Dear "Conservatives"....

Yeah, putting up his actual record is bullshit, while some troll on the internet stating "He's not a conservative" is fact. :cuckoo: Do you think saying "Romneycare" is some magical card that trumps reality?? What bizarro world do you live in? :cuckoo:

Romney led Massachusetts as a conservative and his record proves it. He's got an excellent campaign organization and will be a very formidable candidate. Obama's in for a real fight this time.....

Because I am the first person to accuse Romney of being liberal.....:cuckoo:

The reality is, most of the prominent conservatives and some conservatives on this thread have previously tagged Romney as a liberal.


Rush Limbaugh: Romney Is Not A Conservative | RealClearPolitics

So this talk of ideology is just crap. The only ideology is beating Obama.

So if Romney wins, it shouldn't be surprising to you that he governs as a liberal.

And you voted for it.

Let me stipulate that his record suggests to me that Mitt is not a conservative. Indeed, he has seemed to me to be a bit of a lib.

However, even so, compared to the incumbent, Mitt is effectively a staunch and arch conservative.

And yet, people are insistent that his record makes him a conservative.

At least you are honest about the ordeal.
Yeah, putting up his actual record is bullshit, while some troll on the internet stating "He's not a conservative" is fact. :cuckoo: Do you think saying "Romneycare" is some magical card that trumps reality?? What bizarro world do you live in? :cuckoo:

Romney led Massachusetts as a conservative and his record proves it. He's got an excellent campaign organization and will be a very formidable candidate. Obama's in for a real fight this time.....

Because I am the first person to accuse Romney of being liberal.....:cuckoo:

The reality is, most of the prominent conservatives and some conservatives on this thread have previously tagged Romney as a liberal.


Rush Limbaugh: Romney Is Not A Conservative | RealClearPolitics

So this talk of ideology is just crap. The only ideology is beating Obama.

So if Romney wins, it shouldn't be surprising to you that he governs as a liberal.

And you voted for it.

Well, if you're going to post that bit by Rush, you open up a whole nother can of worms.

In 2008, Rush rated Romney as conservative in the three principle ways he measures conservatism.

Who changed between 2008 and 2011? Hint: It wasn't Romney.

So now we have to through Limbaugh under the bus to make Mitt liberal?

Hmmm, maybe that is what Limbaugh meant by being tired of carrying their water.
Dear Tourist and Visitor Information Booth Clerk for Hell:


I will support Mitt. I am a conservative. I am not a Republican. It's either Mitt or that dangerously misguided jackass who is currently the holder of the Office.

That's not even close to being a choice. OF COURSE I'll vote for Mitt. If NOTHING else at least it will be another vote to eject President Obama from the White House. That alone makes it a great vote.

And again, replacing one liberal with another.

Faust called. He wants his deal back.

There are degrees of liberalism.....Obama is far left of matter what you say.

That doesn't exactly make Romney a conservative.
Yeah, Romney's not conservative. Let's look at his record....

Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007) He balanced the budget every year of his administration with out increasing taxes or increasing state dept.

Romney turned a $3 billion budget deficit into a $500 million surplus by reducing government spending and added 80,000 new jobs by the end of his term.

In 2004, 2005, and 2006 Governor Romney proposed cutting the state income tax from 5.3% to 5.0% Although the Democratic super majority in the state legislator refused to budge.

Romney vetoed 844 pieces of legislation, with over 700 overridden.

He vetoed an increase in the minimum wage, saying "there's no question raising the minimum wage excessively causes a loss of jobs."

Under Governor Romney the state abolished a retroactive capital gains tax that would have forced nearly 50,000 taxpayers to pay additional taxes and fees. Massachusetts Citizens For Limited Taxation Executive Director Barbara Anderson praised Romney, saying "There was no one else out on the horizon and with the legislature almost entirely Democratic, we felt it was necessary to have a grown-up in the corner office. … And we were right to back him. He's been a really good friend to the taxpayers."

In 2006, Governor Romney testified before the United States Senate to support the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would limit marriage to one man and one woman. Additionally, Romney filed legislation to reinstate capital punishment, but was defeated in the Massachusetts House of Representatives on a 99-53 vote.

Mitt Romney made no pardons as governor, "My conclusion was, if somebody has been convicted by a jury of their peers, and they’ve been prosecuted and the police were able to get the evidence necessary to put them behind bars, why in the world would I step in and reverse that sentence?"

On Education Romney called for the privatization of the University of Massachusetts medical school.

In August 2006, Governor Romney refused to allow former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, an outspoken opponent of the United States and Israel, state police escorts during his speech at Harvard University.

In December 2006, Romney signed a memorandum of agreement with the federal government that would allow state troopers to enforce federal immigration laws however was revoked when Democrat Deval Patrick took office as Governor in January 2007.

Yeah, he's not conservative....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I wondered when someone would try to pull this bullshit.

Facts are bullshit?
This is the way it has been and will continue to be for some time regarding presidential elections.

Suppose there are 10 voters each election. 3 voters always vote republican (because they believe the party is always right), 3 other voters always vote democrat (because they believe the party is always right), and the other 4 voters are independent and always vote for the lesser of the "two evils" (because they believe that both parties are wrong but they prefer the least worse candidate for a given election cycle.)

The 4 voters who vote for the "lesser of two evils" prop up the system. If they were to take their 4 votes and give them to a reform candidate then they wouldn't have to vote for the lesser of two evils.

The vote total would be.
4 votes 40% towards reform candidate
3 votes 30% towards democrat
3 votes 30% towards republican

But if one independent voter decides to vote for a "lesser of the two evil candidates" then the reform vote fails, because either the democrat or republican gets majority vote at that point. The 3 remaining voters realize that their votes will be waisted if just one independent votes for either of the two parties, thus all independents vote for the "less of two evils" even though all the independents would prefer a reform party.

Both Republican and Democrat Parties realize that they will never lose duopoly power because independent voters would have to unify perfectly (if one independent votes for either of the two parties the reform is broken). Thus Republican's and Democrat's are never held accountable because they will never be replaced by a third party. Additionally, since both parties are unaccountable, they can honestly accuse each other of wrong doing. Thus perpetuating the "lesser of two evil" voting system.

UNLESS, the reformers would get behind the Tea Party, 9/12ers, tax reformers, and similar groups who are doing their damndest to elect reformers to public service at all levels. THAT is how you reform the system. You can't assume that those 4 independents are going to march in lockstep any more than all Republicans march in lockstep. (The Democrats seem to be less able to think critically these days and are far more likely to just blindly follow the leader, but those who are still able to break out of that mold are welcome with the reform movement.)

But when it comes down to the nitty gritty. We have a choice. Do we throw the country under the bus just to feel righteously superior? Or do we elect somebody who will be less destructive than than Obama however flawed that somebody might be? And then, through the grass roots movements keep his or her feet to the fire until we realize real reform.

Nobody in Congress is more maligned, accused, or denigrated than are the "Tea Party" people who have been elected and are doing their damndest to toe the reform lines. They are accused of being hard hearted, hating whatever groups, conducting a war on women, etc. etc. etc. If we don't give them some support and get them some reinforcements, the left wing looney fringe division will prevail.

We can't do that if, on purely ideological grounds, we vote for the unelectable candidate.
...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly endorses their beliefs.

Sign in below....

Dear Tourist and Visitor Information Booth Clerk for Hell:


I will support Mitt. I am a conservative. I am not a Republican. It's either Mitt or that dangerously misguided jackass who is currently the holder of the Office.

That's not even close to being a choice. OF COURSE I'll vote for Mitt. If NOTHING else at least it will be another vote to eject President Obama from the White House. That alone makes it a great vote.

And again, replacing one liberal with another.

Faust called. He wants his deal back.

Again, wrong. It is replacing one damn near marxist liberal with one more or less "moderate" liberal with a touch of conservatism.

Fuck Faust.

The deal I want back is the Constitutional deal. You know: checks, balances, limited government, federalism.
There is nothing wrong with Romney. Why is the left so frantic to say there is? Hmmm?:confused:

Because the left knows Obama can't run on his record.. They think if your a GOP you have to be a hardcore conservative.

When Being GOP doesn't necessarily mean Conservative.

And that explains why the GOP Blue-Blood Repubicans have utter distain for the TEA Partiers in thier midsts.

They had better be prepared to take on more of them.
And that explains why the GOP Blue-Blood Repubicans have utter distain for the TEA Partiers in thier midsts.

They had better be prepared to take on more of them.

Mitt's the nominee and the tea partiers will line up to kiss his ring (see: this thread).

The blue bloods won.
There is nothing wrong with Romney. Why is the left so frantic to say there is? Hmmm?:confused:

Because the left knows Obama can't run on his record.. They think if your a GOP you have to be a hardcore conservative.

There are definitely hardcore conservatives in the GOP. And there are more moderate conservatives there too. But the uniting force for the GOP is that Obama must go. On that, we all agree.
Again, wrong. It is replacing one damn near marxist liberal with one more or less "moderate" liberal with a touch of conservatism.

Fuck Faust.

The deal I want back is the Constitutional deal. You know: checks, balances, limited government, federalism.

No. It's right. Conservatism takes a second seat to expediency.

It's Faustian to the nth degree.
Majority rules. And it would be wise for everyone in the GOP to realize the common goal and sally forth with Mitt.

It depends on what your goals are. If sheer power is the only concern, maybe. If you want to reign in corporatist government, it's exactly the wrong move.
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There is nothing wrong with Romney. Why is the left so frantic to say there is? Hmmm?:confused:

Because the left knows Obama can't run on his record.. They think if your a GOP you have to be a hardcore conservative.

When Being GOP doesn't necessarily mean Conservative.

And that explains why the GOP Blue-Blood Repubicans have utter distain for the TEA Partiers in thier midsts.

They had better be prepared to take on more of them.

They don't need too when you make conservatism irrelevant by picking liberal presidential candidates.

Cough cough McCain cough cough
Because the left knows Obama can't run on his record.. They think if your a GOP you have to be a hardcore conservative.

Uh, you guys have been telling us that the GOP is hard core conservative.

Who has been saying that exactly?

I fucking quit the GOP precisely BECAUSE they weren't conservative.

I register Republican because it is the only way I can vote for Tea Party candidates in our state primaries. And it is only getting folks nominated that gets them into the government. Because the GOP at least pretends to embrace the Tea Party principles, and the Democrats completely rejects them, the GOP is the only good shot we have.

But no, the Republicans have not been conservative for a very long time now. It's a sad commentary when the only redeeming feature of a political party is that it is taking the country to hell in a hand basket at a slower pace than the other major political party.

In their defense they can't do much without the ability to be elected. And if they are too much of a reformer, they will be crucified by the White House and the leftist media that he has firmly in his pocket. They will have no chance to get out their message and, even if they find a way to do that, they will have no chance to have it represented honestly and without prejudice. These days, strong convictions and honest opinions give your opposition powerful weapons to use against you. And if you become any kind of threat they will.

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