David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

I can imagine he would annoy the fuck out of simpletons who call him 'potatohead'.

What I can't imagine is four more years of Trump, now that would truly be a disaster.

Yea, you stupid shithead Moon Bats thought that Trump sealing the border, having energy independence, bringing American jobs back to the US, increasing family income, decreasing taxes, strengthening the military, decreasing welfare, having record low unemployment and not starting a goddamn war was a disaster.

Meanwhile you stupid shits think Potatohead allowing millions of Illegals to flood across the border, increasing taxes, decreasing family income, increasing welfare, having massive inflation, fucking up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, being stupidity woke, weaponizing the Federal government against Patriotic Americans, decreasing family income and screwing up the military is great for this county.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for your stupidity.
in 18 months theres another election ... and the left has no achievements to tout that made the lives of average Americans better .
The problem is your kind has made lives, especially women's, worse via state laws. That will come back to haunt you in 2024.
I can imagine he would annoy the fuck out of simpletons who call him 'potatohead'.

What I can't imagine is four more years of Trump, now that would truly be a disaster.
the 1st 4 yrs were a time of historic prosperity low inflation low unemployment no new wars ect ... covid [ a CCP lab leaked virus] was what hurt the country and the world not Trumps policies .
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Yea, you stupid shithead Moon Bats thought that Trump sealing the border, having energy independence, bringing American jobs back to the US, increasing family income, decreasing taxes, strengthening the military, decreasing welfare, having record low unemployment and not starting a goddamn war was a disaster.

Meanwhile you stupid shits think Potatohead allowing millions of Illegals to flood across the border, increasing taxes, decreasing family income, increasing welfare, having massive inflation, fucking up the withdrawal from Afghanistan, being stupidity woke, weaponizing the Federal government against Patriotic Americans, decreasing family income and screwing up the military is great for this county.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for your stupidity.
According to E Jean Carroll's testimony under oath today, Trump is a rapist. You voted for a rapist.
The problem is your kind has made lives, especially women's, worse via state laws. That will come back to haunt you in 2024.
saving the lives of children in the womb is making the lives of women worse ? maybe democrat males spiking the ball and giving a real woman a concussion in a sporting event is making it worse for women .
LOL keep crying. What exactly is Trump's path to victory? How will he pick up new voters or take voters away from Biden? By being a constant sore loser? LOL I dont think so.
saving the lives of children in the womb is making the lives of women worse ? maybe democrat males spiking the ball and giving a real woman a concussion in a sporting event is making it worse for women moron .
You probably think most women enjoy men telling them what they can and can't do with their own bodies. That's how stupid you are.
Democrats: "We got him this time, he's going to jail!" #4,673,098,245
Frumstein lol conservative like Jennifer rubensteinerbolshevik
LOL keep crying. What exactly is Trump's path to victory? How will he pick up new voters or take voters away from Biden? By being a constant sore loser? LOL I dont think so.
if what you say is true then expect no relief for the next 6 yrs ... things will continue to worsen ... but hey no mean tweets at least eh ?
You probably think most women enjoy men telling them what they can and can't do with their own bodies. That's how stupid you are.
who told them to open their legs and take the risk .... abortion is the taking of a life ..and dont throw the rape crap out in defense ... the vast vast majority of children killed in the womb are not the product of rape .
if what you say is true then expect no relief for the next 6 yrs ... things will continue to worsen ... but hey no mean tweets at least eh ?
Pretty sure Trump can still tweet if he wants. I, along with most Americans, are enjoying life without that piece of human garbage in the White House.
According to E Jean Carroll's testimony under oath today, Trump is a rapist. You voted for a rapist.
if its proven that he actually committed rape then he deserves to be punished ... but after the lefts constant lies you'll have to expect people to be suspect of any left wing witnesses . for example was a police report filed at the time of said rape ?
who told them to open their legs and take the risk .... abortion is the taking of a life ..and dont throw the rape crap out in defense ... the vast vast majority of children killed in the womb are not the product of rape .
You're an incel who hates women. You probably think abortion involved pulling a living human out of a woman and then killing it. Go back to middle school and re-take sex ed.
if its proven that he actually committed rape then he deserves to be punished ... but after the lefts constant lies you'll have to expect people to be suspect of any left wing witnesses .
She's under oath. Trump isnt on trial for rape. He's on trial for defamation and civil battery. But in the course of the trial, yes testimony how Trump raped her will obviously be presented.
You're an incel who hates women. You probably think abortion involved pulling a living human out of a woman and then killing it. Go back to middle school and re-take sex ed.
lol ! incel !! LOL ! hardly ! incel is a stupid accusation used by mostly dress wearing homo's that cant handle the truth ! so a baby sliced to pieces before its born is not the taking of a life eh baby killer ?
She's under oath. Trump isnt on trial for rape. He's on trial for defamation and civil battery. But in the course of the trial, yes testimony how Trump raped her will obviously be presented.
is there a police report of said rape ?
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lol ! incel !! LOL ! hardly ! incel is a stupid accusation used by mostly dress wearing homo's that cant handle the truth ! so a baby sliced to pieces before its born is not the taking of a life eh baby killer ?
Like I said, you don't even know how most abortions are performed. Thanks for proving my point, incel.

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