Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:


Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

Is it Clinton accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring and downplaying "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?
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Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

Who has been charged with that? Anyone?

Define Hacking.

No one hacked the election.

Not one Election terminal was hacked, despite Obama and his team of cyber security hackers trying to hack thousands of them.

Not one vote was altered. The only people hacking or elections were The Democrats with their ballot harvesting schemes, and violations of election law when they tampered with provisional and absentee ballots.

And since you want to talk about computers, why did Hillary Clinton have Cyber security experts on her staff who discovered a fake Beacon Ping on a Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank and then told The FBI about it? Why haven't you demanded that Clinton's private IT team be investigated for that?

Russia Alpha Bank for their first time in history invited THE FBI to look at their servers. The FBI found nothing but a planted beacon ping designed to do nothing but call attention to itself.

if you are so worried about Computer Security then why didn't you rip Hillary Clinton a NEW ASSHOLE for violating State Department Rules and creating her own unsecured server off the grid and out of the control of State Department IT which was hacked several times?

If you are so concerned about computer security then why didn't you demand The DNC server be subpoenaed?

If you are so concerned about Cyber Security, then why didn't you demand Clinton be brought up on charges for violating data preservation orders on her illegal server?

If you are so concerned about Cyber Security, then why didn't you demand Clinton be brought up on perjury charges for lying about the number of private devices she had with government data on it, and why didn't you demand she be punished for all the government emails she did not turn over to The FBI that were found on Weiner's laptop....which she said were all about YOGA PANTS and Weddings?

If you are so concerned about computer security, then why weren't you demanding Schultz and Clinton be sent to jail for hiring Criminal Pakistani Hackers and ordering them to pry in to Congressional Files?
DOD and US Law defines how collusion is a component of conspiracy. If a person does not understand simple definitions their is little anyone can do to make them understand several words used in a term or sentence let alone a concept.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
the DNC servers were never looked at. that's fake news.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
the DNC servers were never looked at. that's fake news.
Crowd Strike had to retract a large majority of statements they made in their so called report "After The Election"

The FBI just said, we'll take your word for it. But if you are associated with Trump and cooperating, they'll raid your home for it.
DOD and US Law defines how collusion is a component of conspiracy. If a person does not understand simple definitions their is little anyone can do to make them understand several words used in a term or sentence let alone a concept.
Please cite US Code and what the specific charges are the specific violations of US Code that authorized The Mueller Investigation.

What CRIME was Mueller asked to Investigate?

Please Cite US Code. I can cite US Code for crimes Clinton Committed. So the ball is in your court.

I'll be waiting, and no "CNN Said" is not US CODE.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
the DNC servers were never looked at. that's fake news.

it is, they were never looked at. post one link with the information. CrowdStrike recanted their statement. And Comey already testified they were never looked at, so please share with us who did? And I mean the Government Agency that did.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

Who has been charged with that? Anyone?

why not? you just pointed to a crime. seems you know more than mueller eh? wow, he paying you?

Investigation is ongoing into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
the DNC servers were never looked at. that's fake news.

it is, they were never looked at. post one link with the information. CrowdStrike recanted their statement. And Comey already testified they were never looked at, so please share with us who did?

Investigation into the Russian interference in our 2016 elections is ongoing.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

Who has been charged with that? Anyone?

why not? you just pointed to a crime. seems you know more than mueller eh? wow, he paying you?

Investigation is ongoing into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration.
investigation into what? you've never cited the crime.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
the DNC servers were never looked at. that's fake news.

it is, they were never looked at. post one link with the information. CrowdStrike recanted their statement. And Comey already testified they were never looked at, so please share with us who did?

Investigation into the Russian interference in our 2016 elections is ongoing.
it is? hmmmm Paul Manafort's case has nothing to do with russia. why? in fact nothing has been cited as russia. so you've got a screw loose jack! Name the crime they are investigating.
Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:


Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

Is it Clinton accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring and downplaying "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?

I got so far as your first couple of paragraphs. A collection of BIG LIES repeated over and over by clowns like you. Clowns, yes because anyone who is informed laughs at your antics, i.e. threads and posts.

The reader is advised to research each of the claims made by the OP's author and agent provocateur. For example:

The Alternative 'Russia Scandal'

Remember, "Trust but verify" applied to Russia when Reagan was President, and applies to agent provocateurs who support Putinism and Trumpism today, and continue to attack democracy and the Obama Administration.
Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.
Trump participating in a crime is collusion

If he offered anything in return it is treason
Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Not one gram of uranium went to Russia. You are the definition of "piss drinking retard".

Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?
The money was Iran's to begin with. In exchange, Iran stopped and dismantled its nuclear weapons program. We paid them with their own money! I'd say that was a helluva good deal.

All you have is a big pile of red herrings, and the stench is not enough to cover up the stinking corruption of Trump and his cronies.

I bet everyone who ever agreed to work with Trump on his campaign and in his administration is kicking themselves today. Their crookedness has been brought to light.

It's like an organized crime racket.

Working with Russian hackers to hack the computers of your political opponents.

As Roger Stone, top Trump advisor, has admitted to doing.

Who has been charged with that? Anyone?

why not? you just pointed to a crime. seems you know more than mueller eh? wow, he paying you?

Investigation is ongoing into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration.
Please CITE US CODE which authorized Mueller to Investigate The Crimes for which he was Authorized to Investigate.

What crime was committed which allowed a Special Counsel to be authorized to investigate said crime?

In other words, Mueller's Investigation is actually not authorized and is a violation of Due Process, and Civil Rights if no one can name what crime was committed.

Please Show Legitimate Probable Cause and The Crime Mueller was charged with investigating.

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