Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans, Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Obama is now gonna fix the internet. Lets see after years of creating it and billions of dollars Obama couldn't successfully launch the obamacare web site. This is who you want to fix a internet that is no broke?
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
I think they think they will get high-speed porn for free.
Meanwhile, back in reality, the FCC got a gazillion comments, and only about 1% were anti-net neutrality.

The wingnut kooks here, isolated as they are in their non-reality bubbles, have no idea of how out of touch with America they are on this issue.

Here's a little touch of reality for you. We will have net neutrality because Soros wanted net neutrality. Otherwise he wouldn't have handed out 196 million dollars to the White House to make it so...............
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
I think they think they will get high-speed porn for free.
We think we will get an open but regulated Internet like we got an open but regulated telephone system. How terrible, who would want that eh?
I don't think I've ever seen a hysterical conservative talking point vanish as suddenly as this one did. It went from full speed ahead to a dead stop.

Apparently, the powers-that-be saw how much damage the discussion was doing to the conservative cause, so the orders went out to shut it down. The propaganda spigot at the top went dry, it stopped trickling down, so no more of it got cut-and-pasted here.
The reason why this law was so secret is that it was not written. It was just 2 pages, the first page a title and the last page a signed piece of paper with 300 pages of empty paper between them! Same as Obama care, that is why no one saw the law!
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
Oh jesus, another thread on this subject? You've already started 5 other threads about this. Can't you bitch in one of those? Or better yet, stop whining and stfu already
When the Rangers won last (I was in Penn Station eating pizza afterwards), you know what the number one topic of conversation was in this relatively unknown pizza shop? Net Neutrality. That's how fucking bad this is.

Dear Foolish and Gullible Americans Net Neutrality is Not Your Friend

Yet, in addressing the non-existent problem, the government often (well, always) creates the problem it was ostensibly attempting to solve. In fact, speaking of paid prioritization, did you hear the one about the TV station that was granted an exemption to FCC rules after its executive contributed thousands of dollars to the campaign of a prominent Democrat?

Paid prioritization brought to you by the agency now in charge of getting rid of paid prioritization. By the way, ever hear of lobbyists? Our entire system of government is run by politicians who legislatively prioritize according to who is giving them money. Indeed, Net Neutrality itself was achieved by billionaires like George Soros handing out millions of dollars to the right people and placing proponents on the White House staff. Net Neutrality happened because rich people paid to have it prioritized.

Just as outrageously, Julie Veach at the FCC announced a couple of days ago that Net Neutrality would be would be “sustainable, enforceable rules to preserve and protect the open Internet as a place for innovation and free expression.” Forget about the fact that an agency responsible for handing out millions of dollars in fines for expression it deems inappropriate is now knighting itself as the Protectors of Free Expression. The greater irony is that rules signed into law back when rotary phones were considered innovative are now being hoisted on the Internet in the name of innovation.

Are you laughing yet? Or crying? Or dropping to your knees and begging to be forgiven for your blind ignorance?

What has happened in America today is so sad it hurts.
Oh jesus, another thread on this subject? You've already started 5 other threads about this. Can't you bitch in one of those? Or better yet, stop whining and stfu already

It comes up time and time again for the simple reason that it's vital to keeping the ability to exchange information and opinions without government interference.
Corporate interference and censorship, of course, is acceptable by libertarian standards. And even desirable, being it's free market magic.

That's one of the fundamental giant failures of libertarianism, the way their candy-and-unicorns worldview assumes that only the government can curtail rights, and that the government can never enforce rights.

Fortunately, most people are not libertarians, being that they understand just how disconnected libertarianism is from reality.
The reason why this law was so secret is that it was not written. It was just 2 pages, the first page a title and the last page a signed piece of paper with 300 pages of empty paper between them! Same as Obama care, that is why no one saw the law!

Except for you apparently

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