DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the *-ing People Didn't *-ing Elect You!"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.


Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller
Labels Biden Inauguration a “Large Security Event”
– Says
No Intel of Insider Threat

This is nothing more than Democrat-Created Fear-Mongering!

The entire militarization of Washington D.C. is nothing but Gear-Mongering Drama & A Show of Force, a 'Military Show Of Force' one might expect from Xi or North Korea's Lil' Kim at THEIR Inauguration.

This massive display of military might required to protect the Democrats, Biden, and DC was made possible, justified, through the violence Democrats / Deep State officials facilitated at the Capitol not long ago, removing barriers, leading Antifa, BLM, and Trump supporters swept up in mob rule by agitators, and watching as these thugs fled through smashed windows...all of which is on video.

Democrats have nothing to fear from Conservatives and Trump-Supporters. If they have anyone to fear, it is the foreign-funded domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM, who they supported and allowed to burn, loot, destroy, assault, and murder. The VP-elect not only declared their violence should continue after the election, she even bailed them out of jail when they were arrested for their engaging in violent acts of terrorism.


The Capitol will be the most heavily defended place on the planet tomorrow, consisting of the biggest military show of force the United States Has Ever Done For An Inauguration. The security for tomorrow is larger than that immediately after 9/11/01.

Political Theater.

We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

he will be fired for his political beliefs
Joe Xi should just stay in his basement and the CCP run the white house.
...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?
It sounds exactly like someone who lost the popular vote twice in four years and has a current approval rating of 34%; Trump is a traitor, and so are most of his useful idiots.

The American Abyss

"Like historical fascist leaders, Trump has presented himself as the single source of truth.

"His use of the term 'fake news' echoed the Nazi smear Lügenpresse ('lying press'); like the Nazis, he referred to reporters as 'enemies of the people.'

"Like Adolf Hitler, he came to power at a moment when the conventional press had taken a beating; the financial crisis of 2008 did to American newspapers what the Great Depression did to German ones.

"The Nazis thought that they could use radio to replace the old pluralism of the newspaper; Trump tried to do the same with Twitter."
The dems have to create a boogie man to keep both sides of the aisle in line.

But using the military on Americans has to be a new low

People are casually talking about overthrowing the government. People on this forum are advocating violence. Did right wingers think they wouldn't face the military?
The dems have to create a boogie man to keep both sides of the aisle in line.

But using the military on Americans has to be a new low

People are casually talking about overthrowing the government. People on this forum are advocating violence. Did right wingers think they wouldn't face the military?
No one on this forum is advocating violence.
...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?
It sounds exactly like someone who lost the popular vote twice in four years and has a current approval rating of 34%; Trump is a traitor, and so are most of his useful idiots.

The American Abyss

"Like historical fascist leaders, Trump has presented himself as the single source of truth.

"His use of the term 'fake news' echoed the Nazi smear Lügenpresse ('lying press'); like the Nazis, he referred to reporters as 'enemies of the people.'

"Like Adolf Hitler, he came to power at a moment when the conventional press had taken a beating; the financial crisis of 2008 did to American newspapers what the Great Depression did to German ones.

"The Nazis thought that they could use radio to replace the old pluralism of the newspaper; Trump tried to do the same with Twitter."
Its no wonder Democrats and snowflakes are so familiar with what Nazis did .. and how Xi's CCP does things.
People are casually talking about overthrowing the government.
No one is talking about overthrowing the government, you idiot.

I am talking about another manufactured false narrative, more Fear-Mongering drama to justify a massive show of force by the Democrats as they seize power in the United States.

I mentioned how the Democrats facilitated foreign-funded domestic terrorist (Antifa and BLM) violence that caused hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damage across the US in Democrat-run cities and those same Democrat-supported domestic terrorists being the catalyst behind the Capitol violence...which, again, gave the Democrats all the justification they needed to make DC the most militarized location in perhaps the entire world tomorrow.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

Quit whining just because you can't attack and stop it without certain death on the little militia extremist nuts. Be happy. You get to post your little views on USMB don't you? What more would you personally like to do to get your way?
Its no wonder Democrats and snowflakes are so familiar with what Nazis did .. and how Xi's CCP does things.
Have you forgotten which side writes history?

The American Abyss

"In November 2020, reaching millions of lonely minds through social media, Trump told a lie that was dangerously ambitious: that he had won an election that in fact he had lost.

"This lie was big in every pertinent respect: not as big as 'Jews run the world,' but big enough."

It's NOT the LOSERS.

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