Darren Wilson was innocent all along....

Is that a fact? and you did read the report? the DOJ was very clear in that the witnesses testimony and forensic evidence confirmed Wilson's testimony. Furthermore, several witnesses that claimed to have seen the event were in fact nothing more than liars, which was proved in cross examination, committing perjury, bearing false witness, some were not even in the neighborhood. You state a lack of evidence, sorry, as the DOJ report stated, there was no question or lack of evidence, the witnesses testimony collaborated with one another and description of events as described by Wilson, furthermore the forensic evidence supported witness testimony. How can you refute facts? Spin it how you may, your position is based on the racist assumption of assumed guilt based on your racist beliefs.
Do you really think The DOJ and Eric Holder would not have tried this case if there had been any glimmer of hope that they could obtain a conviction? Attorney General Holder and the President climbed out on a limb, jumped to conclusions based on fabricated accounts, and truth cut it off, now they are deep into redirection and spinning to stave off the embarrassment of their actions and conduct. In America we are innocent until proven guilty, don't forget it!
The only reason he was let off is because he was police officer.

I hope that Karma catches up with him.

He's gonna need the help.
Karma caught up with Brown.
Hopefully someone puts a bullet in Wilsons head.
Someone like you, maybe? I'm sure the FBI will be interested in reading some of the many threats of violence you make on this site.
You sound like the other pussy that made the same threat. Guess what? I laughed at him like I'm laughing at you cave monkey. :laugh:
The only reason he was let off is because he was police officer.

I hope that Karma catches up with him.

He's gonna need the help.
Karma caught up with Brown.
Hopefully someone puts a bullet in Wilsons head.
Someone like you, maybe? I'm sure the FBI will be interested in reading some of the many threats of violence you make on this site.
You sound like the other pussy that made the same threat. Guess what? I laughed at him like I'm laughing at you cave monkey. :laugh:
You're the one making the threats, Sambo.
The only reason he was let off is because he was police officer.

I hope that Karma catches up with him.

He's gonna need the help.
Karma caught up with Brown.
Hopefully someone puts a bullet in Wilsons head.
Someone like you, maybe? I'm sure the FBI will be interested in reading some of the many threats of violence you make on this site.
You sound like the other pussy that made the same threat. Guess what? I laughed at him like I'm laughing at you cave monkey. :laugh:
You're the one making the threats, Sambo.
Dont feel threatened chimpy. I know you are afraid of Black guys.
Karma caught up with Brown.
Hopefully someone puts a bullet in Wilsons head.
Someone like you, maybe? I'm sure the FBI will be interested in reading some of the many threats of violence you make on this site.
You sound like the other pussy that made the same threat. Guess what? I laughed at him like I'm laughing at you cave monkey. :laugh:
You're the one making the threats, Sambo.
Dont feel threatened chimpy. I know you are afraid of Black guys.
Sorry to burst your bubble but "black guys" are notorious for being pussies. And in your case, it would be pussy with a capital P.
The only reason he was let off is because he was police officer.

I hope that Karma catches up with him.

He's gonna need the help.
Karma caught up with the Gentle Giant.

Robbed and roughed up a little man 1/3 his size; minutes later, dead in the streets like the rabid dog he was.
Asclepias you are the problem, another perfect example of what we have become as a country. Regardless of the facts you support the execution of an innocent man. A pathetic excuse for a person.
There were no facts exonerating Wilson. There was a lack of evidence sufficient enough to bring Wilson to trial and a crooked prosecutor who intentionally threw the case. Ignorant citizens like you are the problem with America.
So, how much was Holder paid by the KKK to cover it up?

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