David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

He ain't my "orange daddy", moonbat.

Frum is one of the soulless bastards that helped to give us two elective wars with Chimpola Bush, and you freaks rightly hated him for it.

So suck on it, hater.
There, I agree with you. Much easier without the partisan hyperbole.
You'd have to ask her. But I understand how you want to accuse the victim. Because you hate women, like I said previously. Many rapes arent reported, dipshit. Doesnt mean a woman wasnt raped.
You'd have to ask her. But I understand how you want to accuse the victim. Because you hate women, like I said previously. Many rapes arent reported, dipshit. Doesnt mean a woman wasnt raped.
doesn't mean she was raped either ... you and your fagot left comrades haven't done much to give credibility to the accusations spouted from your cock burned lips lately .
While some petty MAGAs might not think of the following as accomplishments, at least 75% of the country supported each and every one of them.

Lowered healthcare and drug cost
Fighting climate change and saving families money on energy.
Most consequential gun safety bill in decades
Largest ever federal investment in mental health.
Canceling $20,000 in federal student loans for tens of millions of Americans.
Investment in American industry and manufacturing.
Billions in investments in workers, families, and communities.
Reduced cost of gas by releasing strategic reserve.
Improved medical treatment for veterans affected by burn pits.
Reformed US postal service to assure long term stability.
Support Ukraine
Respect for marriage act.
Reauthorizing the violence against women act.
Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act

Truth hurts, don't it.
the dossier was proven to be fake idiot .
doesn't mean she was raped either ... you and your fagot left comrades haven't done much to give credibility to the accusations spouted from your cock burned lips lately .
We'll see what happens in the trial, traitor.
i haven't accused the alleged victim of anything ... i'm saying that accusing someone of something doesnt mean it happened .. for example do you remember the dnc bought and paid for Russian dossier ?
She is under oath, dipshit. I know that doesnt mean much to you traitors, but to everyone else, it means something.
She is under oath, dipshit. I know that doesnt mean much to you traitors, but to everyone else, it means something.
lol ! the fagot left likes to now sling the word traitor around ! lol ! we'll see how well the men in dresses react when the next POTUS is a republican ... are yall going to loot and burn entire city blocks and commit nonstop violence for months ? again ?
She is under oath, dipshit. I know that doesnt mean much to you traitors, but to everyone else, it means something.
and defendants are under oath in trials like this to fagot ... if it is proven beyond a doubt that Trump committed the crime then he should be punished and then DeSantis will be your next POTUS ! and you will be just as outraged !as if it were Trump back in office ! and yes ... you are a fagot .
Yeah, and who is in these photos talking to Carter's NSA at a Pakistani military base in 1980....

That would be your and Frum and W's big hero, Col Tim Osman, before he became "Osama"

You make vacuous allegations, what you haven't done is make a coherent argument.

lol ! the fagot left likes to now sling the word traitor around ! lol ! we'll see how well the men in dresses react when the next POTUS is a republican ... are yall going to loot and burn entire city blocks and commit nonstop violence for months ? again ?
As usual, with your kind it's always just wait and see. Meanwhile, Biden is your President and Trump is facing multiple trials, along with over 1,000 trumpanzees arrested for 1/6, traitor. To you, that's winning. LOL!
Exactly. It shows when they start threads like this.

Their fear is absolutely delicious. Like all of the rest of their behaviors, such as sexually assaulting children and murdering their own unborn and having such a desperate need for an all powerful government to take care of them, feed them and wipe their snotty noses, it indicates how truly powerless they are.

He ain't my "orange daddy", moonbat.

Frum is one of the soulless bastards that helped to give us two elective wars with Chimpola Bush, and you freaks rightly hated him for it.

So suck on it, hater.


The Fumbling Fumblebrain shows up about once a month to wave its foul smelling opinion around and act like it is worthy of attracting anyone's attention.

You make vacuous allegations, what you haven't done is make a coherent argument.


You are a Zionist Fascist traitor and liar. Did you cheer when Zionist Fascist "US Army" Rangers shot Pat Tillman and hate hoaxed it to AQ?

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