Darwin vs DNA

Agreed, just one of many places in the edited Bible where the story falls apart at the seams.
Was it you that mentioned the Dead Sea Scrolls? The ones that prove the Old Testament has not been edited? Isn't that one of those info things you search for because you have an open mind?

If it hadn't been edited where's the Book of Enoch? The Book of Jasher? The Book of Lamech? Not in the KJV, that's for sure. That's what you find in the Dead Sea scrolls, the stuff they left out. The church fathers (especially the Catholic church that has such a bad rep anyway) have been monkeying around with the entire text for centuries. There are over 900 scrolls so far and so much has been left out it's just shameful. A few more complete Bibles have been found in Ethiopia and a few other places around the world but WE were never meant to see them.

And on that subject alone, you oughta read some of that stuff. I mentioned earlier the Book of Enoch which is just downright scary. Fallen angels and that. Either he was crazy (and perhaps that's why it was left out__I'm not discounting anything) or there's a Whole lot more to the Bible than meets the (modern) eye.

The journey's the thing.:D Like that old commercial used to say, 'getting there is half the fun'.:D

God hates knowledge? I don't think so.
Sry Candy, I missed this.
The books you refer to are excellent research material. If you get a chance, read the Book of Solomon and you'll understand why we put babies to bed with a lullaby!
And another goodie is Irenaeus' writings of antiquity.
He tells us about the priest that witnessed the return of Jesus and those that came back with Him. ( about 10,000 previous dead now back walking around town.)
I wish I could have been in that Temple when the priests got the news. Holy shit.
They found 2 former priests, that they had buried recently, at their homes. They removed them to the Temple and interrogated them separately, and the results were the same. Jesus did it. :clap2:

The books in the Bible were chosen by God. The Holy Spirit inspired man as to what to include, more than what to leave out, and the result is everything we need to know for our own salvation, to realize His love, and to live a wholesome life. It's our instruction manual.
When studying to show myself approved, I often use material not found in my Bible. But the content of the Bible is the standard that I hold the other works to.

If all of the books, while relevant, educational, and available, were included in the Bible, we wouldn't be able to lift it. :eusa_angel:
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Again, what the hell are you talking about???? Again putting words in my mouth, but the words your putting there are from left field, who the hell was talking about magic b/c it was not me. Let me say one final time, .... teeth are made to chew, voiceboxe's are made to talk, the way genetic code is made in gametes is radonmized for diversity. WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND ABOUT GENETICS, OPEN UP A SCIENCE BOOK B/C YOUR TALKING LIKE A RETARD.
The retard here is the one who INSISTS that evolution was designed, and then INSISTS that I'm putting words in his mouth when I point it out. You won't find designed evolution in any competent science textbook, so reviewing my science education will only strengthen my understanding of how you have no idea who you're talking to, or what you're talking about.

Ain't that right, Cupcake?

There is no reason at all for you to repeat or clarify this. As I clearly stated before, I'm fine with your metaphor.

Sorry? You were talking some sense for a minute, and then it turned into a fairy tale.

I don't understand your "... genetic information is designed to change, designed for diversity, designed to create mutations" fairy tale.

While I am not disputing in any way the value of genetic diversity to the survival of a species; or the value that mutations have in adding information to a species' gene-pool, I just have a problem with this crazy notion you INSIST upon forwarding, that it's due to a design--that somebody designed it that way.

I'll tell you again: I understand the actual science of evolution just fine, Cupcake--it's your magically designed evolution that I'm at total loss for.

You don't have to explain to me how the mechanisms of natural selection, environmental survival pressures, genetics, genetic drift, genetic mutations, etc. ..., give rise to the diversity of life observed on this planet. This is because I understand the he actual science of evolution; your designed evolution is just crazy talk, Count Chocula.

Just to make sure you understand: I am well familiar with and have a competent foundation in the sciences; I have no dispute with the science of actual evolution, as it is founded upon, and validated by verifiable evidence and/or valid logic. What I simply do not understand is that it's all designed.

Produce a logically valid/evidentiary case for your assertion that "... genetic information is designed to change, designed for diversity, designed to create mutations."

If you do, you'd be the very first, and we'd have something to discuss. Otherwise you're just peddling some magical story--just another superstitious retard attempting to advance his retarded superstition as something logically valid and verifiably real.

Who is putting words who's mouth now, Sis?

Which looking around at the animals of the world around you can maybe see that your wrong about that, and that yes your mom probably smoked crack while she was pregnant with you, which i suspected 3 post ago.
Ah, it's come to "moms" for you already. Not surprised in the least. Game on retard.
de·sign   [dih-zahyn]
verb (used with object)

1. to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge.

2. to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully.

3. to intend for a definite purpose: a scholarship designed for foreign students.

4. to form or conceive in the mind; contrive; plan: The prisoner designed an intricate escape.

5. to assign in thought or intention; purpose: He designed to be a doctor.​

What planet do you live on??
The same planet where you assert that, "... genetic information is designed to change, designed for diversity, designed to create mutations", that "...our body is designed...", that ".... teeth are made to chew, voiceboxe's are made to talk, the way genetic code is made in gametes is radonmized for diversity", that "... we are designed to change..." and that "...[you] believe in a Diety, and that the Diety created the universe and consequently life", --where despite the definition of design and everything you've said, you think you're NOT discussing Intelligent Design. That planet. Am I at least in the right solar system Commander Cupcake?

... are you saying that you have a problem with the word design, as if i am trying to argue for intelligent design...
I have no problem with the word "design" at all, or that you are certainly arguing the case for intelligent design--the issue I take is with your OBVIOUS attempt to apply some kind of complex question strategy where intelligent design is an accepted premise.

... which I have said I was not twice before (and is what I have been arguing against).
Youwerecreated is the award winning superstar example that being a Creationist is no immunity from being dishonest. An "Intelligent Design" advocate brings a guarantee of their dishonesty.

Fine Let me use a different word than design, b/c apparently when I use it, I must only be referring to intelligent design (which is not the case, and I have no clue where you have ever picked that up, since my original argument against intelligent design that you keep going back to is saying that our bodies are made to shuffle up for diversity, which if you believe in intelligent design and life is made to evolve, then you must also believe in evoloution since god must have designed it that way, which is an oxymoron.)
Riiiiiiiiiight. You "have no clue where" I might have picked up on the notion that you're just advancing a superstitious creationist agenda. :lol:
pur·pose   [pur-puhs]
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

3. determination; resoluteness.

4. the subject in hand; the point at issue.

5. practical result, effect, or advantage: to act to good purpose.​
Cheetah's bodies are put together in such a way that makes them run fast, a birds bones are put together in a hollow way to help them fly. The purpose of a heart is to pump blood, purpose of lungs is to exchange gas, purpose of genetics is to provide diversity.
This is you NOT advancing an intelligent design argument? So now you've said it 3 times, and that just makes you a liar 3 times.

Your saying that Genetic information doesn't change from parent to offspring, or at least that it does not do it purpose.
The later statement you have been arguing against this whole time, so no I am not putting words into your mouth.
Correction; you're a liar 4 times.

So... 1. You either did not understand my points (common knowledge) about genetics, which means you dont understand genetics (just like you dont understand cancer if you believe that some people are genetically programed for it). Meaning your a retard and should not be arguing for evolution.

or 2. You are just arguing for the sake of argument, which means you never had a valid argument, and you have just been wasting my time .
Either/or? Seriously, you have no idea what you are doing here, who you are talking to, or what you are talking about. So why don't you just gather up all of your stupid strawmen, imagine that you've brought them to your designer, and then have him shove all those stawmen right up your ass. Ok sis?
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The books in the Bible were chosen by God. The Holy Spirit inspired man as to what to include, more than what to leave out, and the result is everything we need to know for our own salvation, to realize His love, and to live a wholesome life. It's our instruction manual.
When studying to show myself approved, I often use material not found in my Bible. But the content of the Bible is the standard that I hold the other works to.

If all of the books, while relevant, educational, and available, were included in the Bible, we wouldn't be able to lift it. :eusa_angel:

Says who?

That would be one HUGE compost heap!
Was it you that mentioned the Dead Sea Scrolls? The ones that prove the Old Testament has not been edited? Isn't that one of those info things you search for because you have an open mind?

If it hadn't been edited where's the Book of Enoch? The Book of Jasher? The Book of Lamech? Not in the KJV, that's for sure. That's what you find in the Dead Sea scrolls, the stuff they left out. The church fathers (especially the Catholic church that has such a bad rep anyway) have been monkeying around with the entire text for centuries. There are over 900 scrolls so far and so much has been left out it's just shameful. A few more complete Bibles have been found in Ethiopia and a few other places around the world but WE were never meant to see them.

And on that subject alone, you oughta read some of that stuff. I mentioned earlier the Book of Enoch which is just downright scary. Fallen angels and that. Either he was crazy (and perhaps that's why it was left out__I'm not discounting anything) or there's a Whole lot more to the Bible than meets the (modern) eye.

The journey's the thing.:D Like that old commercial used to say, 'getting there is half the fun'.:D

God hates knowledge? I don't think so.
Sry Candy, I missed this.
The books you refer to are excellent research material. If you get a chance, read the Book of Solomon and you'll understand why we put babies to bed with a lullaby!
And another goodie is Irenaeus' writings of antiquity.
He tells us about the priest that witnessed the return of Jesus and those that came back with Him. ( about 10,000 previous dead now back walking around town.)
I wish I could have been in that Temple when the priests got the news. Holy shit.
They found 2 former priests, that they had buried recently, at their homes. They removed them to the Temple and interrogated them separately, and the results were the same. Jesus did it. :clap2:

The books in the Bible were chosen by God. The Holy Spirit inspired man as to what to include, more than what to leave out, and the result is everything we need to know for our own salvation, to realize His love, and to live a wholesome life. It's our instruction manual.
When studying to show myself approved, I often use material not found in my Bible. But the content of the Bible is the standard that I hold the other works to.

If all of the books, while relevant, educational, and available, were included in the Bible, we wouldn't be able to lift it. :eusa_angel:

Thank you Ram. I get it that all the texts from that time would need a forklift to move them around. :D The Bible IS the touchstone. The jumping off place AND the place I keep coming back to time after time.
I'm not discountiung anything, even the ancient aliens theorists. And you'd be surprised (or maybe not) what our genectic code has revealed in the last few years, such as Fox P2, a gene that is found in no other hominid, nor has precedence to explain where it could have come from.( Genetic tampering by beings from another world?) Anyway, it's the gene for language. Out of virtually nowhere.

Someone here said that 95 % of our DNA is 'Junk'. Not so, just unexplored, and the junk idea is no longer valid.

Even if the AA theories are true would that affect our belief system? I say not. God created the Universe, not just earth and it's highly unlikely he'd have populated just one planet, don't you think? If anything it makes God bigger and even more powerful and mysterious, unless the God that rules earth is like a 'district God', assigned just to this area, or maybe a custodial God working for the Main God. That doesn't make sense. God is all powerful, all knowing and unknowable according to ancient texts and todays religions. It just sharpens my belief, it doesn't work to tear it down.

Ands as I've said here, time and time again, Darwin and creationalism come together at some point and I think we are close to finding it.
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PS Ram. I just finished one version (there are many) of the Book of Enoch and wow!! This guy was hung up on fallen angels. Half the book is about them and the other half is about celestial cycles, like the phases of the moon etc. The lady that wrote the book 'Fallen Angels, the Origins of Evil, Claire Prophet had a religious axe to grind so I'll look for interpretations from other sources. Not that I don't trust someone with that mind set but it isn't the ONLY mindset. Her version is just a little 'too too' if you take my meaning.

I will look into your other suggestions and let you know what I think.:D

And thanks for the intelligent discussion. Now, at long last, we are getting somewhere.:clap2:
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Have you read about Nephilim? The product of fallen angels and anything breathing on the earth, they had unusual traits. Much larger than the average human, and often had extra digits on their hands and toes. Most had bad dispositions. Some also had advanced knowledge, or supernatural knowledge.
I had always wondered how the Mayans had such an understanding of long ago cosmic events. I had read about a Mayan King who was much larger than normal, and I wondered if he had an extra thumb. Turns out he did.
If you read Bill Cody's description of the Indians, he mentions that the American Indians did hold up their hands ( but didn't utter the movie version "How") when you approached them, to show they did not have extra digits.........
Have you read about Nephilim? The product of fallen angels and anything breathing on the earth, they had unusual traits. Much larger than the average human, and often had extra digits on their hands and toes. Most had bad dispositions. Some also had advanced knowledge, or supernatural knowledge.
I had always wondered how the Mayans had such an understanding of long ago cosmic events. I had read about a Mayan King who was much larger than normal, and I wondered if he had an extra thumb. Turns out he did.
If you read Bill Cody's description of the Indians, he mentions that the American Indians did hold up their hands ( but didn't utter the movie version "How") when you approached them, to show they did not have extra digits.........

Oh yeah, the Watchers, Nephilim and the six fingers. It's all in there. Could it be they were not from here at all? I was taken aback by how strident Enoch was in respect to these creatures that evidently were destroyed with the Flood. Or were they? It's said this strain still lives today. People without conscience. Not just regular boisterous people, rebels, hell-raisers but real true evil. Azazel. That was the one that got the worst punishment because he led the others into rebellion. And Michael, Gabriel and Uriel chased after them.

Strange stuff. I've found another resource Im going to look into next.

About the American Indians, they have their own strange tales to tell.:D
Have you read about Nephilim? The product of fallen angels and anything breathing on the earth, they had unusual traits. Much larger than the average human, and often had extra digits on their hands and toes. Most had bad dispositions. Some also had advanced knowledge, or supernatural knowledge.
I had always wondered how the Mayans had such an understanding of long ago cosmic events. I had read about a Mayan King who was much larger than normal, and I wondered if he had an extra thumb. Turns out he did.
If you read Bill Cody's description of the Indians, he mentions that the American Indians did hold up their hands ( but didn't utter the movie version "How") when you approached them, to show they did not have extra digits.........

Wasn't Nephilim Syphillis' brother?
Here's hoping she found the Lord before she passed. And that you find Him before you pass.
Please try to contribute instead of sniping.

The Bible was written over a period of nearly 1500 years, by about 40 men differed in background, education, culture and profession. If you tried to get 40 men in America to agree on what to write, nothing would get written. It was not the men who were inspired to write a book. The Scripture was inspired. That is why different men with different backgrounds wrote the same thing.

If one person writes a book you can expect continuity, a theme and purpose throughout the chapters. The Bible begins with paradise lost and ends with paradise found. It's theme and purpose remain intact through the variety of men penning it.

Consider the following points of distinction:
Moses was a political leader, trained in the highest schools and universities of Egypt.
Amos was a simple herdsman.
Joshua was a military general.
Nehemiah was a royal cup bearer.
Daniel was a prime minister.
Solomon and David were kings.
Matthew was a tax collector for the Roman Empire.
Luke was a physician.
Peter was a fisherman.
Paul was a rabbi.
Many of these writers did not know each other and so would not have been able to compare notes.
The different books of the Bible were written in different geographic locations and under different circumstances:
Moses wrote the Torah in the Sinai wilderness living the life of a desert nomad.
David wrote some of his Psalms in the midst of military campaigns.
Jeremiah wrote portions of his book during a terrible siege.
Daniel wrote from the city of Babylon.
Solomon wrote from the palace at Jerusalem.
Paul wrote some of his epistles from a prison, some from Greece and one from Rome.
John wrote from the Isle of Patmos.

In spite of this, the Bible is a complete book. And it's unity is that the theme of redemption runs through its entire length from beginning to end.

The way to prove that the Bible is God breathed, is to examine the content and not the scribes.
Here is an example
Genesis 41: 29,30.
Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:
And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land.........
That was Moses.
This is archeology:
The discovery of a marble tablet written 18 hundred years BC, in Arabic, in what is modern day Yemen, contains a poem about the Middle East and the seven years of great plenty and then famine. Here's a bit of it:
We dwelt in the castle seven years of good life.
How difficult for memory it's description.
Then came years of barren and burnt up.
When one evil year had passed away,
then came another to succeed it.
And we became as though we had never seen a glimpse of good.
They died and neither foot nor hoof remained.
Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God,
His footsteps fail not to be blotted out from his dwelling.

The famine was in all the land, but the Bible tells us that God's servant Joseph did pay homage to God, and Egypt had bread. For a glimpse of future Bible prophesy regarding the worthlessness of gold in the end times and proof of the Old Testament, look at the inscription on the grave of a nobel woman Tajah the daughter of Dzu Shefar:
"I sent my steward to Joseph, And he delaying to return to me, I sent my handmaiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour.
And not being able to procure it, I sent her with a measure of gold. And not being able to procure it, I sent her with a measure of pearls. And not being able to procure it, I ordered the pearls to be ground.
And finding no profit in them, I am shut up here. Whosoever may hear it, let him commiserate me.............. "

The Bible's content stands on it own. The men that held the pen, held the pen. We don't need to find the men credible, we need to find the Word credible.
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Here's hoping she found the Lord before she passed. And that you find Him before you pass.
Please try to contribute instead of sniping.

The Bible was written over a period of nearly 1500 years, by about 40 men differed in background, education, culture and profession. If you tried to get 40 men in America to agree on what to write, nothing would get written. It was not the men who were inspired to write a book. The Scripture was inspired. That is why different men with different backgrounds wrote the same thing.

If one person writes a book you can expect continuity, a theme and purpose throughout the chapters. The Bible begins with paradise lost and ends with paradise found. It's theme and purpose remain intact through the variety of men penning it.

Consider the following points of distinction:
Moses was a political leader, trained in the highest schools and universities of Egypt.
Amos was a simple herdsman.
Joshua was a military general.
Nehemiah was a royal cup bearer.
Daniel was a prime minister.
Solomon and David were kings.
Matthew was a tax collector for the Roman Empire.
Luke was a physician.
Peter was a fisherman.
Paul was a rabbi.
Many of these writers did not know each other and so would not have been able to compare notes.
The different books of the Bible were written in different geographic locations and under different circumstances:
Moses wrote the Torah in the Sinai wilderness living the life of a desert nomad.
David wrote some of his Psalms in the midst of military campaigns.
Jeremiah wrote portions of his book during a terrible siege.
Daniel wrote from the city of Babylon.
Solomon wrote from the palace at Jerusalem.
Paul wrote some of his epistles from a prison, some from Greece and one from Rome.
John wrote from the Isle of Patmos.

In spite of this, the Bible is a complete book. And it's unity is that the theme of redemption runs through its entire length from beginning to end.

The way to prove that the Bible is God breathed, is to examine the content and not the scribes.
Here is an example
Genesis 41: 29,30.
Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:
And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land.........
That was Moses.
This is archeology:
The discovery of a marble tablet written 18 hundred years BC, in Arabic, in what is modern day Yemen, contains a poem about the Middle East and the seven years of great plenty and then famine. Here's a bit of it:
We dwelt in the castle seven years of good life.
How difficult for memory it's description.
Then came years of barren and burnt up.
When one evil year had passed away,
then came another to succeed it.
And we became as though we had never seen a glimpse of good.
They died and neither foot nor hoof remained.
Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God,
His footsteps fail not to be blotted out from his dwelling.

The famine was in all the land, but the Bible tells us that God's servant Joseph did pay homage to God, and Egypt had bread. For a glimpse of future Bible prophesy regarding the worthlessness of gold in the end times and proof of the Old Testament, look at the inscription on the grave of a nobel woman Tajah the daughter of Dzu Shefar:
"I sent my steward to Joseph, And he delaying to return to me, I sent my handmaiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour.
And not being able to procure it, I sent her with a measure of gold. And not being able to procure it, I sent her with a measure of pearls. And not being able to procure it, I ordered the pearls to be ground.
And finding no profit in them, I am shut up here. Whosoever may hear it, let him commiserate me.............. "

The Bible's content stands on it own. The men that held the pen, held the pen. We don't need to find the men credible, we need to find the Word credible.

As a book of philosophy, it could pass. As the actual word of some invisible being in another dimension? Not so much. That's sooooo retarded.

Whether my mom found your lord or not, doesn't matter. She went to the same place we all go and have been going since time began. I admit i don't know where or what that is, but that doesn't matter either. It's not dependant on what you or I believe. It is what it is.
What is philosophical about drought and famine? Sounds like weather to me.
Prophesying about it before it happened, came from the being that was able to "see the end from the beginning" So, a challenge for man:
Predict next years weather on April 6, 2013.............
What is philosophical about drought and famine? Sounds like weather to me.
Prophesying about it before it happened, came from the being that was able to "see the end from the beginning" So, a challenge for man:
Predict next years weather on April 6, 2013.............

Can you show us where this supermagical being made a prediction of weather at an exact future date?

Please provide the exact citation.

Genesis 41. Read the whole chapter. God prophesied 14 years of weather. I just asked for one day.
Genesis 41:57 can be proven by the inscription on a Yemenite woman's tomb:
I Tajah, sent my steward to Joseph and he delayed to return to me, so I sent my hand maiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour. ............
Then she sent gold and pearls and could not procure the food. She starved to death. And,
A marble tablet, unearthed in the 1800's, in Saudi Arabia, corresponds with the Biblical account also. It accounts for 7 years of good life, followed by the barren and blight. The author of the inscription ended with:
"Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God"...................
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Genesis 41. Read the whole chapter. God prophesied 14 years of weather. I just asked for one day.
Genesis 41:57 can be proven by the inscription on a Yemenite woman's tomb:
I Tajah, sent my steward to Joseph and he delayed to return to me, so I sent my hand maiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour. ............
Then she sent gold and pearls and could not procure the food. She starved to death. And,
A marble tablet, unearthed in the 1800's, in Saudi Arabia, corresponds with the Biblical account also. It accounts for 7 years of good life, followed by the barren and blight. The author of the inscription ended with:
"Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God"...................


There is no reason to accept anything in the bible as being true, especially as a historical reference.
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Genesis 41. Read the whole chapter. God prophesied 14 years of weather. I just asked for one day.
Genesis 41:57 can be proven by the inscription on a Yemenite woman's tomb:
I Tajah, sent my steward to Joseph and he delayed to return to me, so I sent my hand maiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour. ............
Then she sent gold and pearls and could not procure the food. She starved to death. And,
A marble tablet, unearthed in the 1800's, in Saudi Arabia, corresponds with the Biblical account also. It accounts for 7 years of good life, followed by the barren and blight. The author of the inscription ended with:
"Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God"...................


There is no reason to accept anything in the bible as being true, especially as a historical reference.

You are clueless.
There is no reason to accept anything in the bible as being true, especially as a historical reference.
Unless as a historical reference, it's true!

An Arab, from Yemen. Ebn Hesham. He showed the grave site to an English explorer named Cruttenden. The grave site was exposed after a flood, I believe in the mid 1800's.
I can look up the whole inscription if you'd like. Tajah was the daughter of wealthy Dzu Shefar. Her inscription was a sincere complaint that she could not purchase Egypt's grain with her gold. Find the account in Voyage en Arabie.
***Then you tell me why Egypt had grain and the inhabitants of other lands did not. :)

The marble tablet that was discovered in the nineteenth century in southern Saudi Arabia, was translated by Professor Schultens. And again by Charles Forster.

And then there is that crazy Tower of Babel story! Turns out the Word was right again.

The remains of that tower are vitrified, which takes extreme heat. You can read God's account in Genesis, then you can read Nebuchadnezzar account. Neb said the former King abandoned the project because they couldn't express their words in order, so they dispersed. Or as God put it, Genesis 11:2-8 (confuse their language and scatter them over the face of the earth.)

Speaking of words,
Genesis 11:1 tells us that the whole earth "had one language and one speech from the time of Adam."
That changed with Babel. Our most noted philologists conclude that the thousands of dialects and languages we have can be traced back to one ancient language.
Professor Alfredo Trombetti
Max Mueller
Prof. Otto Jespersen
It was Prof. Oppert, sent to Babylon by the French gov., who translated the cuneiform inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar. The King referred to the tower in Chaldean as the "tongue tower".
Genesis 41. Read the whole chapter. God prophesied 14 years of weather. I just asked for one day.
Genesis 41:57 can be proven by the inscription on a Yemenite woman's tomb:
I Tajah, sent my steward to Joseph and he delayed to return to me, so I sent my hand maiden with a measure of silver for a measure of flour. ............
Then she sent gold and pearls and could not procure the food. She starved to death. And,
A marble tablet, unearthed in the 1800's, in Saudi Arabia, corresponds with the Biblical account also. It accounts for 7 years of good life, followed by the barren and blight. The author of the inscription ended with:
"Thus fares it with him who renders not thanks to God"...................

With so much of the bible, its up to the reader to advance whatever subjective interpretation they care to manufacture.

I see nothing in the above that speaks to a weather forecast. Your earlier post requested a specific weather forecast at a specific time in the future. I'm only requesting that your claims to biblical miracles be supported with evidence. Something in biblical fortune telling that provides specific times / dates would be helpful.

I see no such evidence.

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