Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Why can't we? Simple, republican conservative libertarians are controlled by big money today, the brain washing has been going strong for a long time, read the moronic responses above if you doubt that. Republicans only want power back, and their goal is not America or governance, but to defeat Obama, it was the same with Clinton and Carter. Do you jackasses ever pay attention? Or is Fox all you wingnuts watch? Obama has put forth many good ideas.

Wiseacre, your comment included tax increases, you could have answered your question, ever heard of Norquist, it is his type, and the money behind him. who manage the minds of the right today. You are smart enough to know that.

Then you have the racist stupidity of Mr T and Bayoubill, picking his nose yet, is he looking for history there, I wonder? Lyndon Baines Johnson did more for America than any president in modern history, all Americans. That he is hated demonstrates again the mindless stupidity of the right wing money managed ideologues. They play you suckers like a fiddle.

And as usual - unless I missed it in the moronic right wing replies - no one answered my question here. I wonder why?

Want a great America again? Do what our greatest president did.


No one answered you questions, friend, because none of them were on topic. I am doing my damndest to arrange for an amicable divorce and am dealing with folks from the left and right who just want to jaw at each other or people like you who just want to attack one side or the other.

Let's try again here.

I don't CARE what anybody thinks about anybody else. I don't want to blame or accuse anybody else.

I just want an amicable divorce.

Now many, not all but at least many, of the conservatives are getting into the spirit of this and stating what they want in Conservativeland.

I need for you guys on the left to ask for what you want in Liberalland.

So again, are you willing for Conservativeland to take the guns,cops, and military?

Do you think getting rid of the guns, cops, and military will help establish the kind of environment that the folks going to Liberalland have always said they wanted? You probably won't have the same kinds of laws we will have on our side and with all the tolerance and understanding and helping people out and all, there probably won't be any crime on your side, yes?

Still a stupid topic no matter how many times you bump it. Understand this if nothing else, your OP is insulting to liberals on so many levels that expecting anyone to just accept the premise and play along is asinine, but you knew that from the beginning. Drop the mild mannered moderator act, the OP which you claim to have partially authored is dripping with hatred for liberals, why are you surprised to get negative blowback?

I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.
No one answered you questions, friend, because none of them were on topic. I am doing my damndest to arrange for an amicable divorce and am dealing with folks from the left and right who just want to jaw at each other or people like you who just want to attack one side or the other.

Let's try again here.

I don't CARE what anybody thinks about anybody else. I don't want to blame or accuse anybody else.

I just want an amicable divorce.

Now many, not all but at least many, of the conservatives are getting into the spirit of this and stating what they want in Conservativeland.

I need for you guys on the left to ask for what you want in Liberalland.

So again, are you willing for Conservativeland to take the guns,cops, and military?

Do you think getting rid of the guns, cops, and military will help establish the kind of environment that the folks going to Liberalland have always said they wanted? You probably won't have the same kinds of laws we will have on our side and with all the tolerance and understanding and helping people out and all, there probably won't be any crime on your side, yes?

Still a stupid topic no matter how many times you bump it. Understand this if nothing else, your OP is insulting to liberals on so many levels that expecting anyone to just accept the premise and play along is asinine, but you knew that from the beginning. Drop the mild mannered moderator act, the OP which you claim to have partially authored is dripping with hatred for liberals, why are you surprised to get negative blowback?

I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.

No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.
Still a stupid topic no matter how many times you bump it. Understand this if nothing else, your OP is insulting to liberals on so many levels that expecting anyone to just accept the premise and play along is asinine, but you knew that from the beginning. Drop the mild mannered moderator act, the OP which you claim to have partially authored is dripping with hatred for liberals, why are you surprised to get negative blowback?

I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.

No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

And the only ones writing stereotyping or patriotism into this are people like you. You along with everybody else were inivited to write your own items into the divorce agreement, but no, you choose to be unhumorous, butt hurt, and indignant. I guarantee you that had a liberal written something similar and offered it as a divorce agreement, we conservatives could have come up with our own counter proposals or gotten into the spirit of it.

It's too bad that you can't. Perhaps you would find other threads more to your liking.

But never mind that everybody else.

I still hope somebody will respond to the issue by issue thing.

Are there any conservatives out there who do not want the guns, cops, and military?
Are there any liberals out there who will concede these?
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No one answered you questions, friend, because none of them were on topic. I am doing my damndest to arrange for an amicable divorce and am dealing with folks from the left and right who just want to jaw at each other or people like you who just want to attack one side or the other.

Let's try again here.

I don't CARE what anybody thinks about anybody else. I don't want to blame or accuse anybody else.

I just want an amicable divorce.

Now many, not all but at least many, of the conservatives are getting into the spirit of this and stating what they want in Conservativeland.

I need for you guys on the left to ask for what you want in Liberalland.

So again, are you willing for Conservativeland to take the guns,cops, and military?

Do you think getting rid of the guns, cops, and military will help establish the kind of environment that the folks going to Liberalland have always said they wanted? You probably won't have the same kinds of laws we will have on our side and with all the tolerance and understanding and helping people out and all, there probably won't be any crime on your side, yes?

Still a stupid topic no matter how many times you bump it. Understand this if nothing else, your OP is insulting to liberals on so many levels that expecting anyone to just accept the premise and play along is asinine, but you knew that from the beginning. Drop the mild mannered moderator act, the OP which you claim to have partially authored is dripping with hatred for liberals, why are you surprised to get negative blowback?

I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.

I have a suggestion for a place for you to go. It's kind of hot but there are no liberals there, interested?
This is the kind of stupid, ignorant, hateful, un-American crappe you get after 30 years of BS propaganda from the RW LIARS. PROVEN LIARS. When 50% of dupes believe the president is a Kenyan marxist muslim, ACORN stole the election, and Obama started the financial meltdown. Absolute un-American idiocy. Change the channel or go to Hell, literally...
Ah well, I had hoped the kiddies had tired of intentionally destroying the thread. Guess not. Have fun. I have other places to play.
No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

Yeah, just because people hate America, that doesn't mean they are unpatriotic!

What a loon.

If you think the Founding Fathers would support any current member of the Democrat Party, you are profoundly ignorant of history, or just plain dishonest.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

What's the difference between what Obama believes and what a communist believes?
I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.

No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

And the only ones writing stereotyping or patriotism into this are people like you. You along with everybody else were inivited to write your own items into the divorce agreement, but no, you choose to be unhumorous, butt hurt, and indignant. I guarantee you that had a liberal written something similar and offered it as a divorce agreement, we conservatives could have come up with our own counter proposals or gotten into the spirit of it.

It's too bad that you can't. Perhaps you would find other threads more to your liking.

But never mind that everybody else.

I still hope somebody will respond to the issue by issue thing.

Are there any conservatives out there who do not want the guns, cops, and military?
Are there any liberals out there who will concede these?
Stuff like this statement offends me
Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our constitution and our flag.
No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

And the only ones writing stereotyping or patriotism into this are people like you. You along with everybody else were inivited to write your own items into the divorce agreement, but no, you choose to be unhumorous, butt hurt, and indignant. I guarantee you that had a liberal written something similar and offered it as a divorce agreement, we conservatives could have come up with our own counter proposals or gotten into the spirit of it.

It's too bad that you can't. Perhaps you would find other threads more to your liking.

But never mind that everybody else.

I still hope somebody will respond to the issue by issue thing.

Are there any conservatives out there who do not want the guns, cops, and military?
Are there any liberals out there who will concede these?
Stuff like this statement offends me
Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our constitution and our flag.

Well then, if you had chosen not to be offended but had rather chosen to have fun with the exercise, you could have made a case for why these should be in Liberalland and not Conservativeland. And I guess I would believe you are truly offended if I had ever seen you take somebody to task who was trashing these things.

I have never had a conservative tell me that the Founders' philosophy was irrelevent to today. I have had many liberals tell me that along with trashng the Founders themselves. They are not only not interested in the history but become quite hostile when others bring it up. And they have a whole string of red herrings and straw men to throw into the mix whenever such is discussed. So it seems more conservatives appreciate our history more than most liberals do.

Conservatives have a special love in their heart for their country, will tear up when they hear the national anthem, and swell with pride when they sing God Bless America. Liberals more often want to talk about what is wrong with America and almost never express any pride whatsoever in their country. Conservatives understand and appreciate American exceptionalism. I have never heard a liberal say he or she appreciates it; most can't even define it. So that is why it seems logical that conservatives want and appreciate the name more than most liberals do.

I have never had a conservative tell me that the Constitution had become old and ineffective and was never intended for a modern America. I have had a number of liberals tell me that along with disputing that the Founders intent when they wrote the Constitution should be the foundation of what the Constitution means now. So since conservatives seems to appreciate and respect the Constitution more it only seems logical that we keep that and the liberals can write one more suited to their phiilosophy.

I have never known a conservative who didn't think it appropriate that school children be exposed to the Pledge of Allegiance and the protocol regarding the flag. I have had many liberals tell me that the Pledge should be removed from school, that the flag is appropriate for burning if somebody wants to make a statement doing that, and its no big deal if somebody hangs it upside down or otherwise disrespects it. So, since Conservatives seems to appreicate and respect it more, it seems logical that Conservativeland should take it. Liberalland can adopt whatever symbols seems more appropriate for them.
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No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

Yeah, just because people hate America, that doesn't mean they are unpatriotic!

What a loon.

If you think the Founding Fathers would support any current member of the Democrat Party, you are profoundly ignorant of history, or just plain dishonest.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

What's the difference between what Obama believes and what a communist believes?

Absolutely everything. Brainwashed idiocy. Pay your taxes, criminal.:mad::cuckoo:
Still a stupid topic no matter how many times you bump it. Understand this if nothing else, your OP is insulting to liberals on so many levels that expecting anyone to just accept the premise and play along is asinine, but you knew that from the beginning. Drop the mild mannered moderator act, the OP which you claim to have partially authored is dripping with hatred for liberals, why are you surprised to get negative blowback?

I didn't bump it. Other people did. And if you don't like the topic there are lots and lots of other threads to annoy yourself in.

The only ones I am getting negative blowback from is those who will prefer Liberalland, but they don't seem to want to go there.

I have a suggestion for a place for you to go. It's kind of hot but there are no liberals there, interested?

I find the person that could write this outlandish nonsense against the republic disgusting and lacking any intelligence or education in civics or any other educational process that requires thought.

It's the usual brainwashing from the Koch lobby or paid disruptive buss ins like they tried pulling with town hall meetings.

If these people are really so hateful of the American constitution they have the option to immigrate to a fascist or communist country of their choice where their lip service actions are reality.

This nonsense has Koch stamped all over it.
No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

Yeah, just because people hate America, that doesn't mean they are unpatriotic!

What a loon.

If you think the Founding Fathers would support any current member of the Democrat Party, you are profoundly ignorant of history, or just plain dishonest.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks Obama is a communist. The bar is already pretty low for me.

What's the difference between what Obama believes and what a communist believes?

I dare you to call me unpatriotic. I also dare you to explain to me how Obama is a communist. You are the loon.
And the founding fathers would support any member, because they believed in free ideas, and the right to believe in what you want to believe in. If you don't think that, you should read up on the founding fathers.

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