Days too late Israel to hand out 10,000 military rifles to civilians

The railroads were hated for the same reasons the Banks were. And whose money did you think they were transporting?
The people's money. Banks didn't have money of their own, they took deposits and lent the money and paid interest out of the interest paid for the loans, just like today. You have a lot of really weird ideas about how things work in the real world.
The people's money. Banks didn't have money of their own, they took deposits and lent the money and paid interest out of the interest paid for the loans, just like today. You have a lot of really weird ideas about how things work in the real world.

Hey, if you are happy living on your knees to the plutocrats, that's on you.
No, Israelis do not have a lot of guns…..this was the problem when the Muslim terrorists broke through the wall….

While Israel is also purchasing thousands of machine guns and handing them out now, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spent the last few years confiscating guns from local civilian security forces.

So, while Hamas terrorists invaded with machine guns, grenades and missiles, these Israeli gun owners were forced to fight back with only a single handgun and 50 rounds of ammunition each.

according to one gun owner, “the IDF took our rifles recently, they left us with just a few. We repelled a Hamas commando terror cell with just pistols
But, millions of Israelis still aren’t even eligible to carry a firearm for self-defense because they do not live in an eligible settlement — despite being at war and surrounded by enemies on all sides

The gun control extremists win the day in Israel……and inncoent people again paid the price…..

The government took their guns, and then couldn’t protect them….

Never Forget………they did forget….
This is behind a paywall, but the relavant part is in the first paragraph....the myth of ubiquitous gun ownership in Israel.....instead of the truth that even after the Holocaust, the Jews allowed their government to disarm them...

It's time to take these Hamas SOBs out, and if you don't have weapons and training, enough to defend your family, I'm not sure what I can say to you. In Israel, a lot of these people were slaughtered, unable to resist. The reason: Israeli gun control. There was some sort of myth out there that every Israeli had a rifle in their house, but that's not true. Everything is very centralized and very controlled. You couldn't get a gun except in very rare circumstances. There weren't enough people with guns. Imagine you're a bunch of Hamas terrorists, and there's a small town in Texas, and you decide you want to attack it. Uh, you'd have a problem. Listen, you must have the means for self-defense. You better be prepared to take care of yourself, your family, your community, and dammit your constitution because our borders are wide open.

It is long past time to take military aged, foreign males entering our country through the open southern border seriously...because it wouldn't take much for them to do the same thing here...
It's a bad argument and an insult to the people of Israel. When a country is targeted for destruction with missiles and savages who are willing to behead babies, arming women and children isn't the solution.

Women cant shoot a rifle? Put several civilians or more with rifles against the attack and at a minimum it slows it down saving lives and at best the terrorists leave to find easier victims
More on Israeli gun control...

Why has it only been crickets from the gun confiscation crowd?

Despite perceptions, Israel was a dream state for these people. Israel had strict controls on guns, and the people’s common sense civil right of self-defense. That made it nearly a Utopia for the likes of groups with names like Mom’s Demanding Civilian Disarmament in Everytown and Brady United Against Your Second Amendment Right to Own A Gun.

More on Israeli gun control...

Why has it only been crickets from the gun confiscation crowd?

Despite perceptions, Israel was a dream state for these people. Israel had strict controls on guns, and the people’s common sense civil right of self-defense. That made it nearly a Utopia for the likes of groups with names like Mom’s Demanding Civilian Disarmament in Everytown and Brady United Against Your Second Amendment Right to Own A Gun.

A rando with a privately owned gun isn't going to be very effective against a trained terrorist already ready to give up his life.
A rando with a privately owned gun isn't going to be very effective against a trained terrorist already ready to give up his life.

Yeah? So you think it would be better to just be shot on your knees while they are raping your wife and murdering your children...instead of shooting back at them, likely slowing them down if not driving them off to a softer target?

You are an idiot.
Yeah? So you think it would be better to just be shot on your knees while they are raping your wife and murdering your children...instead of shooting back at them, likely slowing them down if not driving them off to a softer target?

You are an idiot.
A gun in the home, even in Israel, is going to be far more likely to be used in domestic violence than fighting off evil terrorists.
You are right, it is kind of pointless... because frankly, armed people didn't stop a well-planned, well-coordinated attack.
You stupid Moon Bat. They may not be able to stop the attacks but they could put a big dent in the amount of damage that could be done.
A gun in the home, even in Israel, is going to be far more likely to be used in domestic violence than fighting off evil terrorists.
That is a fucking lie. You stupid Moon Bats always lie.

The Swiss keep guns at home and gun crime is low. In White America gun accidents is very low. In ghetto Black America those shitheads wouldn't underestand gun safety if it was tattooed on their foreheads.

In the US having a firearm at home is only dangerous in the home of low life assholes that are too sorry to provide adequate gun safety.

My 50 firearms in my home is safer than they would be in a Police station.
That is a fucking lie. You stupid Moon Bats always lie.

The Swiss keep guns at home and gun crime is low. In White America gun accidents is very low. In ghetto Black America those shitheads wouldn't underestand gun safety if it was tattooed on their foreheads.
That's not really true anymore. After some nutter shot up his local Canton office, they really pulled back on that.

Prior to 2007, members of the Swiss Militia were supplied with 50 rounds of ammunition for their military weapon in a sealed ammo box that was regularly audited by the government (Pocket ammunition). This was so that, in the case of an emergency, the militia could respond quickly.

In December 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers would stop and that previously issued ammo would be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only 2,000 specialist militia members (who protect airports and other sites of particular sensitivity) are permitted to keep their military-issued ammunition at home. The rest of the militia get their ammunition from their military armoury in the event of an emergency.[6][30][31]

When their period of service has ended, militia men have the choice of buying their personal Stgw 90 after it has been converted to semi-automatic and keeping other selected items of their equipment. However, keeping the firearms after the end of service requires a weapon acquisition permit and in the case of the rifle to have participated in two repetition shootings (obligatorische Programm) and two Feldschiessen in the last three years of service (art. 26-33 VPAA/OEPM).[19]
Gun control laws in Israel completely failed the people of, the government of Israel is going to hand out 10,000 actual military rifles to civilians.....days too late.....

So, to protect against right-wing terrorists in this country, we should hand out guns to women and minorities.
That's not really true anymore. After some nutter shot up his local Canton office, they really pulled back on that.

Prior to 2007, members of the Swiss Militia were supplied with 50 rounds of ammunition for their military weapon in a sealed ammo box that was regularly audited by the government (Pocket ammunition). This was so that, in the case of an emergency, the militia could respond quickly.

In December 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers would stop and that previously issued ammo would be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only 2,000 specialist militia members (who protect airports and other sites of particular sensitivity) are permitted to keep their military-issued ammunition at home. The rest of the militia get their ammunition from their military armoury in the event of an emergency.[6][30][31]

When their period of service has ended, militia men have the choice of buying their personal Stgw 90 after it has been converted to semi-automatic and keeping other selected items of their equipment. However, keeping the firearms after the end of service requires a weapon acquisition permit and in the case of the rifle to have participated in two repetition shootings (obligatorische Programm) and two Feldschiessen in the last three years of service (art. 26-33 VPAA/OEPM).[19]
The Swiss did it for many decades (maybe centuries) with low incident of gun accidents so you can cram it your ass.

You stupid Moon Bats don't understand that all firearm accidents can be prevented by following the four rules of gun safety. If you are too stupid to follow the the rules of gun safety then that is not my problem.

A dufus (Negro gang banger) a month or so ago left a loaded pistol on his couch with a toddler in his house. The toddler did what all toddlers do and climbed upon the couch and picked up the loaded gun and then tragically shot herself. You can't fix stupidity like that. Stupid people do stupid things.

I keep my firearms locked up all the time. I have the magazines and ammo separate from the firearms. I do not ever load a firearm in my house unless I am going out with a carry firearm. If I am going to the range then I load them at the range.

My sons grew up respecting firearm safety. My grandchildren know to never go into my gun room. If they did they would not be able to get a firearm because they are locked up. If I was stupid and left the gun safe unlocked then they would have to go find the magazines, find the ammo and then load them and them charge up the firearms. Multiple layers of protection against children doing dumbass things.

All of my fellow shooter friends follow the same basic firearm safety rules. However, I don't think the gang banger, ghetto trash, street thugs or druggies ever follow any safety procedures.

if I lived in an Israeli remote location I sure as hell would have a firearm to protect my family against the goddamn Muslims that Gay Barry loves so much.

You anti gun nuts are really ignorant and confused about firearms, aren't you?
So, to protect against right-wing terrorists in this country, we should hand out guns to women and minorities.

Right wing aren't the terrorists.....those are blm and antifa brown shirts of the democrat party, now siding with the hamas supporting muslims.

But to your point, women and minorities are buying guns as the biggest growth sectors in the market today......which is a great thing. the more people who own guns, the harder it is for democrat party brown shirts, blm and antifa and now with their hamas loving allies to burn, loot and murder Americans in their homes.
That's not really true anymore. After some nutter shot up his local Canton office, they really pulled back on that.

Prior to 2007, members of the Swiss Militia were supplied with 50 rounds of ammunition for their military weapon in a sealed ammo box that was regularly audited by the government (Pocket ammunition). This was so that, in the case of an emergency, the militia could respond quickly.

In December 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers would stop and that previously issued ammo would be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only 2,000 specialist militia members (who protect airports and other sites of particular sensitivity) are permitted to keep their military-issued ammunition at home. The rest of the militia get their ammunition from their military armoury in the event of an emergency.[6][30][31]

When their period of service has ended, militia men have the choice of buying their personal Stgw 90 after it has been converted to semi-automatic and keeping other selected items of their equipment. However, keeping the firearms after the end of service requires a weapon acquisition permit and in the case of the rifle to have participated in two repetition shootings (obligatorische Programm) and two Feldschiessen in the last three years of service (art. 26-33 VPAA/OEPM).[19]

That is the military supplied ammo....they can buy all the ammo they want on their own, you doofus.

Israel has done exactly what you want and over 1,800 innocent men, women and children were just slaughtered......they didn't learn from their own history about giving up their guns...

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