Day One-Repubs launch attack on Social Security


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
Southern AZ
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.
On Day One the new Congress launches an attack on Social Security - LA Times

"Well, that didn't take long.
As one of its first orders of business upon convening Tuesday, the Republican House of Representatives approved a rule that will seriously undermine efforts to keep all of Social Security solvent.
The rule hampers an otherwise routine reallocation of Social Security payroll tax income from the old-age program to the disability program. Such a reallocation, in either direction, has taken place
11 times since 1968, according to Kathy Ruffing of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

But it's especially urgent now, because the disability program's trust fund is expected to run dry as early as next year. At that point, disability benefits for 11 million beneficiaries would have to be cut 20%. Reallocating the income, however, would keep both the old-age and disability programs solvent until at least 2033, giving Congress plenty of time to assess the programs' needs and work out a long-term fix.

The procedural rule enacted by the House Republican caucus
prohibits the reallocation unless it's accompanied by "benefit cuts or tax increases that improve the solvency of the combined trust funds," as paraphrased by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
In practical terms, the advocacy committee says, that makes the reallocation impossible; it mandates either benefit cuts across the board, which aren't politically palatable, or a payroll tax increase, which isn't palatable to the GOP. "

And so, the republicans, still intent on self destruction, immediately attack the strongest voter base in the USA.

Well, they just wanna gift-wrap their defeat in 2016!

Really, this is truly stupid on the part of the GOP. This is extreme Right-Wing reactionary stuff without any basis in real thought. The reallocation has taken place under both Democratic and Republican administrations.

The GOP is simply batshit crazy.
Social Security had been a thorn to Republicans since introduced and they have fought it tooth and nail. The problem Republicans have is that Social Security is well liked by the American people and many depend on it. Social Security has been expanded and is now part of American life. So how can Republicans kill Social Security and not lose votes? They tried their biggest gun, when introduced, calling it communism at that time, communism was a sure defeater of programs. (Communism has been used so much by the Republican party it has become almost ho-hum.) Republicans tried privatizing Social Security and that failed. So what are the latest plans Republicans have to kill the Social Security, or at least disable it so it can be called a failure?
Social Security had been a thorn to Republicans since introduced and they have fought it tooth and nail. The problem Republicans have is that Social Security is well liked by the American people and many depend on it. Social Security has been expanded and is now part of American life. So how can Republicans kill Social Security and not lose votes? They tried their biggest gun, when introduced, calling it communism at that time, communism was a sure defeater of programs. (Communism has been used so much by the Republican party it has become almost ho-hum.) Republicans tried privatizing Social Security and that failed. So what are the latest plans Republicans have to kill the Social Security, or at least disable it so it can be called a failure?

Anyone who dares disagree with the right is automatically labeled a Commie.

Which proves the right has no clue what Communism was really about.
It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again
It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again

So if you had retired in 2008, and forced to sell at that time because your income had ended, you would have been perfectly alright, in spite of the fact that your investment values had dropped by 50%.

Republican economics!
It would be one thing if your narrative was the truth,not once has the right said they want to eliminate ss thats the shit from the left,its about choice and choice only. I am better suited to make my financial choices my self,not some politician in DC NOW START BEING HONEST AND DROP THE ELIMINATION PART.
ps all propuse changes would have never affected older Americans,try again

So if you had retired in 2008, and forced to sell at that time because your income had ended, you would have been perfectly alright, in spite of the fact that your investment values had dropped by 50%.

Republican economics!

Zactly what I was gonna say.

As it is, we lost money on our investments with the bush recession (which we have regained under the commie/muslim/kenyan) but our SS was not affected.

They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.

Republicans have hate SS... They have called Communism thousands of times over... And now you want us to believe you want to save it?

How stupid do you think people are?
remember when 43 told the country he planned to "spend his political capital" ?

remember when he immediately attacked SS ..?

remember when politicians AND the country told him to STFU and sit back down ..?

remember when he STFU and sat back down, and forgot ALL about screwing with SS ?

RW's, ALL talk no balls.

end of story ..
They want to save SS you dim bulbs. It cannot continue the way it is and hating Republicans is a poor solution.

Republicans have hate SS... They have called Communism thousands of times over... And now you want us to believe you want to save it?

How stupid do you think people are?

Have hate?

Jesus... never got past what, kindergarten? And given this semi-literate rant, I think you're pretty stupid.
SS is one of the most successful things this nation has ever done. It is now a part of the American way. It helps people make it from one week to the next. It needs to be protected into the distant future. Why anyone would "hate" it is bizarre.
I don't think Conservatives hate SS.... what we hate is a progressive tax that is funneled into a system that is continually borrowed from, doles out millions to people who in some instances haven't paid in a dime, and then we're told you really have no right to collect a penny of the money.

That's called pension fraud in the real world.

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