David Duke: The GOP Establishment Is Killing The Republican Party

We're in a 2nd American Revolution. Only this one is the opposite. This time the government is trying to overthrow the people.
true, and we the people, thanks to nimrods like the OP, are losing. this son of a bitch aint no better than those "we was kangs and sheeit" melon munchers

Watch your mouth son. Unless you are talking about your white heritage where you guys say you wuz kangs, and especially since you people love watermelon and every other kind of melon even more. And good ol Co Sanders? King of fried chicken?


Because some blacks here did descend from kings.
ANyone that agrees with this is a WHITE NATIONALIST!

Are you?
What is wrong with being White and a Nationalist?

The terrorism that usually goes along with it.
You don't believe in America First, Buy American, and Hire American?

I am American, that's what your type of white person doesn't believe.

And go tell that punk Trump tp bring his factories to America and set the fucking example or shut the fuck up.
ANyone that agrees with this is a WHITE NATIONALIST!

Are you?
What is wrong with being White and a Nationalist?

The terrorism that usually goes along with it.
Such as?

Since you will make excuses for the 4,000 lynching's conducted by white nationalists, the murders of Emmitt Till, Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King with that lousy excuse of it being too long ago lets start with the Bombing of the Murrow Building.
yea and supporting obama is the same as supporting isis.

people need to lay off the extreme bullshit.

Credible link?
it was right next to the site saying supporting trump is like supporting the KKK.

i believe it was "www.dumbassshitpeoplesay.com"

So you got nothing. Just another goofy ass claim with nothing to back it up . Typical.
yea just like your fucked up "aux member of kkk". where is THAT link of valudation?

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph :: Ohio Memory Collection

Sponsored by The Democrat Party!

Cool that the Democrat Party is involved with Social Issuess like a woman's right to wear a bed sheet and march in a KKK parade!
Hey tree,

All those people trying to save the confederate memorials . You saying they are democrats??

Seems kinda crazy to me. Trees claims that is.

Let me ask you this.

When someone robs a bank, they like to wear a mask so you cannot tell who they are. Would you agree with that?

When most terrorists make their broadcasts on social media, or tape them for public consumption for TV, they wear masks, or they conceal their location. Would you agree with that?

The KKK usually wears hoods to conceal their identity when they march or have their meetings. Would you agree with that?

When Dem Operatives like ANTIFA goes to disrupt peaceful and legal marches or protests with violence, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

When illegal immigrants go to protest against enforcing immigration law and decide to burn The American Flag as a demonstration of their contempt for the country they illegally entered and are receiving federal aid from, more often than not, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

A False Identity is anything that conceals a person's true nature or true identity. So to answer your question about... "Is it Democrats that are defending and trying to save Confederate Memorials?"

The answer is yes.

Absolutely. Always have been, always will be. The Dem Party openly declared their racism and bigotry for nearly 200 years. Even after Civil Rights passed they protested by flying The Confederate Flag over Southern Democrat States Government buildings.

Now they have taken their racism underground. They veil it in things like policies of dependency, and benevolent paternalism, and abortion on demand, and they show their bigotry openly against Evangelicals, Jews, and Conservatives.

Nothing has changed with The Democrat Party other than their tactics, and their marketing campaign. They are the party of Racism, the party of Slavery, the Party of Bigotry and the party of The Confederacy. They are still Johnny Reb declaring War on America and all it stands for.

Resist America....

It is not by accident that The Left has chosen this as their Rallying Cry!
Can I get a REBEL YELL?
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Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

But most of all, Phuck you, you racist piece of shit!

May you all burn in Hell together.
Obviously you're a triggered Zionist supporter of White genocide. How does it feel to be anti-White? How does it feel to be anti-Nationalist?

Obviously you are a bigot. I don't give a damn what David Duke says. He is a racist as are you.
We are moral patriotic Christian people who love the Constitution and our country. David Duke is a peaceful noble man with traditional values instilled by the founders principles, as I.

Moral Christians do not follow a KKK Klansman. David Duke is a racist and his values need to be stamped out. Bigotry is not a traditional value and not one of the founding principles. You really are a sick individual.
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.
you are an idiot. president biff has a lot to answer for, but being a klansman or sharing their goals isnt one of them. if he was such a klansman, why is he trying to alleviate the violence in chi town, and why did he up funding for HBCU's?

You are another racist. There is no room in this country for David Duke and the KKK.
what fuck are you babbling about , cum breath? I am no racist....I'm a lot of things, but racist aint one of em

Anyone who supports David Duke is a racist. Real Americans should see him for what he is. A racist.
As usual, this noble American Patriot is right on the money. David Duke understands the corruption and treachery the GOP elites are trying to inflict on the Trumpenfuhrer and the American people. David Duke is calling them out and we need to do the same at the ballot box next time. It's time to send these elites packing.

White supremacists like you don't deserve a forum.
So, you're an advocate for censorship! Your anti-Americanism shines. You must feel so proud.

You are anti-America. David Duke stands for everything this country should not be and you take this guy seriously. If you want to go out on the street and say it, you have the right to do so. You do not have the right on a private forum.
Like Reasonable, your Anti-Americanism shines.

A bigot calls people who are not bigots anti-America. You have no clue what being a American is.
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

But most of all, Phuck you, you racist piece of shit!

May you all burn in Hell together.
Obviously you're a triggered Zionist supporter of White genocide. How does it feel to be anti-White? How does it feel to be anti-Nationalist?

Obviously you are a bigot. I don't give a damn what David Duke says. He is a racist as are you.
We are moral patriotic Christian people who love the Constitution and our country. David Duke is a peaceful noble man with traditional values instilled by the founders principles, as I.

Moral Christians do not follow a KKK Klansman. David Duke is a racist and his values need to be stamped out. Bigotry is not a traditional value and not one of the founding principles. You really are a sick individual.
You're for shutting his Constitutional rights down. That right there is immoral and unAmerican.

Oh, you say there was no bigotry in the founding principles. Did you know the founders only wanted free White people of European heritage as the first immigrants via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress? Gee, I wonder why? Could it be that the founders wanted a superior race of people to populate the new country and make it great? Why yes indeed they did.

[The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

Our founders were indeed wise.
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As usual, this noble American Patriot is right on the money. David Duke understands the corruption and treachery the GOP elites are trying to inflict on the Trumpenfuhrer and the American people. David Duke is calling them out and we need to do the same at the ballot box next time. It's time to send these elites packing.

White supremacists like you don't deserve a forum.
So, you're an advocate for censorship! Your anti-Americanism shines. You must feel so proud.

You are anti-America. David Duke stands for everything this country should not be and you take this guy seriously. If you want to go out on the street and say it, you have the right to do so. You do not have the right on a private forum.
Like Reasonable, your Anti-Americanism shines.

A bigot calls people who are not bigots anti-America. You have no clue what being a American is.
Oh indeed I do. Now what does that have to do with the Republican establishment killing the party?
Credible link?
it was right next to the site saying supporting trump is like supporting the KKK.

i believe it was "www.dumbassshitpeoplesay.com"

So you got nothing. Just another goofy ass claim with nothing to back it up . Typical.
yea just like your fucked up "aux member of kkk". where is THAT link of valudation?

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph :: Ohio Memory Collection

Sponsored by The Democrat Party!

Cool that the Democrat Party is involved with Social Issuess like a woman's right to wear a bed sheet and march in a KKK parade!

You know better than that. Everybody knows better than that.
it was right next to the site saying supporting trump is like supporting the KKK.

i believe it was "www.dumbassshitpeoplesay.com"

So you got nothing. Just another goofy ass claim with nothing to back it up . Typical.
yea just like your fucked up "aux member of kkk". where is THAT link of valudation?

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph :: Ohio Memory Collection

Sponsored by The Democrat Party!

Cool that the Democrat Party is involved with Social Issuess like a woman's right to wear a bed sheet and march in a KKK parade!

You know better than that. Everybody knows better than that.
everyone should also know that supporting trump doesn't mean you're in the KKK or even racist.

but that's been your bellcow much of this convo.
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.
you are an idiot. president biff has a lot to answer for, but being a klansman or sharing their goals isnt one of them. if he was such a klansman, why is he trying to alleviate the violence in chi town, and why did he up funding for HBCU's?

You are another racist. There is no room in this country for David Duke and the KKK.
what fuck are you babbling about , cum breath? I am no racist....I'm a lot of things, but racist aint one of em

Anyone who supports David Duke is a racist. Real Americans should see him for what he is. A racist.

that shit gets old too.
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.
you are an idiot. president biff has a lot to answer for, but being a klansman or sharing their goals isnt one of them. if he was such a klansman, why is he trying to alleviate the violence in chi town, and why did he up funding for HBCU's?

You are another racist. There is no room in this country for David Duke and the KKK.
what fuck are you babbling about , cum breath? I am no racist....I'm a lot of things, but racist aint one of em

Anyone who supports David Duke is a racist. Real Americans should see him for what he is. A racist.

Real Americans do see that. Trump supporters haven't figured that out yet.
So you got nothing. Just another goofy ass claim with nothing to back it up . Typical.
yea just like your fucked up "aux member of kkk". where is THAT link of valudation?

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph :: Ohio Memory Collection

Sponsored by The Democrat Party!

Cool that the Democrat Party is involved with Social Issuess like a woman's right to wear a bed sheet and march in a KKK parade!

You know better than that. Everybody knows better than that.
everyone should also know that supporting trump doesn't mean you're in the KKK or even racist.

but that's been your bellcow much of this convo.

Supporting Trump means you support the same things that the KKK supports. That is a fact you can't get past.
Hey tree,

All those people trying to save the confederate memorials . You saying they are democrats??

Seems kinda crazy to me. Trees claims that is.

Let me ask you this.

When someone robs a bank, they like to wear a mask so you cannot tell who they are. Would you agree with that?

When most terrorists make their broadcasts on social media, or tape them for public consumption for TV, they wear masks, or they conceal their location. Would you agree with that?

The KKK usually wears hoods to conceal their identity when they march or have their meetings. Would you agree with that?

When Dem Operatives like ANTIFA goes to disrupt peaceful and legal marches or protests with violence, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

When illegal immigrants go to protest against enforcing immigration law and decide to burn The American Flag as a demonstration of their contempt for the country they illegally entered and are receiving federal aid from, more often than not, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

A False Identity is anything that conceals a person's true nature or true identity. So to answer your question about... "Is it Democrats that are defending and trying to save Confederate Memorials?"

The answer is yes.

Absolutely. Always have been, always will be. The Dem Party openly declared their racism and bigotry for nearly 200 years. Even after Civil Rights passed they protested by flying The Confederate Flag over Southern Democrat States Government buildings.

Now they have taken their racism underground. They veil it in things like policies of dependency, and benevolent paternalism, and abortion on demand, and they show their bigotry openly against Evangelicals, Jews, and Conservatives.

Nothing has changed with The Democrat Party other than their tactics, and their marketing campaign. They are the party of Racism, the party of Slavery, the Party of Bigotry and the party of The Confederacy. They are still Johnny Reb declaring War on America and all it stands for.

Resist America....

It is not by accident that The Left has chosen this as their Rallying Cry!
Can I get a REBEL YELL?

Oh brother. So all these cofederate flag waivers and racists are really DEMS posing as Cons to make them look bad !?

There goes your credibility.
yea just like your fucked up "aux member of kkk". where is THAT link of valudation?

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph

Ku Klux Klan Ladies' Auxiliary Centennial Float Photograph :: Ohio Memory Collection

Sponsored by The Democrat Party!

Cool that the Democrat Party is involved with Social Issuess like a woman's right to wear a bed sheet and march in a KKK parade!

You know better than that. Everybody knows better than that.
everyone should also know that supporting trump doesn't mean you're in the KKK or even racist.

but that's been your bellcow much of this convo.

Supporting Trump means you support the same things that the KKK supports. That is a fact you can't get past.

what you can't get past is that's 100% bullshit. you are putting these 2 together so you can feel justified in your hate of people you don't even know.

trump supporter - racist - ok to abuse and hate - whew.

that is such simplistic thinking that i'm pretty sure it's NOT even considered thinking. this is to say if you supported obama you 100% supported everything he stood for OR WAS ACCUSED OF standing for.

do you?

if you won't allow yourself to be put into such a dumbass situation, try to not do that to others.
Hey tree,

All those people trying to save the confederate memorials . You saying they are democrats??

Seems kinda crazy to me. Trees claims that is.

Let me ask you this.

When someone robs a bank, they like to wear a mask so you cannot tell who they are. Would you agree with that?

When most terrorists make their broadcasts on social media, or tape them for public consumption for TV, they wear masks, or they conceal their location. Would you agree with that?

The KKK usually wears hoods to conceal their identity when they march or have their meetings. Would you agree with that?

When Dem Operatives like ANTIFA goes to disrupt peaceful and legal marches or protests with violence, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

When illegal immigrants go to protest against enforcing immigration law and decide to burn The American Flag as a demonstration of their contempt for the country they illegally entered and are receiving federal aid from, more often than not, they wear masks to conceal their identity. Would you agree with that?

A False Identity is anything that conceals a person's true nature or true identity. So to answer your question about... "Is it Democrats that are defending and trying to save Confederate Memorials?"

The answer is yes.

Absolutely. Always have been, always will be. The Dem Party openly declared their racism and bigotry for nearly 200 years. Even after Civil Rights passed they protested by flying The Confederate Flag over Southern Democrat States Government buildings.

Now they have taken their racism underground. They veil it in things like policies of dependency, and benevolent paternalism, and abortion on demand, and they show their bigotry openly against Evangelicals, Jews, and Conservatives.

Nothing has changed with The Democrat Party other than their tactics, and their marketing campaign. They are the party of Racism, the party of Slavery, the Party of Bigotry and the party of The Confederacy. They are still Johnny Reb declaring War on America and all it stands for.

Resist America....

It is not by accident that The Left has chosen this as their Rallying Cry!
Can I get a REBEL YELL?

Oh brother. So all these cofederate flag waivers and racists are really DEMS posing as Cons to make them look bad !?

There goes your credibility.

We have a name for the people you just described....actually two names.


The base if Trump supporters are racists. We all know that.

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