Days too late Israel to hand out 10,000 military rifles to civilians

Americans should learn from this sneak attack on Israel....the same could happen here due to our open borders policiy....chinese military age men have been seen crossing our southern border...estimate number....25 thousand along with known terrorisrts from the middle east....also kmown....sleeper Iran cells already set up in America....some are moitored by the FBI...but many are not.

Bottome line we are a sitting duck if and when the terroists decide to strike us again

It may be much worse this time........anyone who cares about their families need to get armed if not already armed....make a plan with freinds, neighbors and relatives on how to defend your homes and families....we must be prepared for whatever comes down the pike.

It wouldn't take that many muslim terrorists attacking in several cities to close this country down again.....
Normally Israel has only one or two terrorists at a time perpetrating terrorism. The hundreds in an actual planned and coordinated assault was not on their radar screen.
That was their error....and it's kinda unusual because they used to plan for such scenarios. But that also was a long time ago in which they faced such large scale threats. There hasn't been one in a very long time.

And I am wondering if Hezbollah (in Lebanon) is going to take this opportunity for attacking as well even though there have been promises of complete destruction if they try. There are reports of Hezbollah attacking from the north but in truth its just another arm of Hamas radicals doing the shelling.

Firearms don't do much in the face of mortars and rockets. But I do understand the scenario I posted as well.

3.5 dead terrorists for every one kill they make....that says it all right there.

These terrorists didn't use rockets and mortars against the unarmed civilians they raped and murdered......
hey weren’t armed. All those families in their own homes taken or killed, they had no guns. Israel has what, a 2% firearm ownership rate. Because like all leftist, they believe the government will always save them, without question.
Um, in a fight between a highly trained terrorist and a rando with a gun, the terrorist wins every time.

He's got better weapons, better initiative and he has a plan.
Um, in a fight between a highly trained terrorist and a rando with a gun, the terrorist wins every time.

He's got better weapons, better initiative and he has a plan.
You realize that nearly all males in Israel have military training?

Wow you are DUMB.
Um, in a fight between a highly trained terrorist and a rando with a gun, the terrorist wins every time.

He's got better weapons, better initiative and he has a plan.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

No one is more motivated than a man protecting his home and his family.
No plan survives first contact with the enemy.

No one is more motivated than a man protecting his home and his family.

I heard the ABC report on the young couple who saved their children...hiding them, and then killing 7 terrorists with their rifles...guess which part the ABC news anchor and reporter left out?
You are right, it is kind of pointless... because frankly, armed people didn't stop a well-planned, well-coordinated attack.
Tell that to the James/Younger gang. They raided Northfield Minnesota trying to rob the bank and the citizens of the town shot them to pieces. Every one of the eight gang members was either killed or wounded for seven bags of nickels.

Even if the citizens can't stop an attack, they can make it prohibitively expensive for the attackers. Muslims may not care if they are killed attacking infidels, but sane people, even sane terrorists, do.
Um, in a fight between a highly trained terrorist and a rando with a gun, the terrorist wins every time.

He's got better weapons, better initiative and he has a plan.
Most of your terrorists are anything but highly trained. Even most Arab/Muslim combat troops are poorly trained. Why do you think US units went through Iraqis and Afghanis like crap through a goose? Or why badly outnumbered Israeli units destroy opposing Arab units with small losses? Why do you think the Iraqi and Afghani terrorists used IEDs against American troops instead of fighting them?
It wouldn't take that many muslim terrorists attacking in several cities to close this country down again.....
And the backlash would make what was done to the Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor look like sunday picnic at the lake.
Um, in a fight between a highly trained terrorist and a rando with a gun, the terrorist wins every time.

He's got better weapons, better initiative and he has a plan.
A famous boxer once said: "everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth".
Tell that to the James/Younger gang. They raided Northfield Minnesota trying to rob the bank and the citizens of the town shot them to pieces. Every one of the eight gang members was either killed or wounded for seven bags of nickels.

True story, my mother was distantly related to the Youngers.

The problem with the Northfield raid was that in all the other places they robbed, the townsfolk, who were being exploited by the banks, cheered them on as modern day Robin Hoods.

Northfield was unexpected because people felt a need to protect the bank.
It's a bad argument and an insult to the people of Israel. When a country is targeted for destruction with missiles and savages who are willing to behead babies, arming women and children isn't the solution.
True story, my mother was distantly related to the Youngers.

The problem with the Northfield raid was that in all the other places they robbed, the townsfolk, who were being exploited by the banks, cheered them on as modern day Robin Hoods.

Northfield was unexpected because people felt a need to protect the bank.
The James/Younger gang rarely robbed banks, they robbed the trains transporting money in safes.
Gun control laws in Israel completely failed the people of, the government of Israel is going to hand out 10,000 actual military rifles to civilians.....days too late.....

confucius too little too late.jpg
It's a bad argument and an insult to the people of Israel. When a country is targeted for destruction with missiles and savages who are willing to behead babies, arming women and children isn't the solution.

News is saying beheadings are overblown.

Bottom line...Jews vote 77% dem in the USA. Jews are my enemies, just as blacks, trans and homosexuals who vote in the 90%+ area for dems.
Anyone that votes dem...votes to destroy America, bub.

dems destroy.jpg

The James/Younger gang rarely robbed banks, they robbed the trains transporting money in safes.
The railroads were hated for the same reasons the Banks were. And whose money did you think they were transporting?

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