David Weiss Was willing To End Hunter Biden Probe Earlier This Year Without Any Charges

well, the difference is we know now, that it was a white hunt, we know there was no bases what so ever to even open the investigation, it was all a hoax
No basis?! Haha is that why Yrunps AG recused himself and the guy Trump appointed to replace him hired a special counsel?!

Boy you have a poor understanding of history
And my point is, no such person exists.

Nobody would fit the the bill for trumpers.

Ted Cruz could conduct the investigation and if it came short of death by hanging, there would be an outcry from trumpers and Cruz would be labeled a deep stater.

Trumpers don't want an investigation, they want to punish the Biden's.

You can deny it; but it's true.
I disagree with you, not every attorney is so polarized as you think.
Just got to get away from DC and its influence.
No basis?! Haha is that why Yrunps AG recused himself and the guy Trump appointed to replace him hired a special counsel?!

Boy you have a poor understanding of history
Would you like to take at stab at explaining why any Special Counsel would let the statute of limitations expire on three years of blatant tax evasion, Slade? Who does that?
I mean come on...why would you appoint the guy who did THAT as prosecutor to be Special Counsel? Why would you appoint the guy who didn't uncover half of what the House investigators found in just a few months even though he's spent FIVE YEARS investigating the same things? It's laughable!
With Weiss you have two explanations to his behavior. The first is that he's totally corrupt and never intended to investigate the Bidens. The second is that he's totally incompetent and couldn't find any of the things the House investigators have found!

In either case...why would you want THIS man to be the Special Counsel? The only explanation that makes any sense is that Merrick Garland doesn't want a real investigation.
Would you like to take at stab at explaining why any Special Counsel would let the statute of limitations expire on three years of blatant tax evasion, Slade? Who does that?
They wouldn’t and they aren’t…. That’s just the new deep state fear line y’all are using
Those IRS whistleblowers were quite blunt in their testimony...they did the work...they had Hunter Biden on not paying taxes on millions of dollars of income...and Weiss chose not to indict him for that! Why?
With all due respect, Cats? They had Hillary dead to rights. They uncovered her hidden servers with the Benghazi investigation. The only reason she wasn't criminally charged was that James Comey came out with that laughable opinion that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! That a week after Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton for their secret "Tarmac" meeting in Arizona!

I believe the reason is she didn't have intent and that was not related to the actual investigation.

At least Hillary and Democrats and Obama didn't take the Trump supporter route.

Obama declassified them with a thought!

Obama declares executive privilege and wouldn't allow Hillary to be questioned.

Everyone has bias. What you want is someone with a spotless reputation. People would actually believe Trey Gowdy if he investigated the Biden's and found nothing wrong. NOBODY is going to believe the current Special Counsel! He has zero credibility!
The other posted wanted someone with no bias.

He was appointed by Trump and people under scrutiny don't get to hand pick their investigated. Democrats have been investigated for decades by far right investigators.

Kenneth Star anyone?
I believe the reason is she didn't have intent and that was not related to the actual investigation.

At least Hillary and Democrats and Obama didn't take the Trump supporter route.

Obama declassified them with a thought!

Obama declares executive privilege and wouldn't allow Hillary to be questioned.

The other posted wanted someone with no bias.

He was appointed by Trump and people under scrutiny don't get to hand pick their investigated. Democrats have been investigated for decades by far right investigators.

Kenneth Star anyone?
How can anyone POSSIBLY claim that Hillary didn't have "intent" to break the law? She installed those two servers in her home out of her own pocket then used them to run the State Department. When the existence of those servers came to light because of the Benghazi investigation, Hillary paid to have them professionally scrubbed and then had her Blackberries smashed with hammers. She did that after declaring that she'd turned over all materials related to Benghazi to the House investigators...something that was a bald faced lie! The plain truth is that she intended to hide what she was doing at State from Congressional oversight...knew that it was illegal to do so...and then led a coverup in an attempt to hide what it was that she'd been doing!
I believe the reason is she didn't have intent and that was not related to the actual investigation.

At least Hillary and Democrats and Obama didn't take the Trump supporter route.

Obama declassified them with a thought!

Obama declares executive privilege and wouldn't allow Hillary to be questioned.

The other posted wanted someone with no bias.

He was appointed by Trump and people under scrutiny don't get to hand pick their investigated. Democrats have been investigated for decades by far right investigators.

Kenneth Star anyone?
Can you point out a single example of Trey Gowdy acting inappropriately as either a prosecutor or as a member of Congress?
Latest estimates are now up to 50 million that the Biden family took in with their influence peddling schemes, Dragonlady! It gets worse with each passing day. You can CLAIM that there is no evidence of wrong doing but nobody is buying that anymore! Biden lied to the American people about knowing about what Hunter was up to. He lied to us about nobody in his family making any money from China.

The latest unsupported allegations change as soon as the previous unsupported allegations are debunked. They're introduced with much excitement, hoopla and promise. What they don't have is evidence that anything they claim is true. There is still NO EVIDENCE to support ANY of these allegations.

Biden didn't lie about knowing what Hunter's business was up doing. Devon Archer confirmed that they never discussed business, and Joe didn't even know who was at the table with Hunter.

How do you know that Joe Biden lied? If Hunter didn't discuss business with Joe, how would he know that the family was making investments in China?

Republicans had previously made a big stink about HB taking $2 billion out of China, which was also a lie. HB had received approval from the Chinese government for a $2 billion hedge fund, but IRS files proved HB's contention that there was never more than $1.4 million in the fund, and 1/3 of the money was HB's seed capital.

Trump campaigned heavily on the $2 billion claim, and then quietly dropped it when the press thoroughly debunked the claim, and then caught Trump taking $11 million out of China.

If Joe wasn't kept in the loop about the family's investments, he might have thought the allegations referred to the hedge fund.
Man are you behind the times. The DOJ is supposedly giving him more scrutiny. Also, how good of a painter is Hunter Biden? He's made more than DaVinci ever did.
WTF does he have to do with national security? What did he do that was worse than Jared Kushner?
The latest unsupported allegations change as soon as the previous unsupported allegations are debunked. They're introduced with much excitement, hoopla and promise. What they don't have is evidence that anything they claim is true. There is still NO EVIDENCE to support ANY of these allegations.

Biden didn't lie about knowing what Hunter's business was up doing. Devon Archer confirmed that they never discussed business, and Joe didn't even know who was at the table with Hunter.

How do you know that Joe Biden lied? If Hunter didn't discuss business with Joe, how would he know that the family was making investments in China?

Republicans had previously made a big stink about HB taking $2 billion out of China, which was also a lie. HB had received approval from the Chinese government for a $2 billion hedge fund, but IRS files proved HB's contention that there was never more than $1.4 million in the fund, and 1/3 of the money was HB's seed capital.

Trump campaigned heavily on the $2 billion claim, and then quietly dropped it when the press thoroughly debunked the claim, and then caught Trump taking $11 million out of China.

If Joe wasn't kept in the loop about the family's investments, he might have thought the allegations referred to the hedge fund.
Come on, Dragon! The Biden family is now alleged to have made over 50 million dollars...money that went to 9 different family members...but you don't think that Joe knew what was going on? That's laughable and I think you know it!
that happened after the hoax started under the Obama regime. Yes no bases.

pecial counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia probe​

Then why did Weiss do exactly that, Slade?
I don’t know Oldestyle, I’m not involved with the inner workings of the case. Neither are you. We will have to see how things ultimately play out. And if prosecutorial misconduct is found then he can be held to account.
I don’t know Oldestyle, I’m not involved with the inner workings of the case. Neither are you. We will have to see how things ultimately play out. And if prosecutorial misconduct is found then he can be held to account.
Can you think of ANY scenario where you wouldn't indict someone who had three years of blatant tax evasion but would instead let the statute of limitations run out on all three years? Those IRS whistleblowers came forth because what Weiss did was so out of line with IRS policy that they couldn't remain silent. So why would Weiss be named Special Counsel with THAT hanging over his head?
Can you think of ANY scenario where you wouldn't indict someone who had three years of blatant tax evasion but would instead let the statute of limitations run out on all three years? Those IRS whistleblowers came forth because what Weiss did was so out of line with IRS policy that they couldn't remain silent. So why would Weiss be named Special Counsel with THAT hanging over his head?
Yeah, I can think of plenty of reasons, one could be weak evidence, another being that stronger evidence of more serious crimes or fraud were in the cooker during an ongoing investigation so that took priority.

I'm just speculating as I'm not involved with the investigation but to answer your question, yes of course there are several reason that could explain the events. And in the end they all can and should be explained.
You have asked this question before, I guess you think it's a 'gotch ya' question.
I answered you before with "a qualified attorney who isn't part of the 'Hill".
I also asked you to give me a list and I would choose. I never heard back from you.
I must have missed that post because it doesn't sound familiar.

The only answer I ever remember receiving, and don't remember who, was Trey Gowdy.

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