David French: Donald Trump's Campaign Threatened My Wife

It wouldn't be even close to the first time Trump has gone after an opponent's spouse

Call me when he physically assaults anyone, you know, like the anti-Trump crowd is doing.
Did you see them egg that woman? Hilarious stuff!

Would you think that if that were your daughter?

What if next time they use rocks instead of eggs? Oh wait, some of them already did that.

Here's hilarious for you. Anyone remember how crazy the left went when Trump's campaign Jew "assaulted" that reporter? Yeah now compare that to them laughing when this woman was ACTUALLY assaulted.

You assholes are pathetic.
If my daughter were in a crowd cursing, flipping the middle finger, and yelling at people to get the hell out of her country, I think she'd be lucky to walk away just with eggs in her hair :thup:

I would never raise a daughter to behave in such a low class manner
Is that the best the left can do? We have the smoking gun (no pun intended) "put some ice on that lip Juanita" on the Clinton side and an anonymous relatively benign call that anyone could have made on the Trump side and the left thinks it's worth a post.

Yeah that "identified themselves as a Trump supporter" sort of gives it away

Yuh huh. And what "gave it away" when you came up with this thread?

David French, who mounted a third party presidential campaign for several days last week, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe variety show this morning for some reason, and said the Trump campaign tried to menace his wife and spook him out of running.

According to French, a member of his wife’s family was contacted by someone who identified himself as a member of the Trump campaign, who relayed a message to “make sure that David knows [running against Trump] will be really, really bad for him.” French added that he was used to abuse from Trump supporters as a writer for the National Review, explaining that he’s been a target for Donald’s core demo of Bad White People because of his interracial family. And now, we say goodbye to David French.

Want another link? Sure!!!!

Did Team Trump Threaten David French's Wife? | RedState

The prospect of a French candidacy did get the attention of serious conservatives, who were quick to offer their support. “I know David French to be an honorable, intelligent and patriotic person,” Romney wrote on Twitter. “I look forward to hearing what he has to say.” Sasse told National Review last week, “David French is a serious, trustworthy man who has served his country with honor. I’m interested to hear what he says in the coming weeks.”

It was enough, apparently, to spook the Trump campaign. Sources say that on Wednesday, influential supporters of the campaign, prompted by the campaign itself, began reaching out to the Republican National Committee, to Kristol, and to French attempting to quash the bid. One Trump operative reached French’s wife’s family in Tennessee and told them, according to French, that he was “instructed to call and deliver a message that the race would be very difficult for me.”

“It was a pretty big assault that really put pressure on David that this not happen,” says a source familiar with the communications.

Less proof that this actually happened than there is that Hillary committed espionage, and yet here you are.

You're truly stupid bro. You had me buffaloed for awhile, but it's clear, you are one ignorant partisan hack.

I would ask you what this story has to do with Hillary but you'll just say that I'M being partisan and an irony fairy would get their wings!

See, when I say "this thing happened with Trump" your response of "But Hillary" has nothing to do with it. In other words because Hillary did something you don't like doesn't mean what Trump does doesn't count.

Mr. Non Partisan

David French, who mounted a third party presidential campaign for several days last week, appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe variety show this morning for some reason, and said the Trump campaign tried to menace his wife and spook him out of running.

According to French, a member of his wife’s family was contacted by someone who identified himself as a member of the Trump campaign, who relayed a message to “make sure that David knows [running against Trump] will be really, really bad for him.” French added that he was used to abuse from Trump supporters as a writer for the National Review, explaining that he’s been a target for Donald’s core demo of Bad White People because of his interracial family. And now, we say goodbye to David French.

Want another link? Sure!!!!

Did Team Trump Threaten David French's Wife? | RedState

The prospect of a French candidacy did get the attention of serious conservatives, who were quick to offer their support. “I know David French to be an honorable, intelligent and patriotic person,” Romney wrote on Twitter. “I look forward to hearing what he has to say.” Sasse told National Review last week, “David French is a serious, trustworthy man who has served his country with honor. I’m interested to hear what he says in the coming weeks.”

It was enough, apparently, to spook the Trump campaign. Sources say that on Wednesday, influential supporters of the campaign, prompted by the campaign itself, began reaching out to the Republican National Committee, to Kristol, and to French attempting to quash the bid. One Trump operative reached French’s wife’s family in Tennessee and told them, according to French, that he was “instructed to call and deliver a message that the race would be very difficult for me.”

“It was a pretty big assault that really put pressure on David that this not happen,” says a source familiar with the communications.

Yo, Typical Socialist Democrat Agenda, not going to work! Take a gander at the Station he went too? MSNBC, the Socialist Democrat Media Station!!! He said, She said!!!

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You mean his entire life's work is erased because he's on MSNBC?

That makes sense. The writer for 5he National Review ruined his conservatives bonifides by appearing somewhere.. great logic
What bullshit. The never Trump crowd has lost any and all credibility in the conservative world. Erik and Red State have been off the deep end ever since they decided they were going to back that douche bag liar Michelle Fields and her fairy tale "I was pulled to the ground" story against Corey. Oh and when Erik and Amanda were busted big time for coming up with a black list of any one who was giving press or support to Trump.
Is that the best the left can do? We have the smoking gun (no pun intended) "put some ice on that lip Juanita" on the Clinton side and an anonymous relatively benign call that anyone could have made on the Trump side and the left thinks it's worth a post.

Yeah that "identified themselves as a Trump supporter" sort of gives it away

True, when someone calls and says "I'm a Trump supporter, and if you run , I'm going to kill your dog" the most logical question to ask yourself is "who the fuck would give you a clue as to who they are when making a threat?"

Trump hires the best people and uses the best words.
Is that the best the left can do? We have the smoking gun (no pun intended) "put some ice on that lip Juanita" on the Clinton side and an anonymous relatively benign call that anyone could have made on the Trump side and the left thinks it's worth a post.

Yeah that "identified themselves as a Trump supporter" sort of gives it away

True, when someone calls and says "I'm a Trump supporter, and if you run , I'm going to kill your dog" the most logical question to ask yourself is "who the fuck would give you a clue as to who they are when making a threat?"

Trump hires the best people and uses the best words.

Yo, maybe that is why he should be the next President of the United States!!!


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