David Duke: The GOP Establishment Is Killing The Republican Party

KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president
Post Politics
KKK’s official newspaper supports Donald Trump for president

Supporting Trump means you support the same things that the KKK supports. That is a fact you can't get past.

That's just stupid.
yea, self serving, stupid, something they'd go apeshit over if you pulled the same stereotype crap against them but that's all good. at least this way you find out who is worth talking to and who's just redefining idiocy over and over again.
Your belief that black lives don't matter makes Black Live Matter necessary.

Where did I say black lives don't matter? Since you cannot, please admit you lied.

Do not ALL LIVE MATTER? Including Blue Lives?

Tell us all how this is right please.

Your belief that black lives don't matter makes Black Live Matter necessary.

Where did I say black lives don't matter? Since you cannot, please admit you lied.

Do not ALL LIVE MATTER? Including Blue Lives?

Tell us all how this is right please.

First, you would have to show me a frying pan that big. I noticed Fox's trick of putting a notice about a shooting in Texas on the screen , implying the two things are related.
As usual, this noble American Patriot is right on the money. David Duke understands the corruption and treachery the GOP elites are trying to inflict on the Trumpenfuhrer and the American people. David Duke is calling them out and we need to do the same at the ballot box next time. It's time to send these elites packing.


no doubt white supremacist kkk'ers would feel that way....

the GOP was killed by tetards... it's gotten worse with trump loons
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.

This phuck face got his ass drunked up and got caught with his pants down, showing his real AGENDA. They would rather have Hillary Clinton as president.


So, here is a clue, go phucking make me a sandwich, and also, I'd like to have my vision corrected back to 20-20, so I am mandating you to pay for my laser correction.

And you better call me "SIR" when you address me, or you know what will happen. Know your place underling.

nice garbage.... all total lies of course, but we expect nothing else from white supremacists.

if it were true, you'd be a democrat. now piss off, loony toon

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