David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

you enjoy paying more for food and gas and rent or higher mortgage rates ? hey pal i aint seeing very many pro Biden bumper stickers anymore ! see plenty of MAGA stickers and signs but no Biden !:auiqs.jpg:

Gas prices started rising under Trump. Food is rising because of massive monopolies that can dictate higher prices. Blame mortgage rates on the fed. People will vote for Biden because they do not want Trump or any right wing Nazi Republican.
Democrats are not attacking voting rights or free speech rights. They are not putting the lives of pregnant women in jeopardy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If Biden and Trump are the best we can do. Fuck it.
If the people are happy with Sleepy Joe's performance, I'm sure the people will vote for him next year.

If they think that Biden is a bumbling fool, I hope they will show him the door. They are damn fools if they turn down peace and prosperity just to spite the Little Trumpsters.

Voters will not accept right wing fascist Republicans. That was proven in Wisconsin.

David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

“According to longtime conservative David Frum, the Republican party seems dead-set on handing Donald Trump the 2024 presidential nomination despite all the signs that there is no chance that he can win because independents and swing voters find him repellant.”

However, Frum’s concern might be unwarranted if Georgia and New York prosecutors are successful in convicting trump of the many charges he faces in both states. Despite the trump Nazis’ belief, even if trump some how wins in 2024, since he will have been convicted on state charges, he will be unable to pardon himself and be released from state prison.

Perhaps, if Georgia prosecutors hurry up and get trump tried, convicted, and sentenced, there is a chance the Georgia governor will pardon him. But, if the Mahattan District Attorney wins this prosecutorial race, trump’s fat a$$ will stay parked in a prison cell in Ossining, New York where he can enjoy a view of the Hudson River.

Also, as repugnant as trump already is to independents and swing voters, a conviction, or convictions, will certainly sour even more Republican moderates on trump.

I believe the same thing. Voter turnout will be huge. This will favor the democrats. Also some republicans will just stay home.
I believe the same thing. Voter turnout will be huge. This will favor the democrats. Also some republicans will just stay home.
Maybe there's way to get both sides to stay home! Maybe we could nominate a pair of candidates so bad that people wouldn't vote for either one of them!

LOL - just kidding.
I simply cannot follow the illogic of the organization formerly known as the Republican Party.

Do they actually bleev that millions of people who voted against Trump in 2020 will vote for him in 2024 after he tried to disenfranchise them all with a coup?

Ever time I think the GOP has finally hit the bottom of the stupidity well, they take out their shovels and keep digging!
This is just how insane the GOP has become. They bleev in this scenario.

In the year 2020:


I'm voting against Trump.





Gee, this makes me want to change my vote to Trump for 2024!

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