DDR 2.0 Persecution of female actress Silvana Heissenberg due to her criticizing of Merkel


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Thanks God she is still alive and not killed by Merkel Youth terror commands - Antifa. Nevertheless she lost all her jobs and persecuted by govt - Merkel Socialist Dictatorship.

Silvana Heißenberg is a German patriot, who had to pay a high price for her courage to truth: her professional existence as an actress is de facto annihilated, since she no longer orders from her former employers RTL, SAT 1, Vox, RTL II, Pro 7 , ARD, ZDF, WDR and KIKA.

Reason: For almost two years she has publicly criticized the "refugee" policy and the Chancellor, especially on her Facebook page. Of course, that does not work in the left-wing television industry, and so the politically correct spell beam fell over them.

But Silvana Heißenberg can not be deprived of her conviction and continues to fight for her country. On January 2, she wrote a flaming comment on the chancellor's Facebook page, which now resulted in a seven-day ban

Letter to Merkel

You are the most despicable and criminal Chancellor that the German people ever had to endure. They deliberately and illegally imported into the country terror, war, poverty and death by illegal asylum parasites, hundreds of thousands of mercenaries, IS terrorists and other serious criminals.

According to the Basic Law Art. 16a, NO one in Germany has the right to asylum, which enters from safe third countries, so ALL YOUR guests are ILLEGAL in Germany. The Schengen and Dublin agreements were also unlawfully and deliberately suspended. You swore in your oath of office u. a. To keep "damage from the German people", the exact opposite you do every day.

They have NOT the task to take care of the needs of "all citizens", but only for the good of the GERMAN PEOPLE, only that was your task; You are nothing but an employee of the GERMAN PEOPLE, because all power comes from the people and NOT from you.

You have taken care of NO German needs. They have deliberately incited and split the nation, destroying entire families.

Germans are as well as never?

Due to their ILLEGAL GUESTS, public events must now be massively secured, fenced and secured by police with machine guns. Now there are shelters for women who seek shelter from those seeking protection so that they will not continue to be victims of sexual assault by their RELATED GUESTS. Every day, YOUR GUESTS commit violent crime.

Old-age poverty and child poverty of the Germans is as high as ever. Almost 1 million Germans live on the street. Helping these people was to inflate YOUR TASK and not all of Europe with alien invaders and provide them with OUR hard earned tax billions.

You demand respect?

Their mainly criminal invaders who rape and murder in Germany are still being protected as victims of "right-wing agitation". If you want respect and have a conscience, you would be responsible for your own crimes in court.

If the judiciary does not finally speak right, it will take over the people, because all power comes exclusively from the people, and the German people is YOUR boss! You are a nobody.

No Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany has ever intentionally caused so much harm and suffering to the German people and was as hated as you, which you clearly felt at EVERY election campaign event.

My only wish for 2018 is that you and your entire entourage are brought before a lawful court because of all your breaking the law and at least go to prison for life.

There has never been such a betrayal of the ruling nation in the history of the FRG. The paid, hypocritical commentators who still lick you the rectum, who are unable to think independently and clearly, can save any praise on you, because such persons are not taken seriously by a reasonable person.

I despise you deeply and wish you your just punishment.

Highly contemptuous, by your Stasikompanie, now FORMER actress

Silvana Heissenberg



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