David Duke: The GOP Establishment Is Killing The Republican Party

he's more of a nationalist than you.
I would trust Thomas Sowell to have my six before Tim Kaine
I would stand with Condoleezza rice before I would Diane fienstien
I would trust Ben carson with my life before I would bill clinton

I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.
so the "negroes" who spilt their blood in europe and the pacific for your freedom are NOT heroes?
No! They were expendable proto-humans.
and still 100 times the man you will EVER be
I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.
so the "negroes" who spilt their blood in europe and the pacific for your freedom are NOT heroes?
No! They were expendable proto-humans.
and still 100 times the man you will EVER be
how much blood have you spilled for this great nation? what risks have you taken to defend the concept of LIBERTY
yea and supporting obama is the same as supporting isis.

people need to lay off the extreme bullshit.

The rise of ISIS was due to the mistakes and failed policies of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama.
which is why i said you're a dumbass if supporting trump makes you a racist cause a lot of people support obama w/o supporting isis.

people just need the shortest distance to stupid at times.
Funny how the left manages to find a juicy soundbite by David Duke but racial slurs by long time democrat senator and former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd never come to light. How is it possible for the GOP establishment to be "killing the republican party" when the democrat establishment managed to lose almost every important election in the last eight freaking years including the "must win" special election in Ga. which was more heavily funded by left coast celebs than some Hollywood movies?
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Funny how the left manages to find a juicy soundbite by David Duke but racial slurs by long time democrat senator and former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd never come to light. How is it possible for the GOP establishment to be "killing the republican party" when the democrat establishment managed to lose almost every important election in the last eight freaking years including the "must win" special election in Ga. which was more heavily funded by left coast celebs than some Hollywood movies?
truth be told, most of these "limo libs" would shit themselves if they had to live/work/drink/ hang out with the black and hispanic folks they pretend to champoin
Funny how the left manages to find a juicy soundbite by David Duke but racial slurs by long time democrat senator and former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd never come to light. How is it possible for the GOP establishment to be "killing the republican party" when the democrat establishment managed to lose almost every important election in the last eight freaking years including the "must win" special election in Ga. which was more heavily funded by left coast celebs than some Hollywood movies?
truth be told, most of these "limo libs" would shit themselves if they had to live/work/drink/ hang out with the black and hispanic folks they pretend to champoin
Minorities are liberals pets.
Funny how the left manages to find a juicy soundbite by David Duke but racial slurs by long time democrat senator and former KKK recruiter Robert Byrd never come to light. How is it possible for the GOP establishment to be "killing the republican party" when the democrat establishment managed to lose almost every important election in the last eight freaking years including the "must win" special election in Ga. which was more heavily funded by left coast celebs than some Hollywood movies?
truth be told, most of these "limo libs" would shit themselves if they had to live/work/drink/ hang out with the black and hispanic folks they pretend to champoin
Minorities are liberals pets.
thats how libs treat them, and when they think for themselves, like real americans (Colion Noir), they get called uncle tom's
Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.
you are an idiot. president biff has a lot to answer for, but being a klansman or sharing their goals isnt one of them. if he was such a klansman, why is he trying to alleviate the violence in chi town, and why did he up funding for HBCU's?

I don't understand a lot of what Trump does, but Duke and the KKK are strong supporters of Trump. Why would they support him if he didn't further their goals?

Al Queda is a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying.
There is actual proof of that, vs. your weak attempts at doing what LIBTARDS do....guilt by association just because you said so.

Why would Al Queda assassinate Qaddafi for Clinton and Obama and stage a coup in Libya and support Clinton and The Magic Muslim if they didn't support Al Queda goals?

Same goes with The Mulsim Brotherhood, Al Nusra, Al Shabab, The PLO, Hamas and ISIS affiliates, all were given weapons and money to do Obama's dirty work in the Middle East, including but not limited to, coups in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Yemen and the Destabilization of The Entire Middle East.

I would love to see the actual proof you mention. You got a credible link?
he's more of a nationalist than you.
I would trust Thomas Sowell to have my six before Tim Kaine
I would stand with Condoleezza rice before I would Diane fienstien
I would trust Ben carson with my life before I would bill clinton

I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.

Go suck a dick you Racist scum sucking Democrat. On IGNORE.

So you and Steve are having a lovers spat? Don't worry you two have so much in common. You both support Trump. You'll work it out.
typical low info political lemming. no one could possibly support the same politiicans for different reasons and disagree on other things.

Former KKK leader David Duke says Trump's victory driven by 'our people'
Former KKK leader David Duke says Trump's victory driven by 'our people'
As usual, this noble American Patriot is right on the money. David Duke understands the corruption and treachery the GOP elites are trying to inflict on the Trumpenfuhrer and the American people. David Duke is calling them out and we need to do the same at the ballot box next time. It's time to send these elites packing.

White supremacists like you don't deserve a forum.
he's more of a nationalist than you.
I would trust Thomas Sowell to have my six before Tim Kaine
I would stand with Condoleezza rice before I would Diane fienstien
I would trust Ben carson with my life before I would bill clinton

I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.

Go suck a dick you Racist scum sucking Democrat. On IGNORE.

So you and Steve are having a lovers spat? Don't worry you two have so much in common. You both support Trump. You'll work it out.

Are you really that stupid to not realize the McGarret is a plant, and not a Conservative or Republican.

He is here to promote 'guilt by association'.
"Demonization by Innuendo."

This is what The KKK does, and straight out of The Saul Alinsky Democrat Playbook.

Infiltrate, Instigate, Discredit!

Bird Dogging is part of that!

Show some damn intelligence and a little street cred once in a while and quit being so damn gullible.

No Conservative I know believes in racism.

Yet he gets lots and lots of check marks under his posts by the strongest Trump supporters here. Why is that?
Don't worry. With Trump as president, he will work hard to bring the goals of David Duke right into the halls of Congress. Just remember that support of Trump is like being an auxiliary member of the KKK
yea and supporting obama is the same as supporting isis.

people need to lay off the extreme bullshit.

Credible link?
There will be proof of where the KKK money went when Clinton shows us where the $145 Million she took from Russia went!

Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.

This phuck face got his ass drunked up and got caught with his pants down, showing his real AGENDA. They would rather have Hillary Clinton as president.


Make me a sandwich, and also, I'd like to have my vision corrected back to 20-20, so I am mandating you to pay for my laser correction. And call me "SIR" when you address me. Know your place underling.

I remember when that fake video and claim came out. It was shown to be bullshit. The KKK members who made the claim could never show where the money came from, or where, or when it was donated. If I made a donation that big, I could tell you who I gave it to, and when, and where I gave it. Those phonies couldn't.
The people that agree with The Racist are from the party of racism.

Your party.

Don't challenge someone who is willing to out work you every day.

I win because I am intellectually, morally and aesthetically superior to you. White Power, right? Except I am talking about Dems Moral Superiority over everyone that doesn't agree with them.

Deal With It!

I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.

Go suck a dick you Racist scum sucking Democrat. On IGNORE.

So you and Steve are having a lovers spat? Don't worry you two have so much in common. You both support Trump. You'll work it out.

Are you really that stupid to not realize the McGarret is a plant, and not a Conservative or Republican.

He is here to promote 'guilt by association'.
"Demonization by Innuendo."

This is what The KKK does, and straight out of The Saul Alinsky Democrat Playbook.

Infiltrate, Instigate, Discredit!

Bird Dogging is part of that!

Show some damn intelligence and a little street cred once in a while and quit being so damn gullible.

No Conservative I know believes in racism.

Yet he gets lots and lots of check marks under his posts by the strongest Trump supporters here. Why is that?
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There will be proof of where the KKK money went when Clinton shows us where the $145 Million she took from Russia went!

Phuck David Duke. No one I know who is a conservative likes that Son of a Bitch.
He exists soley for misinformation and mischief. The KKK was and is a Democrat Party Subversive Operation that exists solely for misinformation and to create racial tensions and divisions.

Phuck The Democrat party
Phuck David Duke
Phuck The KKK

May they all burn in Hell together.

They are STRONG supporters of everything Trump stands for. You share the same goals as the KKK. Admit it.

This phuck face got his ass drunked up and got caught with his pants down, showing his real AGENDA. They would rather have Hillary Clinton as president.


Make me a sandwich, and also, I'd like to have my vision corrected back to 20-20, so I am mandating you to pay for my laser correction. And call me "SIR" when you address me. Know your place underling.

I remember when that fake video and claim came out. It was shown to be bullshit. The KKK members who made the claim could never show where the money came from, or where, or when it was donated. If I made a donation that big, I could tell you who I gave it to, and when, and where I gave it. Those phonies couldn't.

So you got nothin. Why am I not surprised?
Because I am intellectually, morally and aesthetically superior to you.

Deal With It!

To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.

Go suck a dick you Racist scum sucking Democrat. On IGNORE.

So you and Steve are having a lovers spat? Don't worry you two have so much in common. You both support Trump. You'll work it out.

Are you really that stupid to not realize the McGarret is a plant, and not a Conservative or Republican.

He is here to promote 'guilt by association'.
"Demonization by Innuendo."

This is what The KKK does, and straight out of The Saul Alinsky Democrat Playbook.

Infiltrate, Instigate, Discredit!

Bird Dogging is part of that!

Show some damn intelligence and a little street cred once in a while and quit being so damn gullible.

No Conservative I know believes in racism.

Yet he gets lots and lots of check marks under his posts by the strongest Trump supporters here. Why is that?

Then why are you too dumb to figure out your responses should go under the previous post quotes instead of above?
As usual, this noble American Patriot is right on the money. David Duke understands the corruption and treachery the GOP elites are trying to inflict on the Trumpenfuhrer and the American people. David Duke is calling them out and we need to do the same at the ballot box next time. It's time to send these elites packing.

White supremacists like you don't deserve a forum.
So, you're an advocate for censorship! Your anti-Americanism shines. You must feel so proud.
Too confusing for you?

Go make me a sandwich.

I hereby mandate you to.

The people that agree with The Racist are from the party of racism.

Your party.

Don't challenge someone who is willing to out work you every day.

"I win because I am intellectually, morally and aesthetically superior to you. "

White Power, right?

Except I am talking about Dem's Moral Superiority over everyone that doesn't agree with them.

The biggest bigot in the room is the one that uses bigotry to forward their agenda!

Deal With It!

I second your comments. And Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice are personal heroes of mine.

Class acts, both of them. REAL AMERICANS, and an example of what this country is really about.
To view a negro as a hero is truly disturbing. The Jewish multiculturalism indoctrination in you is strong.

Go suck a dick you Racist scum sucking Democrat. On IGNORE.

So you and Steve are having a lovers spat? Don't worry you two have so much in common. You both support Trump. You'll work it out.

Are you really that stupid to not realize the McGarret is a plant, and not a Conservative or Republican.

He is here to promote 'guilt by association'.
"Demonization by Innuendo."

This is what The KKK does, and straight out of The Saul Alinsky Democrat Playbook.

Infiltrate, Instigate, Discredit!

Bird Dogging is part of that!

Show some damn intelligence and a little street cred once in a while and quit being so damn gullible.

No Conservative I know believes in racism.

Yet he gets lots and lots of check marks under his posts by the strongest Trump supporters here. Why is that?
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