David Frum: We are 'watching a Republican electoral disaster in the making'

Pretty sure Trump can still tweet if he wants. I, along with most Americans, are enjoying life without that piece of human garbage in the White House.
you enjoy paying more for food and gas and rent or higher mortgage rates ? hey pal i aint seeing very many pro Biden bumper stickers anymore ! see plenty of MAGA stickers and signs but no Biden !:auiqs.jpg:
Don't know. That's really not important at this point. But to answer your question, absence of a police report doesnt mean a rape didnt occur.
why didnt she file a report ? and what do you mean its not important ? and her saying she was raped while not filing a report casts doubt and could also mean said rape didnt occur .
why didnt she file a report ? and what do you mean its not important ? and her saying she was raped while not filing a report casts doubt and could also mean said rape didnt occur .
You'd have to ask her. But I understand how you want to accuse the victim. Because you hate women, like I said previously. Many rapes arent reported, dipshit. Doesnt mean a woman wasnt raped.
In my view, the only way they will ever incarcerate Trump is by one of two possibilities:

1 They build a new wing in an existing penitentiary dedicated solely to Trump (and future presidents convicted of serious crimes)
2. Home detention with an ankle bracelet.

The latter is probably what will happen since the former would require an act of congress to which I doubt the Republicans will agree.
He'll be in PC. Plenty of gays to do his hair.
in 18 months theres another election ... and the left has no achievements to tout that made the lives of average Americans better .
While some petty MAGAs might not think of the following as accomplishments, at least 75% of the country supported each and every one of them.

Lowered healthcare and drug cost
Fighting climate change and saving families money on energy.
Most consequential gun safety bill in decades
Largest ever federal investment in mental health.
Canceling $20,000 in federal student loans for tens of millions of Americans.
Investment in American industry and manufacturing.
Billions in investments in workers, families, and communities.
Reduced cost of gas by releasing strategic reserve.
Improved medical treatment for veterans affected by burn pits.
Reformed US postal service to assure long term stability.
Support Ukraine
Respect for marriage act.
Reauthorizing the violence against women act.
Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act
we are reminded of that every time we fill up our cars and buy groceries or read about the crime rate soaring and record fentanyl overdoses and witness the aggression of China ,Russia , Iran ect ....
As long as you acknowledge the truth of who’s president.
You're a terrible debater, and a bad one. The issues surrounding that speech were complex, and dynamic, and your criticism doesn't rise above tawdry simplisticism.

You'll have to do a lot better than that if you think serious people are going to take you seriously.

In the meantime, look up the word 'treason', for you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the term.


Yeah, and who is in these photos talking to Carter's NSA at a Pakistani military base in 1980....




That would be your and Frum and W's big hero, Col Tim Osman, before he became "Osama"
'Oh noze! Media said something bad about my orange daddy! So, naturally, attack the source!!' *slow clap*

He ain't my "orange daddy", moonbat.

Frum is one of the soulless bastards that helped to give us two elective wars with Chimpola Bush, and you freaks rightly hated him for it.

So suck on it, hater.
You'd have to ask her. But I understand how you want to accuse the victim. Because you hate women, like I said previously. Many rapes arent reported, dipshit. Doesnt mean a woman wasnt raped.
i haven't accused the alleged victim of anything ... i'm saying that accusing someone of something doesnt mean it happened .. for example do you remember the dnc bought and paid for Russian dossier ?

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