Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Hillary does not care what caused the death of 4 Americans at Benghazi.
Prior to the attack, Ambassador Stevens had requested an increase of security personnel at Benghazi which was denied. Who approved the denial?

Who was responsible for failing to immediately send military help to Benghazi? The Warrior Ethos demands this. Obviously, no one but the military understood it. The civilian bureaucrats certainly did not.
FYI-Stevens was offered security personnel for the SECOND time, by Gen. Ham just 2 weeks prior to the attack, and Stevens turned it the hearings notes....

He could possibly be here today, if he had said Yes to the security personnel offered....

The other thing to NOTE is the security personnel that the Embassy was requesting prior to the attack, was for more INTELLIGENCE personnel, not armed guards, they felt their security could be stronger with more intelligence AGENTS on the ground there...

CIA had a full annex of intelligence agents on the ground in benghazi...but they still were caught off who knows if the added security intelligence agents would have even helped?

You fail to realize that the reason Stevens turned down General Ham's offer wasn't because he didn't think he needed additional security...he turned it down because security provided by US Armed Forces instead of the State Department would not have have diplomatic immunity (as the State Department security personnel did) and could be tried by Libyan courts. Stevens also correctly pointed out that under the Force of Arms agreement, the US couldn't bring additional military forces into Libya without the express permission of the Libyan government. All of which is why Stevens REPEATEDLY asked the State Department to not draw down his diplomatic security team. State Department didn't listen however because Hillary was concerned with how it would "appear" to the Libyans if we made it clear we didn't trust their militias to protect our diplomats.

One of the problems our diplomats had leading up to the 9/11 attacks is that because diplomatic security had been diminished as much as it had...they did not have anyone out in the Benghazi community getting a feel for problems. Instead they were isolated in their compounds...essentially blind to what was happening around them.

That's what happens when you're a non-Muslim in a war-torn Muslim city.

I still think we should wash our hands of all of them. If they start anything simply annihilate their families. Bulldoze their homes.
This has nothing to do with bigotry. Even to say such a thing simply shows you to be the left-leaning politically-correct animal you consistently show yourself to be. You cannot win a war if you cannot admit what the threat is.

Name one military operation we've won. Name one that hasn't been turned by the left into a disaster. Not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Somalia, name one we haven't eventually turned tail and left unfinished. In every case, all the enemy needed to do was cause us enough pain and suffering, and expense, to force the Democrats to start wailing about how much money it's taking away from their union bailouts and vote buying schemes.

Heck, Obama's been gutting the military for 5 years. He hates anyone having a gun, other than his personal body-guards, and he despises the military. Imagine a communist that is so fucked up that he doesn't believe in military aggression. Putin sure does. Obama is the worst kind of communist. One that puts down his own country, lays waste to it's economy, and sells us out to our enemies.

Tell me where I'm wrong hack and I'll knock every liberal talking-point out of the park.

The latest storyline being propagandized by Mad Dog McCain and his band of merry neo-cons is that Obama’s latest defense budget will gut our military and make us susceptible to attack from all of our enemies. The mainstream media mouthpieces like Fox News repeat these boldfaced lies without seeking facts or real data. The power of the military industrial complex is dangerous to our citizens. They have bought off Republicans and Democrats in Congress and they control journalists who get paid to write scary articles about the horrific budget cuts and danger to our nation. It’s all lies. Spineless corrupt politicians like Bush and Obama do and say whatever is necessary to win the most votes. Statesmen like Dwight D. Eisenhower stood up to the military industrial complex and their bought off lackeys in Congress.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Statesmen are like bald eagles around here – almost extinct.

The United States spends more per year on war than the next thirteen countries combined. That imminent attack by the Iranian navy may be overblown. Our generals blather about the threat from China, that spends 18% of our budget, and threat from Russia, that spends 7% of our budget. The mainstream media articles and fear mongering drivel from our corrupt bought off politicians are nothing but propaganda designed to keep the billions flowing to the arms peddlers like Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and the rest of the dealers of death. Politicians who have been bribed with decades of “political contributions” won’t even vote to get rid of weapons programs the military no longer wants.


I really don't give a flying fuck what some journalist or blogger says. I've been in the Department of Defense and seen what's going on. Ask any general or colonel on post. They'll tell you about the utter lack of leadership from the top. Everyone is reacting to the changes taking place in Washington. We're all trying to scramble to assure it doesn't all fall apart. Trying to maintain some sense of sanity.

On the foreign front, from what I see, Obama is giving weapons to everyone except Americans. Ask yourself what we were doing in Libya. Did you know that many of the al Qaeda organizations that originated there have been branching out? Did you know that some of them who ended up in Iraq helped with the unrest in Syria? Did you know we were arming these folks. If that isn't a military industrial complex at work I don't know what it is, and it's happening on Obama's watch.

We have been in a clandestine war against Russia and Iran for the last 5 years.

Seems what Putin is doing is a reaction to it. He actually has the moral high-ground when it comes to Ukraine. We have nothing to say to him, because he could spill the beans on Iraq, on Iran, on Libya, on Egypt, and on Syria. He knows everything Obama and the Democrats have been up to. So we're powerless.

We can't even do any manned spaceflights thanks to our fearless leader. He handed that all over to our great friends in Russia. He was about to hand over our nukes, after forcing the Ukrainians to do the same. We are in a very weak position my friend, thanks to your witless president.

A clandestine war...oh okay.

You're so batshit crazy it's no longer funny.
You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.

Shut the fuck up you bigoted piece of shit.

This has nothing to do with bigotry. Even to say such a thing simply shows you to be the left-leaning politically-correct animal you consistently show yourself to be. You cannot win a war if you cannot admit what the threat is.

Name one military operation we've won. Name one that hasn't been turned by the left into a disaster. Not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Somalia, name one we haven't eventually turned tail and left unfinished. In every case, all the enemy needed to do was cause us enough pain and suffering, and expense, to force the Democrats to start wailing about how much money it's taking away from their union bailouts and vote buying schemes.
That and having tax cuts during a time of massive military spending.

You may recall through your hate filled haze that Obama wanted to end the Bush tax cuts--to let them expire--to help pay down the deficit. Of course, the GOP fought tooth and nail and eventually won the battle though getting Scott Brown elected in Mass.

As for military operations we've won, there have been several.
Mother Jones questions our battle choices although to me, partnering with stable, allied stakeholders seems to be a better idea than sending your troops to the front lines in every 3rd world shit-hole. It doesn't do a lot for the machismo you crave but then again, fewer and fewer care about what you think.

The US Military Operations You Didn't Know Existed | Mother Jones

Your idea of winning though is, as your view of society is, more rooted in 1940 Leave it to Beaver times where armies are professional, everyone from the lowest Private to the highest General accepts defeat, turns in their arms, and decides to accept surrender. It's a bit different now freak. You have families, sects, clans, tribes, elders, and even some professional military folks who belong to different parts of these fragmented pieces who don't act as professionals but fight ideological battles and won't accept defeat; ever. So they set off explosives and create chaos and make their defeat more obscure. Seldom do they do anything other than kill their fellow countrymen but their defeat is not questioned. Except by you.

Any 4th grader who has turned on the nightly news since 2000 understands this and I'm sure you do as well. The difference between the 4th grader and you is that the 4th grader understands that winning is measured in how effective you are, not how dominant you are; that you fly the US flag over Mecca and you just bought a century of insurgency. You only see it as a way to, of course, smear the President.

There are fewer dead bodies returning from the middle east than at any point during the Obama presidency...29 for this year according to iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan.

That such statistics means that we're losing in your eyes, only speaks to your totally fucked up prism.


Laughable opinion

Oh, by the way, you never answered what you would have done differently to stop him from taking over Crimea. Was that worth sending US troops into harms way? Would the Ukraine as a whole be worth it? Man up and take a stand for once.

Because he isn't one.

One that puts down his own country, lays waste to it's economy, and sells us out to our enemies.
Yawn? Jobs being added, Deficits are shrinking. GM alive, OBL (an enemy by the way) is way dead.

Tell me where I'm wrong hack and I'll knock every liberal talking-point out of the park.

Jobs being added:

Deficit Shrinking:

GM is Alive:

Osama is dead:

Swing away nancy.

Guess you're not carrying much stick huh nancy? Why should today be any different?
When you post graphs like that, you not wonder why they start at the tail end of Bush's two terms and don't show job creation during the entirety of his time in office? Statistics can be illuminating...or they can be used to obscure reality. Why would anyone START the graph in 2007? Well, if you're trying to portray Bush in as negative a light as possible in order to make Obama look good in comparison...that's EXACTLY what you'd do!

So it's up to look at what's been done and recognize it for what it is...cherry picking.
How the hell are you sure the video was irrelevant lol? I tought we had a breakthrough there for a second- then you snap back to the brainwash lol...

And of course it was an armed assault, known from the get-go. Is that the RW goal? Duh.

How do you know it was? You can't take Obama's word for anything because he's a compulsive liar. I think that has been clearly established.

You just figure that time will alter perceptions and fog memories. That is what all of the stonewalling was designed to do in the first place.

30 survivors of the assault on those compounds are still being withheld from testifying. They undergo monthly polygraph tests by White House officials to assure they aren't talking to Congress or reporters.

Now why is that? What are they hiding?

Total bs! And all those protesters through the ME were in reaction to the most popular talk show host asking for protests of it, the ME Rush Limbaugh rw islamist. The Pub propaganda is great at spinning stories into total bs for the hater dupes, aren't they?:cuckoo::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
When you post graphs like that, you not wonder why they start at the tail end of Bush's two terms and don't show job creation during the entirety of his time in office? Statistics can be illuminating...or they can be used to obscure reality. Why would anyone START the graph in 2007? Well, if you're trying to portray Bush in as negative a light as possible in order to make Obama look good in comparison...that's EXACTLY what you'd do!

So it's up to look at what's been done and recognize it for what it is...cherry picking.

Yup, great bubble, bust, and world story there lol...:cuckoo:

You can also see where the stimulus ran out and the phony Pub crises...great job, Pubbies and superdupes...:badgrin:
No lies, no coverup, no delays, all that could be done was done- we don't know the attackers motives, but the CIA STILL thinks the video was the trigger. So what does all your STUPID BS MATTER?!?

That is another lie.

That video cannot be proved as the cause because nobody has questioned any of the attackers. At the time the idea was circulated, on September 11th 2012, they didn't even know for sure who attacked ambassador Stevens.

We've heard several excuses, and several versions of what happened. First it was a spontaneous protest, then it became an act of terror in protest of a video, and then finally it was admitted it was an armed assault. Rumors abound and the White House has done nothing to tamp them down other than obstructing the investigation by hiding witnesses and withholding evidence. The fact that it was 911 didn't seem to register, I'm wondering if these White House officials find it difficult to grab their asses with both hands free.

The point is this; We just had a similar threat in Yemen, so the embassy there was closed. The consulate in Benghazi had been attacked twice before and no extra security was granted. The consulate was not closed. The State Department dropped the ball and left their people in harms way without any support or contingency plan.

Even if the video was the trigger, it doesn't change any of this. However, according to the email that have just been discovered, the video was simply dreamed up as an excuse and used before any investigation was conducted. It is an example of the White House spreading rumors without any basis or facts to support them. It's like Obama telling Bill O'Reilly before the Super Bowl that an IRS investigation that was ongoing would not find a smidgen of corruption, even though they already admitted to these illegals acts being conducted by evil rouge agents in Cincinnati. Besides, how would Obama know there was no wrongdoing, unless he was already privy to evidence in a closed investigation, clear evidence of obstruction of justice and tampering with an ongoing investigation.

One only need open ones' own eyes and one will see a steady pattern in every one of these very real and very serious scandals.

Total bs! And all those protesters through the ME were in reaction to the most popular talk show host asking for protests of it, the ME Rush Limbaugh rw islamist. The Pub propaganda is great at spinning stories into total bs for the hater dupes, aren't they?
Where is your post that said no one watched the video, so it couldn't count. PROOF! lol
No lies, no coverup, no delays, all that could be done was done- we don't know the attackers motives, but the CIA STILL thinks the video was the trigger. So what does all your STUPID BS MATTER?!?

That is another lie.

That video cannot be proved as the cause because nobody has questioned any of the attackers. At the time the idea was circulated, on September 11th 2012, they didn't even know for sure who attacked ambassador Stevens.

We've heard several excuses, and several versions of what happened. First it was a spontaneous protest, then it became an act of terror in protest of a video, and then finally it was admitted it was an armed assault. Rumors abound and the White House has done nothing to tamp them down other than obstructing the investigation by hiding witnesses and withholding evidence. The fact that it was 911 didn't seem to register, I'm wondering if these White House officials find it difficult to grab their asses with both hands free.

The point is this; We just had a similar threat in Yemen, so the embassy there was closed. The consulate in Benghazi had been attacked twice before and no extra security was granted. The consulate was not closed. The State Department dropped the ball and left their people in harms way without any support or contingency plan.

Even if the video was the trigger, it doesn't change any of this. However, according to the email that have just been discovered, the video was simply dreamed up as an excuse and used before any investigation was conducted. It is an example of the White House spreading rumors without any basis or facts to support them. It's like Obama telling Bill O'Reilly before the Super Bowl that an IRS investigation that was ongoing would not find a smidgen of corruption, even though they already admitted to these illegals acts being conducted by evil rouge agents in Cincinnati. Besides, how would Obama know there was no wrongdoing, unless he was already privy to evidence in a closed investigation, clear evidence of obstruction of justice and tampering with an ongoing investigation.

One only need open ones' own eyes and one will see a steady pattern in every one of these very real and very serious scandals.

Total bs! And all those protesters through the ME were in reaction to the most popular talk show host asking for protests of it, the ME Rush Limbaugh rw islamist. The Pub propaganda is great at spinning stories into total bs for the hater dupes, aren't they?

Not all Muslims in Islamic countries watch the same TV, so spare me bud. You're oversimplifying this. The video excuse was solely intended to appeal to low-information, brain-dead Obamazombies.
Total bs! And all those protesters through the ME were in reaction to the most popular talk show host asking for protests of it, the ME Rush Limbaugh rw islamist. The Pub propaganda is great at spinning stories into total bs for the hater dupes, aren't they?

LOL, yep. After the MS-NBC hosts finish making their Democratic party commercials, they present completely impartial stories you can trust, damn it! Dude, you're the dup...
Where is your post that said no one watched the video, so it couldn't count. PROOF! lol

They asked many protesters in Egypt if they watched the video. Most said no, but they heard it was pretty bad.
Not all Muslims in Islamic countries watch the same TV, so spare me bud. You're oversimplifying this. The video excuse was solely intended to appeal to low-information, brain-dead Obamazombies.

Many of them do not watch TV at all.

But Algore surely could get up a fund-raiser to send them free camel-powered treadmill generators and flat screen televisions to provide a little better cover.......
Yup, no one in the ME watches the most popular islamist in the ME. LOL That's why they had more than 20 protests against the video earlier that day at US embassies. You people are delusional...
No lies, no coverup, no delays, all that could be done was done- we don't know the attackers motives, but the CIA STILL thinks the video was the trigger. So what does all your STUPID BS MATTER?!?

That is another lie.

That video cannot be proved as the cause because nobody has questioned any of the attackers. At the time the idea was circulated, on September 11th 2012, they didn't even know for sure who attacked ambassador Stevens.

We've heard several excuses, and several versions of what happened. First it was a spontaneous protest, then it became an act of terror in protest of a video, and then finally it was admitted it was an armed assault. Rumors abound and the White House has done nothing to tamp them down other than obstructing the investigation by hiding witnesses and withholding evidence. The fact that it was 911 didn't seem to register, I'm wondering if these White House officials find it difficult to grab their asses with both hands free.

The point is this; We just had a similar threat in Yemen, so the embassy there was closed. The consulate in Benghazi had been attacked twice before and no extra security was granted. The consulate was not closed. The State Department dropped the ball and left their people in harms way without any support or contingency plan.

Even if the video was the trigger, it doesn't change any of this. However, according to the email that have just been discovered, the video was simply dreamed up as an excuse and used before any investigation was conducted. It is an example of the White House spreading rumors without any basis or facts to support them. It's like Obama telling Bill O'Reilly before the Super Bowl that an IRS investigation that was ongoing would not find a smidgen of corruption, even though they already admitted to these illegals acts being conducted by evil rouge agents in Cincinnati. Besides, how would Obama know there was no wrongdoing, unless he was already privy to evidence in a closed investigation, clear evidence of obstruction of justice and tampering with an ongoing investigation.

One only need open ones' own eyes and one will see a steady pattern in every one of these very real and very serious scandals.

Total bs! And all those protesters through the ME were in reaction to the most popular talk show host asking for protests of it, the ME Rush Limbaugh rw islamist. The Pub propaganda is great at spinning stories into total bs for the hater dupes, aren't they?

So explain why there were ZERO protesters seen on video showing the outside of the Consulate prior to the attack by the Al Queda affiliated terror group, Franco?

You can't...because the "protest over a You Tube video" was ALWAYS an excuse that the Obama Administration came up with to hide their own incompetence in Benghazi.
When you post graphs like that, you not wonder why they start at the tail end of Bush's two terms and don't show job creation during the entirety of his time in office? Statistics can be illuminating...or they can be used to obscure reality. Why would anyone START the graph in 2007? Well, if you're trying to portray Bush in as negative a light as possible in order to make Obama look good in comparison...that's EXACTLY what you'd do!

So it's up to look at what's been done and recognize it for what it is...cherry picking.

Yup, great bubble, bust, and world story there lol...:cuckoo:

You can also see where the stimulus ran out and the phony Pub crises...great job, Pubbies and superdupes...:badgrin:

If you liberals weren't so monumentally CLUELESS when it comes to economics you would have realized that putting money into keeping government workers employed while letting the private sector flounder doesn't work except in the very short term. When the private sector doesn't generate enough revenues to continue to pay those government workers salaries then eventually you have to lay them off. On the other hand if you stimulate the private sector then increased revenues gives you money to keep government employees employed!

The reason both Larry Summers and Christina Romer ran back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley is that their little Keynesian experiment fell on it's face.

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