just disappear?

They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.

No we don't. Even you said "probably".....indicating that you don't know.

Where is the evidence of tampering? Got any yet?
So how do e-mails just disappear?

They get buried on the grassy knoll.

Even the leftists arent taking the administration seriously. The best is "we dont know everything." True. We never know everything. But we know enough to say a grand jury would probably indict on the evidence of tampering with evidence in a criminal investigation.
Or more honestly, there are no missing emails. All 24,000 sent before the 2011 HDD crash were already recovered from the computers of the persons who received them and turned over to Issahole, but he found nothing incriminating in them so all he can do is pretend that she caused the HDD to crash before there was an investigation to hide the fact that the Bush appointee went after Libs.

Does anyone else find it strange that the GOP block Obama's appointees and then the remaining Bush appointees are the ones involved in this IRS "scandal?"
Still no evidence. There are more threads on this subject here at the USMB than there are shreds of evidence proving that anyone at the IRS intentionally destroyed evidence.

Well it is required by Federal Law for the IRS to have printed copies of Lerner's emails.


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