David Weiss Was willing To End Hunter Biden Probe Earlier This Year Without Any Charges

Democrats ALWAYS stick together if the the opposing view is a Republican one. Even the SCJ's do it. They choose the outcome and then try to make the law work to support the Democratic viewpoint. It is very telling. They are sheep and rarely think for themselves.

Making excuses again??? Democrats have proven themselves more than willling to work and cooperate with Republicans in a bi-partisan manner for the good of the country, but since Newt Gingerich impeached Bill Clinton over a lie about a consenual blow job is a civil law suit, Republicans have opposed ANYTHING Democrats proposed, simply to give the DNC "nothing to run on".

One of the first acts of Congress that Republicans passed after Donald Trump was elected President, was a bill of provide financial assistance and medical care to the children of Flint Michigan, harmed by the unsafe drinking water. The Obama Administration had put forth bills for 3 years to help the citizens of Flint Michigan, and Republicans voted against each and every one of them, because they didn't want Democrats to be able to say they helped the people of Flint.

Instead they waited 3 years while the crisis continued and the medical situation worsened for these families, so they could play politics. Then Trump made a big deal about helping Flint saying Obama did nothing.
No. I expected you to evade the question.

Who? Be specific please.
I believe Trey Gowdy is available. Career prosecutor with a spotless record. Has anyone ever questioned his ethics or honesty? He'd be the Biden's worst nightmare...someone who actually wanted to get to the truth and didn't care where that path led or who it exposed.
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I believe Trey Gowdy is available. Career prosecutor with a spotless record. Has anyone ever questioned his ethics or honesty? He'd be the Biden's worst nightmare...someone who actually wanted to get to the truth and didn't care where that path led or who it exposed.
He's a republican who spent years investigating Hillary and came up with nothing.

He is hardly without bias.

Try again...whatever happened to Gowdy?
The fact is that NOTHING HAS BEEN FOUND.

Again you make an obviously incorrect post.

Have you even thought this tactic through? If there is ZERO evidence of bribery, what the fuck are you going to say when they finish the investigation and PROVE that Joe and Hunter were involved in bribery?

Are you going to say that all conservatives are better disecting facts? Is it because we are fortune tellers? How are you going to justify NOT recognizing obvious bribery when conservatives saw it YEARS before you did?
He's a republican who spent years investigating Hillary and came up with nothing.

He is hardly without bias.

Try again...whatever happened to Gowdy?
With all due respect, Cats? They had Hillary dead to rights. They uncovered her hidden servers with the Benghazi investigation. The only reason she wasn't criminally charged was that James Comey came out with that laughable opinion that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! That a week after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton for their secret "Tarmac" meeting in Arizona!

Everyone has bias. What you want is someone with a spotless reputation. People would actually believe Trey Gowdy if he investigated the Biden's and found nothing wrong. NOBODY is going to believe the current Special Counsel! He has zero credibility!
Again you make an obviously incorrect post.

Have you even thought this tactic through? If there is ZERO evidence of bribery, what the fuck are you going to say when they finish the investigation and PROVE that Joe and Hunter were involved in bribery?

Are you going to say that all conservatives are better disecting facts? Is it because we are fortune tellers? How are you going to justify NOT recognizing obvious bribery when conservatives saw it YEARS before you did?

I said they HAVE zero evidence of bribery. I didn't say there is no evidence of bribery, because don't know that. I said they have been investigating for 5 years and have no evidence of any bribery.

If evidence of bribery is found (very unlikely at this point, but it could happen). Because the story doesn't make sense. I'm a poker player, if you're running a bluff, you play your hand exactly as you would if you really have the hand you're pretending to have. I made the same raise with a pair to 2's as I make with a pair of Aces.

The IRS whistleblowers sound like a pair of keeners who really believed Biden is on the take, and wanted to do everything possible to prove it. They prepared search warrants, and tried to get Bill Barr's office to executed them. They asked for documents and neither the DOJ or the FBI provided them.

At the same time, John Durham and his staff are complaining that Trump is pressuring them to bring charges against Democrats. His assistant prosecutor RESIGNED over DOJ pressure to being charges before the election.

Your last paragraph is a fantasy. Conservatives saw HB being appointed to the Burisma Board of Directors, said "he has no gas or energy industry experience", and then made the assumption that it must be bribery. There was never any "obvious bribery", and concerns that there was something "funny" about it when Joe Biden fired Shokin, sending him packing back to the Kremlin, and the investigation of Burisma was finally completed.

Burisma had "handled" Shokin, and didn't want him fired. If they hired HB to stop an investigation, it backfired completely. Not trusting the Ukrainian DOJ in the wake of Shokin's firing, the Brits took over the investigation of Burisma, and no charges were ever filed.

I said they HAVE zero evidence of bribery. I didn't say there is no evidence of bribery, because don't know that. I said they have been investigating for 5 years and have no evidence of any bribery.

If evidence of bribery is found (very unlikely at this point, but it could happen). Because the story doesn't make sense. I'm a poker player, if you're running a bluff, you play your hand exactly as you would if you really have the hand you're pretending to have. I made the same raise with a pair to 2's as I make with a pair of Aces.

The IRS whistleblowers sound like a pair of keeners who really believed Biden is on the take, and wanted to do everything possible to prove it. They prepared search warrants, and tried to get Bill Barr's office to executed them. They asked for documents and neither the DOJ or the FBI provided them.

At the same time, John Durham and his staff are complaining that Trump is pressuring them to bring charges against Democrats. His assistant prosecutor RESIGNED over DOJ pressure to being charges before the election.

Your last paragraph is a fantasy. Conservatives saw HB being appointed to the Burisma Board of Directors, said "he has no gas or energy industry experience", and then made the assumption that it must be bribery. There was never any "obvious bribery", and concerns that there was something "funny" about it when Joe Biden fired Shokin, sending him packing back to the Kremlin, and the investigation of Burisma was finally completed.

Burisma had "handled" Shokin, and didn't want him fired. If they hired HB to stop an investigation, it backfired completely. Not trusting the Ukrainian DOJ in the wake of Shokin's firing, the Brits took over the investigation of Burisma, and no charges were ever filed.

If Joe is later found to have bribed people, how are you going to explain that we said it was Bribery? There are thousands of different crimes that can be committed. How were conservatives able to narrow it down to bribery so quickly, but YOU werent? A lucky guess? :laugh:
I said they HAVE zero evidence of bribery. I didn't say there is no evidence of bribery, because don't know that. I said they have been investigating for 5 years and have no evidence of any bribery.

If evidence of bribery is found (very unlikely at this point, but it could happen). Because the story doesn't make sense. I'm a poker player, if you're running a bluff, you play your hand exactly as you would if you really have the hand you're pretending to have. I made the same raise with a pair to 2's as I make with a pair of Aces.

The IRS whistleblowers sound like a pair of keeners who really believed Biden is on the take, and wanted to do everything possible to prove it. They prepared search warrants, and tried to get Bill Barr's office to executed them. They asked for documents and neither the DOJ or the FBI provided them.

At the same time, John Durham and his staff are complaining that Trump is pressuring them to bring charges against Democrats. His assistant prosecutor RESIGNED over DOJ pressure to being charges before the election.

Your last paragraph is a fantasy. Conservatives saw HB being appointed to the Burisma Board of Directors, said "he has no gas or energy industry experience", and then made the assumption that it must be bribery. There was never any "obvious bribery", and concerns that there was something "funny" about it when Joe Biden fired Shokin, sending him packing back to the Kremlin, and the investigation of Burisma was finally completed.

Burisma had "handled" Shokin, and didn't want him fired. If they hired HB to stop an investigation, it backfired completely. Not trusting the Ukrainian DOJ in the wake of Shokin's firing, the Brits took over the investigation of Burisma, and no charges were ever filed.

Latest estimates are now up to 50 million that the Biden family took in with their influence peddling schemes, Dragonlady! It gets worse with each passing day. You can CLAIM that there is no evidence of wrong doing but nobody is buying that anymore! Biden lied to the American people about knowing about what Hunter was up to. He lied to us about nobody in his family making any money from China.
From CNN and the New York Times, not Fox News:

David Weiss appeared to be willing to end the Hunter Biden probe earlier this year without any charges.

Yeah, that seems like the kind of guy Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the DOJ would want to be special counsel. Can't get any more fair than that. No bias or prejudice there.

It’s been 5 years dude.
With all due respect, Cats? They had Hillary dead to rights. They uncovered her hidden servers with the Benghazi investigation. The only reason she wasn't criminally charged was that James Comey came out with that laughable opinion that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! That a week after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton for their secret "Tarmac" meeting in Arizona!

Everyone has bias. What you want is someone with a spotless reputation. People would actually believe Trey Gowdy if he investigated the Biden's and found nothing wrong. NOBODY is going to believe the current Special Counsel! He has zero credibility!

With all due respect Oldstyle - they had NOTHING.

The Clinton servers were neither hidden nor illegal. In fact, freshman Congressman Trey Gowdy voted to make doing government work on a private server illegal in his first year of office - 2013. That law was passed BECAUSE everybody knew that Hillary Clinton was using a private server.

Hillary wasn't charged because she didn't do anything illegal. This was further confirmed by Trump's IG report on the FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton. The IG said Comey was correct in not charging her, and Trump fired him for saying it.

The Huber Report, which was also a review of all of the Hillary Investigations, not just the email investigation, also recommended no charges whatsoever, saying nothing was found.

Mike Pompeo's State Department conducted a 2 1/2 year investigation of Hillary's emails, and found nothing to charge her with.

The Durham Report recommended no charges against Clinton.

Yes, we are all aware of that fact. They are letting the statute of limitations run out.
How long did Russia Russia Russia go for until y’all whined about a drawn out witch hunt?? Few months??
How long did Russia Russia Russia go for until y’all whined about a drawn out witch hunt?? Few months??
What does the russia collusion hoax have to do with Weiss letting that statute of limitations run out? Are you just pointing out more left wing corruption?
From CNN and the New York Times, not Fox News:

David Weiss appeared to be willing to end the Hunter Biden probe earlier this year without any charges.

Yeah, that seems like the kind of guy Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the DOJ would want to be special counsel. Can't get any more fair than that. No bias or prejudice there.

Thank goodness for the brave whisleblowers coming foward and putting a light on the corruption in the Xiden DOJ...to force their hand here...
With all due respect Oldstyle - they had NOTHING.

The Clinton servers were neither hidden nor illegal. In fact, freshman Congressman Trey Gowdy voted to make doing government work on a private server illegal in his first year of office - 2013. That law was passed BECAUSE everybody knew that Hillary Clinton was using a private server.

Hillary wasn't charged because she didn't do anything illegal. This was further confirmed by Trump's IG report on the FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton. The IG said Comey was correct in not charging her, and Trump fired him for saying it.

The Huber Report, which was also a review of all of the Hillary Investigations, not just the email investigation, also recommended no charges whatsoever, saying nothing was found.

Mike Pompeo's State Department conducted a 2 1/2 year investigation of Hillary's emails, and found nothing to charge her with.

The Durham Report recommended no charges against Clinton.

They were totally hidden! She had them installed in her home out of her own pocket and then ran much of the State Department through them to escape Congressional oversight! When the killings in Benghazi took place and the House requested all materials connected with that debacle Hillary Clinton declared that she had turned over everything while she started destroying evidence of her hidden servers. She paid to have them professionally "bleached" and then took hammers to her Blackberries to destroy them! Hillary Clinton LIED to the American people.
What does the russia collusion hoax have to do with Weiss letting that statute of limitations run out? Are you just pointing out more left wing corruption?
Ha, that went right over your head. No I was pointing out your hyoocricy.

Both investigations were started and conducted by a trump appointed attorneys BTW

Y’all talk big but when it comes to courts and evidence you’re left with nothing
How long did Russia Russia Russia go for until y’all whined about a drawn out witch hunt?? Few months??
well, the difference is we know now, that it was a white hunt, we know there was no bases what so ever to even open the investigation, it was all a hoax
No. I expected you to evade the question.

Who? Be specific please.
You have asked this question before, I guess you think it's a 'gotch ya' question.
I answered you before with "a qualified attorney who isn't part of the 'Hill".
I also asked you to give me a list and I would choose. I never heard back from you.

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