DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the *-ing People Didn't *-ing Elect You!"

Remember when the military was supposed to be there to remove Trump from office? I do. Now the dems are afraid that same military is going to off bidumb. Dems are idiots.
Kind of like how progressives pretend to be against big business. But voted for the fraud that puts big business CEO’s in top positions in his administration and also allows them to censor the public.
The dems have to create a boogie man to keep both sides of the aisle in line.

But using the military on Americans has to be a new low
It’s not going to work. Americans don’t want to be ruled by dictators.

Which is exactly why your insurrection will not work.
I don’t have in insurrection...that’s what democrats do.


You think that after Jan. 6 you're gonna turn the word 'Insurrection' against the people that support the valid U.S. Government?

Guess again, fool!
What’s funny is that you morons actually think people buy into your faux political theatre

Illegitimate installed Prez = military lockdowned inaugural.
Why is this so difficult for some moonbats to grasp?
Mostly because it isn't true.

There's also a few of us who really like to piss you tRumplings off, so it can be kind of a "twofer" thing.

Lol, sorry but my post is absolutely true.
I have been telling Hillary, Pelosi, you and all the and all the other batshit crazy snowflakes that for over 4 years....

View attachment 445255

and not even openly weeping and screaming at the sky prevented you from hanging on to that denialand supporting criminal Democratsand repeated failed coups over and over and over again....

View attachment 445257

You've brought denial to a whole new level.

Well done.
Remember when the military was supposed to be there to remove Trump from office? I do. Now the dems are afraid that same military is going to off bidumb. Dems are idiots.
Kind of like how progressives pretend to be against big business. But voted for the fraud that puts big business CEO’s in top positions in his administration and also allows them to censor the public.
Libs are morons. They hate Walmart but fan boy over small business closings over COVID do the only place you can shop is Walmart. They’re all idiots.
Illegitimate installed Prez = military lockdowned inaugural.
Why is this so difficult for some moonbats to grasp?

Because that ain't the reason.

Two months screaming "FRAUD"!!
Pliant lemmings execute violent insurrection at Capitol. Threaten more violence all egged on by the guy who lost.
Hence the need for an armed military presence.
Why is this so difficult for Trump supporters to grasp?

Stand up. Take a bow. Pat yourself on the back. You helped make it happen.

:bsflag: :bsflag::bsflag:

Biden Inaguration flags.....

No BS here. Just truth. Glad to see your BDS is kicking in early. I look forward to four years of your tears. :)
Illegitimate installed Prez = military lockdowned inaugural.
Why is this so difficult for some moonbats to grasp?
Mostly because it isn't true.

There's also a few of us who really like to piss you tRumplings off, so it can be kind of a "twofer" thing.

Lol, sorry but my post is absolutely true.
I have been telling Hillary, Pelosi, you and all the and all the other batshit crazy snowflakes that for over 4 years....

View attachment 445255

and not even openly weeping and screaming at the sky prevented you from hanging on to that denialand supporting criminal Democratsand repeated failed coups over and over and over again....

View attachment 445257

You've brought denial to a whole new level.

Well done.

So juvenile...
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
Rest assured, he is.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
Most of us do.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
I didn't vote for Biden, but I suspect that many, if not most, Biden voters were just playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
That depends on who attends. If the goons who attacked the Capitol are there, it could get very ugly.

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?
Sure. Why not? The "majority" in question is a scant 51.4%. Nothing at all like a "mandate". Nearly half of the country (48.6%) didn't vote for Biden. That's a lot of disappointed voters. When you combine that with the in-your-face, "elections have consequences", attitude that Democrats took the last time they controlled the government, the people who didn't vote for him have legitimate reason to fear a Biden administration. And then there's the sad fact that our current President is validating conspiracy theories that undermine trust in the system and provoke even more fear and paranoia. With all that, it's no surprise at all that the inauguration would invite passionate protests and potential violence.

Yet when Lincoln did not win a single southern state, it did not stop him from doing the right thing.

Mandates don't matter when almost half the country are insurrectionist assholes.

Elections USUALLY matter, but insurrection matters more.
Aww. Don't go away mad. Just go away. War zone security wouldn't be necessary if you idiots hadn't completely driven the short bus off the cliff over the last year or so. You people have lost your fucking minds...along with your sanity, reason, objectivity, empathy, and compassion.

What a load of hypocritical bullshit.
Illegitimate installed Prez = military lockdowned inaugural.
Why is this so difficult for some moonbats to grasp?
Mostly because it isn't true.

There's also a few of us who really like to piss you tRumplings off, so it can be kind of a "twofer" thing.

Lol, sorry but my post is absolutely true.
I have been telling Hillary, Pelosi, you and all the and all the other batshit crazy snowflakes that for over 4 years....

View attachment 445255

and not even openly weeping and screaming at the sky prevented you from hanging on to that denialand supporting criminal Democratsand repeated failed coups over and over and over again....

View attachment 445257

You've brought denial to a whole new level.

Well done.

So juvenile...
Yes, denial of reality often looks that way.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
Rest assured, he is.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
Most of us do.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
I didn't vote for Biden, but I suspect that many, if not most, Biden voters were just playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
That depends on who attends. If the goons who attacked the Capitol are there, it could get very ugly.

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?
Sure. Why not? The "majority" in question is a scant 51.4%. Nothing at all like a "mandate". Nearly half of the country (48.6%) didn't vote for Biden. That's a lot of disappointed voters. When you combine that with in-your-face, "elections have consequences", attitude that Democrats took the last time they controlled the government, the people who didn't vote for him have legitimate reason to fear a Biden administration. And then there's the sad fact that our current President is validating conspiracy theories that undermine trust in the system and provoke even more fear and paranoia. With all that, it's no surprise at all that the inauguration would invite passionate protests and potential violence.
Thanks for that useless opinionated diatribe. If Democrats are so confident they won (as they were so sure they WOULD win in 2016), why barricade themselves in DC behind a literal army to protect them from the American people instead of taking 10 days to look at the biggest election fraud concerns, preventing a deeper split, and preventing the need for such a military security force?
... If Democrats are so confident they won (as they were so sure they WOULD win in 2016), why barricade themselves in DC behind a literal army to protect them from the American people instead of taking 10 days to look at the biggest election fraud concerns, preventing a deeper split, and preventing the need for such a military security force?

I just explained why. You didn't even read my post, did you? ;)
People are casually talking about overthrowing the government.
No one is talking about overthrowing the government, you idiot.

I am talking about another manufactured false narrative, more Fear-Mongering drama to justify a massive show of force by the Democrats as they seize power in the United States.

I mentioned how the Democrats facilitated foreign-funded domestic terrorist (Antifa and BLM) violence that caused hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damage across the US in Democrat-run cities and those same Democrat-supported domestic terrorists being the catalyst behind the Capitol violence...which, again, gave the Democrats all the justification they needed to make DC the most militarized location in perhaps the entire world tomorrow.
Sorry we ruined your plans to overthrow the election. You'll get over it.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
Rest assured, he is.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
Most of us do.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
I didn't vote for Biden, but I suspect that many, if not most, Biden voters were just playing the "lesser-of-two-evils" game.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
That depends on who attends. If the goons who attacked the Capitol are there, it could get very ugly.

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?
Sure. Why not? The "majority" in question is a scant 51.4%. Nothing at all like a "mandate". Nearly half of the country (48.6%) didn't vote for Biden. That's a lot of disappointed voters. When you combine that with the in-your-face, "elections have consequences", attitude that Democrats took the last time they controlled the government, the people who didn't vote for him have legitimate reason to fear a Biden administration. And then there's the sad fact that our current President is validating conspiracy theories that undermine trust in the system and provoke even more fear and paranoia. With all that, it's no surprise at all that the inauguration would invite passionate protests and potential violence.

Yet when Lincoln did not win a single southern state, it did not stop him from doing the right thing.

Mandates don't matter when almost half the country are insurrectionist assholes.

Elections USUALLY matter, but insurrection matters more.

Our government is tyrannical. It's time to throw those chains off. Secession is the answer. The founders would approve of breaking from our current tyranny.
The "majority" in question is a scant 51.4%. Nothing at all like a "mandate". Nearly half of the country (48.6%) didn't vote for Biden. That's a lot of disappointed voters. When you combine that with the in-your-face, "elections have consequences", attitude that Democrats took the last time they controlled the government, the people who didn't vote for him have legitimate reason to fear a Biden administration. And then there's the sad fact that our current President is validating conspiracy theories that undermine trust in the system and provoke even more fear and paranoia. With all that, it's no surprise at all that the inauguration would invite passionate protests and potential violence.

Yet when Lincoln did not win a single southern state, it did not stop him from doing the right thing.

Mandates don't matter when almost half the country are insurrectionist assholes.

Elections USUALLY matter, but insurrection matters more.
You seem to have missed the point. And I'm quite sure most Democrats, especially those in charge, will miss the point as well. They'll ram through their agenda on strict, party-line votes, alienating half the country and ensuring that another Trump - potentially someone much worse - has ample support from angry voters.

So much for "unity".

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