Dastardly David Hogg to run for office when he's 25. your move, Kashuv! America has a bright future!

Hogg to "Old" Pelosi: move the fuck off...and let us take control...

Hogg frequently uses the word narcissistic in reference to himself...

Hogg attacked Crazy Bernie for being "terrible on guns" and slammed Obama "for increasing drone warfare and killing a lot of civilians"
He is a walking talking point.....this guy is as dumb as Cortez.....

Figures. He endorsed Googly-Eyes in her campaign.

Show of hands, everyone who was desperately hungry for Camera Hogg's advice on how to vote.
I know I was, I mean only the left looks to an 18 year old for advice on life.....you really can't make this stuff up.
Unless he's repping an ultra-blue area, he'd lose any election. His personality is too loathsome to appeal to anyone but the hardest leftists. He's clearly too stupid and bad-tempered to manage a successful campaign. And the dirty dishes in my kitchen sink have more charisma than he does.

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