Dastardly David Hogg to run for office when he's 25. your move, Kashuv! America has a bright future!

"DASTARDLY DAVID", demonization has become routine. Whether mass shooting victims, Vietnam Veterans or a retired Navy SEAL, Donald Trump has made filthy politics and lying routine.
most accurate post ever....this guy's ego makes Trumps look like mother theresa.....and Trump actually HAS ACCOMPLISHED things in life
Hogg to "Old" Pelosi: move the fuck off...and let us take control...

Hogg frequently uses the word narcissistic in reference to himself...

Hogg attacked Crazy Bernie for being "terrible on guns" and slammed Obama "for increasing drone warfare and killing a lot of civilians"
And STILL Ben Shapiro refuses to run for office while brave, REAL Americans like David Hogg step up and MAN UP!

Real brave?

View attachment 211911

Okay, I'm a real brave American that's going to run for a job that pays about 180K a year where I only work about three months a year. Damn am I a real sacrificing patriot or what???

And the rest of the year, he gets to do what he loves best: run around to talk shows and hype himself.
Hogg to "Old" Pelosi: move the fuck off...and let us take control...

Hogg frequently uses the word narcissistic in reference to himself...

Hogg attacked Crazy Bernie for being "terrible on guns" and slammed Obama "for increasing drone warfare and killing a lot of civilians"
He is a walking talking point.....this guy is as dumb as Cortez.....

"Two men enter. One man leaves."

That child is not a man.

Who, Kyle Kashuv, or David Hogg? If you mean Hogg, I agree. That is one spoiled, pusillanimous little snot.

Kyle, on the other hand, while inarguably young and inexperienced, has shown a great deal of maturity, far more than many adults who are his seniors.
Hogg to "Old" Pelosi: move the fuck off...and let us take control...

Hogg frequently uses the word narcissistic in reference to himself...

Hogg attacked Crazy Bernie for being "terrible on guns" and slammed Obama "for increasing drone warfare and killing a lot of civilians"
He is a walking talking point.....this guy is as dumb as Cortez.....

Figures. He endorsed Googly-Eyes in her campaign.

Show of hands, everyone who was desperately hungry for Camera Hogg's advice on how to vote.

"Two men enter. One man leaves."

That child is not a man.

He will be at 25 when he runs.

Physically, maybe. Whether or not he's a man where it counts is going to depend entirely on whether life does what his parents should have, and takes him to the woodshed.

He's likely already a lost cause.

Nah. Most people are insufferably arrogant little assholes at 18. And they generally grow out of it, although apparently that's happening less and less often these days. :/

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