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Darren Wilson Has Retired

Here is the GJ testimony. Wilson admits he drew the gun because he thought taking another hit would knock him out. He said he felt like he was so weak compared to Brown but he was somehow able to get the gun away from Brown? Doesnt add up.


He was finaly able to get a shot off. Wilson still had the better grip on the gun because his hand was under Browns according to the testimony i saw. After the round went off that would have caused Michael Brown to back off. Had he not been able to fire the gun Wilson probably gets the crap beat out of him or worse. Whats so hard to understand about that?
Thats because he pulled the gun first like I said. Brown only went after it when he attempted to pull it on him. If you read the testimony Wilson acts as if the gun going off only made Brown angrier. Why would he suddenly turn and run? That doesnt make sense if he was now out of control and angrier. Wilson sold the Big Black angry man story and the jury took the bait.[/QUOTE
Here is the GJ testimony. Wilson admits he drew the gun because he thought taking another hit would knock him out. He said he felt like he was so weak compared to Brown but he was somehow able to get the gun away from Brown? Doesnt add up.


He was finaly able to get a shot off. Wilson still had the better grip on the gun because his hand was under Browns according to the testimony i saw. After the round went off that would have caused Michael Brown to back off. Had he not been able to fire the gun Wilson probably gets the crap beat out of him or worse. Whats so hard to understand about that?
Thats because he pulled the gun first like I said. Brown only went after it when he attempted to pull it on him. If you read the testimony Wilson acts as if the gun going off only made Brown angrier. Why would he suddenly turn and run? That doesnt make sense if he was now out of control and angrier. Wilson sold the Big Black angry man story and the jury took the bait.

There were also 6 African American witness who agreed with Wilsons testimony. I dont know if they covered this part of the incident but I am going to see if there is some information on that
Well Dumbbear thinks its ok but has a mental breakdown when I say Wilson needs a bullet in the head. Of course Browns actions caused the chain of events. He was Black while jay walking and he didnt let Wilson run him over when he reversed.

The contention comes down to who believes which one was the aggressor, you have your opinion but a lot of people feel that if Brown had gotten the gun he would have killed the officer. If a white guy did the exact same things, he would have gotten the same. Wilson saw he was carrying a box of cigars and had heard through dispatch that a store had been robbed. Brown fit the description. What did you expect Wilson to do drive away?
And had Brown acted cool about it and got out of the street, maybe Wilson doesnt scrutinize him as much. Like I said, Browns own actions.
I've never been swayed by what a lot of people think. A lot of people think paying thousands to go to college for 4 years to be trained to work for someone else is a smart thing. Wilson by his own testimony admits he threatened to shoot Brown with the gun and thats when Brown grabbed for it..

"I drew my gun…. He is standing here. I said, ‘Get back or I’m going to shoot you.’ He immediately grabs my gun and says, ‘you are too much of a p—- to shoot me.’” "

That was after Brown slammed the door back on Wilson and they had a physical altercation. Hey look, had the Grand jury looked at the evidence and listened to witness testimony and then determined Wilson should be indicted, ... I would be OK with that because they have all the evidence right there
in the court room. Not you and I . All of us here are in reality still speculating to some extent, and while its just fine to have our opinions whatever they may be, the jurors had a better look at it. What Im not ok with is protestors burning stuff and shooting at people and looting. Thankfully they only represent a small minority of the black people in Ferguson, and many of them are outsiders.
A peaceful protest would have been much more powerful and accepted
I think you meant after Wilson tried to open the door and it bounced off of Brown infuriating Wilson. He grabbed Brown and Brown clocked him one. Thats when Wilson drew his gun via his own testimony. Of course its all opinion. Some people want to believe Wilson because they like to pretend Blacks and Mexicans are hallucinating this stuff.

I was not cool with the looting and rioting at all. I understand the emotions that created it better than those who dont have to deal with that reality however.

Wilson claimed Brown Slammed the door on him. Im not sure if the other witnesses said the same thing, but when I see the video of Brown shoving the little shop clerk around, I see a guy who thinks hes a Bad ass. Its really not a stretch for me to believe he slammed the door on Wilsons leg. there was also something verbal between them before the rest of the physical altercation and then Brown basicaly ends up halfway inside the truck fighting with Wilson. from a seated position even a big guy doesnt have the leverage to pull a 280 pound guy inside. that was all on Brown. If you have respect for the law or any commmon sense, you back up , unless you think you are a Bad Ass. And good chances are he didnt like cops.
Dorian claimed Wilson opened the door and it bounced back which fits more into Wilson own admission he backed up. Why would you back up if you are going to get out of the car anyway? It was not like he drove more than 6 feet. He did it because he was going to try and intimidate them. The video you saw did its work. It was released specifically for that reason. To frighten you into believing that this guy that supposedly just robbed a liquor store was going to attack a cop. Does that make sense to you? Brown ended up halfway in the truck because Wilson grabbed him around the neck. Thats why Brown punched him and appeared to be trying to get away as the other witnessess stated.
Here is the GJ testimony. Wilson admits he drew the gun because he thought taking another hit would knock him out. He said he felt like he was so weak compared to Brown but he was somehow able to get the gun away from Brown? Doesnt add up.


Thats not his grand jury testimony. That was the cleaned up version. I provided you the GJ testimony. He changed his story from what he testified to.
If I thought he was going to shoot me?

When did he think he was going to be shot?
When Wilson pulled his gun on him.

Wilson did not pull the gun on Brown first.
Forensic evidence proves that Brown tried to get Wilsons gun first. Then Wilson shot him,
Authorities say Michael Brown s blood found on gun inside police car - The Washington Post

What will you say if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion?
Explain how you can tell Brown tried to get the Wilsons gun first? Saying forensic evidence is not enough. What kind of evidence appears that says Browns actions were first? Did they pull a print off the gun that was covered by a print from Wilson?

You still did not answer the question of What if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion as the Grand Jury?
I will continue to say the same thing in light of the fact there were so many irregularities like allowing Wilson to turn in his own gun. it was a fix. Holder cant make evidence appear. He can only work with what the racist PD provides.

That's standard police procedures after a shooting altercation. They all do it, it does not matter what their skin color is black, brown or white, they all turn in their own guns. They also have evidence if the gun was altered in any way, like wiping off fingerprints.

Their are many false reports out their on the internet. It is up to the person to look for the facts rather than the lies.
Fake News Stories Fuel An Ongoing Fire In Ferguson Video
When Wilson pulled his gun on him.

Wilson did not pull the gun on Brown first.
Forensic evidence proves that Brown tried to get Wilsons gun first. Then Wilson shot him,
Authorities say Michael Brown s blood found on gun inside police car - The Washington Post

What will you say if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion?
Explain how you can tell Brown tried to get the Wilsons gun first? Saying forensic evidence is not enough. What kind of evidence appears that says Browns actions were first? Did they pull a print off the gun that was covered by a print from Wilson?

You still did not answer the question of What if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion as the Grand Jury?
I will continue to say the same thing in light of the fact there were so many irregularities like allowing Wilson to turn in his own gun. it was a fix. Holder cant make evidence appear. He can only work with what the racist PD provides.

That's standard police procedures after a shooting altercation. They all do it, it does not matter what their skin color is black, brown or white, they all turn in their own guns. They also have evidence if the gun was altered in any way, like wiping off fingerprints.

Their are many false reports out their on the internet. It is up to the person to look for the facts rather than the lies.
Fake News Stories Fuel An Ongoing Fire In Ferguson Video
No thats not standard procedure. Someone takes the gun off you and turns it in. Wilson left the scene and turned in his gun later. You cant let the shooter handle his own chain of evidence Who told you that was standard procedure?

Unorthodox police procedures emerge in grand jury documents - The Washington Post

"When Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson left the scene of the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, the officer returned to the police station unescorted, washed blood off his hands and placed his recently fired pistol into an evidence bag himself."
Wilson did not pull the gun on Brown first.
Forensic evidence proves that Brown tried to get Wilsons gun first. Then Wilson shot him,
Authorities say Michael Brown s blood found on gun inside police car - The Washington Post

What will you say if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion?
Explain how you can tell Brown tried to get the Wilsons gun first? Saying forensic evidence is not enough. What kind of evidence appears that says Browns actions were first? Did they pull a print off the gun that was covered by a print from Wilson?

You still did not answer the question of What if Eric Holder comes out with the same conclusion as the Grand Jury?
I will continue to say the same thing in light of the fact there were so many irregularities like allowing Wilson to turn in his own gun. it was a fix. Holder cant make evidence appear. He can only work with what the racist PD provides.

That's standard police procedures after a shooting altercation. They all do it, it does not matter what their skin color is black, brown or white, they all turn in their own guns. They also have evidence if the gun was altered in any way, like wiping off fingerprints.

Their are many false reports out their on the internet. It is up to the person to look for the facts rather than the lies.
Fake News Stories Fuel An Ongoing Fire In Ferguson Video
No thats not standard procedure. Someone takes the gun off you and turns it in. Wilson left the scene and turned in his gun later. You cant let the shooter handle his own chain of evidence Who told you that was standard procedure?

Who told you that they take the gun off of the officer? T.V. cops shows do that, but not in a real life police department.

My Step Dad who was a retired Detective of the Denver Police Department.
Two simple observations. The Grand Jury decided the matter, and he retired because he had no viable option. He sure isn't going on patrol in Ferguson. Other than the Civil suits, it's over folks.
What good are you doing here? You're calling for a man doing his job correctly as the GJ has ruled to be unable to make a living. You want an innocent man protecting the neighborhood from a strong armed robber, stoned man to be prosecuted in a kangaroo court for doing his job and at that moment his job was to shoot this piece of shit threat to society until he was dead. All of the evidence proves that, the GJ came to that conclusion and yes the fucking KKK is doing right by him when you won't.
Who said I was doing good here? Its obvious I am stressing out the klan members that use this site so maybe thats what you mean? Anytime I can stress them out is a good thing. Maybe they will tip their hand so I can swat them like flies.

You sound like you bought the narrative of the demure, frightened Wilson just protecting himself against the demon Brown. Good job fool.
You keep calling us Klan members but none of us are members of the Democratic Party.b

None of the KKK are part of the current crop of Dems so I am glad you are admitting you are part of the Klan.
I would never join a Democrat institution like the KKK. Own it.
The KKK is not Democratic. Not one KKK member voted for a Black POTUS. What is it you want me to own?
You should learn your political party's history . Democrats supported slavery and started the KKK during reconstruction. They fashioned Jim Crowe laws to keep the black man down. Republican president Eisenhower did his part to give blacks more equal access to public education and things were starting to look up as MLK started speaking out. But Kennedy didn't trust him, so he had the FBI secretly investigate him. The list goes on... The civil rights act would never have passed without the GOP, who once again came to the rescue of the black man. As for LBJs war on poverty, well he did that so "******* will vote democrat for 200 years". Nothing has changed with democrats, just their method for keeping you on the plantation. As Malcolm X said: "the Democrats are playing you for chumps."

You need to realize who your real friends are.
It doesn't matter who reached for the gun first. Wilson is allowed to use it if he is being attacked. To say that Wilson has to prove Brown went for the gun first shows the desperation of Asswiper's argument.
Dont lie. You are just mad I dont agree with you assertion its ok to call me a ******.
You're a black guy? There's no reasoning with you, no proof is enough, so it's pointless to discuss this with you. Look here, the outcome was just. The world will move on just like it did after Trayvon, another victim of poor parenting, assumed room temperature. Carry on.
Yes I am a Black guy. You arent very observant are you? You cant reason with me. You dont speak with reason. You speak with the fear transmitted to you by Wilsons Big Black Killer Demon story.
We guessed that by your stupidity.
What good are you doing here? You're calling for a man doing his job correctly as the GJ has ruled to be unable to make a living. You want an innocent man protecting the neighborhood from a strong armed robber, stoned man to be prosecuted in a kangaroo court for doing his job and at that moment his job was to shoot this piece of shit threat to society until he was dead. All of the evidence proves that, the GJ came to that conclusion and yes the fucking KKK is doing right by him when you won't.
Who said I was doing good here? Its obvious I am stressing out the klan members that use this site so maybe thats what you mean? Anytime I can stress them out is a good thing. Maybe they will tip their hand so I can swat them like flies.

You sound like you bought the narrative of the demure, frightened Wilson just protecting himself against the demon Brown. Good job fool.
You keep calling us Klan members but none of us are members of the Democratic Party.b

None of the KKK are part of the current crop of Dems so I am glad you are admitting you are part of the Klan.
I would never join a Democrat institution like the KKK. Own it.
The KKK is not Democratic. Not one KKK member voted for a Black POTUS. What is it you want me to own?
Your stupidity.
Link to his KKK ties please.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You think raising money is worse than the utter destruction your people caused.

You don't even look at the evidence to see that Brown went for Wilsons gun.
WTF is wrong with you? Yes I did look at the evidence. I dont care he went for Wilsons gun. I would have went for his gun too if I thought he was going to shoot me.

If I thought he was going to shoot me?

When did he think he was going to be shot?
When Wilson pulled his gun on him.
Good for Wilson, one less thug on the street. Brown had it coming, period.
Asclepias is guilty of the emotional failing of false pride.

'clep, you are wrong. End of story.
Nice try Milkweed, but the ONLY evidence we have (Wilson's testimony) says that Brown reached for the gun while they were struggling in the car and the gun was still in the holster and Wilson hadn't made any moves for until after he felt Brown's paw on it.
Wilson testimony is not worth a shit to anyone but white people. Sorry.

Don't speak for other people Milkweed, some blacks in fact actually don't want anything to do with your racist rants and your perversions of justice.
I can do as I please. The vast majority of Blacks and some whites know Wilsons version is full of shit.
How do they know that?
Inconsistencies and changing stories.
The inconsistencies were from the witnesses testimony that proved they were really not witnesses. Again, you are full of shit.
Here is the GJ testimony. Wilson admits he drew the gun because he thought taking another hit would knock him out. He said he felt like he was so weak compared to Brown but he was somehow able to get the gun away from Brown? Doesnt add up.


He was finaly able to get a shot off. Wilson still had the better grip on the gun because his hand was under Browns according to the testimony i saw. After the round went off that would have caused Michael Brown to back off. Had he not been able to fire the gun Wilson probably gets the crap beat out of him or worse. Whats so hard to understand about that?
Thats because he pulled the gun first like I said. Brown only went after it when he attempted to pull it on him. If you read the testimony Wilson acts as if the gun going off only made Brown angrier. Why would he suddenly turn and run? That doesnt make sense if he was now out of control and angrier. Wilson sold the Big Black angry man story and the jury took the bait.
Liar. The facts prove you wrong idiot.
Here is the GJ testimony. Wilson admits he drew the gun because he thought taking another hit would knock him out. He said he felt like he was so weak compared to Brown but he was somehow able to get the gun away from Brown? Doesnt add up.


He was finaly able to get a shot off. Wilson still had the better grip on the gun because his hand was under Browns according to the testimony i saw. After the round went off that would have caused Michael Brown to back off. Had he not been able to fire the gun Wilson probably gets the crap beat out of him or worse. Whats so hard to understand about that?
He is a retarded lib, he understands very little.

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