Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
Quote: Originally Posted by Luissa No your OP is stereotypical, and over generalizes. You are disrespecting fellow Americans by posting this garbage. And the founding fathers would think this group email you stole from a friend is a horrible idea. They didn't want a country where everyone thought the same way. Some Republicans need to start realizing that just because someone doesn't think the same way they do does not make them unpatriotic.

If you say so but a retarded kindergartne knows taking the oath while trying ideological change against the constitution OS illegal as was no vote on Libya and fast n furious. But believe what you must liberalism will be extinct in November or 2014 for sure. They will also cause us to violently have to control them pffft smh @ subhumans
Those who are calling anybody unpatriotic and thoseon the left and right who want to make this into just another insult fest thread are not grasping the whole point of the OP. It was written from a conservative perspective yes, but every single point can be defended,

So far all I've seen mostly from the Left is indignation and butt hurt and the ever present hatefulness, but except for one or two with the smarts to grasp the concept and get into the spirit of the thing, nobody has offered a single amendment or addition or counter offer.

I know liberals in real life who have a sense of humor and know how to have fun. Do none exist at USMB?
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Those who are calling anybody unpatriotic and thoseon the left and right who want to make this into just another insult fest thread are not grasping the whole point of the OP. It was written from a conservative perspective yes, but every single point can be defended,

So far all I've seen mostly from the Left is indignation and butt hurt and the ever present hatefulness, but except for one or two with the smarts to grasp the concept and get into the spirit of the thing, nobody has offered a single amendment or addition or counter offer.

I know liberals in real life who have a sense of humor and know how to have fun. Do none exist at USMB?

Sorry that your plan for liberal exile on the west cost does not tickle my funny bone. A distant place to dump the untermensch is only funny when you are not the untermensch.
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Those who are calling anybody unpatriotic and thoseon the left and right who want to make this into just another insult fest thread are not grasping the whole point of the OP. It was written from a conservative perspective yes, but every single point can be defended,

So far all I've seen mostly from the Left is indignation and butt hurt and the ever present hatefulness, but except for one or two with the smarts to grasp the concept and get into the spirit of the thing, nobody has offered a single amendment or addition or counter offer.

I know liberals in real life who have a sense of humor and know how to have fun. Do none exist at USMB?

Sorry that your plan for liberal exile on the west cost does not tickle my funny bone. A distant place to dump the untermensch is only funny when you are not the untermensch.

It's not a done deal until everybody agrees. So instead of whining and crying and being a jerk, why not suggest what you want for Liberalland? Luissa is obviously ignoring my argument for why I think Conservativeland should have some of the items on the list. Apparently she doesn't have a rebuttal for that. Do you?
Those who are calling anybody unpatriotic and thoseon the left and right who want to make this into just another insult fest thread are not grasping the whole point of the OP. It was written from a conservative perspective yes, but every single point can be defended,

So far all I've seen mostly from the Left is indignation and butt hurt and the ever present hatefulness, but except for one or two with the smarts to grasp the concept and get into the spirit of the thing, nobody has offered a single amendment or addition or counter offer.

I know liberals in real life who have a sense of humor and know how to have fun. Do none exist at USMB?

Sorry that your plan for liberal exile on the west cost does not tickle my funny bone. A distant place to dump the untermensch is only funny when you are not the untermensch.

It's not a done deal until everybody agrees. So instead of whining and crying and being a jerk, why not suggest what you want for Liberalland? Luissa is obviously ignoring my argument for why I think Conservativeland should have some of the items on the list. Apparently she doesn't have a rebuttal for that. Do you?

No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?
Sorry that your plan for liberal exile on the west cost does not tickle my funny bone. A distant place to dump the untermensch is only funny when you are not the untermensch.

It's not a done deal until everybody agrees. So instead of whining and crying and being a jerk, why not suggest what you want for Liberalland? Luissa is obviously ignoring my argument for why I think Conservativeland should have some of the items on the list. Apparently she doesn't have a rebuttal for that. Do you?

No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?

You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.
It's not a done deal until everybody agrees. So instead of whining and crying and being a jerk, why not suggest what you want for Liberalland? Luissa is obviously ignoring my argument for why I think Conservativeland should have some of the items on the list. Apparently she doesn't have a rebuttal for that. Do you?

No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?

You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

We in Realville WANT industry and good stewardship and know both can exist. Obamaville kooks change direction on a dime.
No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?

You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

We in Realville WANT industry and good stewardship and know both can exist. Obamaville kooks change direction on a dime.

But in a no fault divorce that doesn't matter. Each side should take what they want and organize their country as they want. We shake hands and part company with no hard feelings.

Luissa said she took offense at one of the proposals. Last night I spelled out why those things were assigned to the conservative side. Since then, crickets.

I assigned the oil companies and most of the big corporations to the conservative side for the same reason. Those who will occupy Liberalland have hated those things for a long time now. On thread after thread and post after post, they have had absolutely nothing good to say about any of them. So of course thsoe things should go to Conservativeland.

Liberalland can keep Ben & Jerry's, all the Solyndras, and all the wind, solar, and biofuel industries. They have always liked those and I don't think Conservatives would mind giving them up.
It's not a done deal until everybody agrees. So instead of whining and crying and being a jerk, why not suggest what you want for Liberalland? Luissa is obviously ignoring my argument for why I think Conservativeland should have some of the items on the list. Apparently she doesn't have a rebuttal for that. Do you?

No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?

You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

Since we are answering questions with questions, Would it be legal to be a liberal in conservative land? Would it be legal to be a conservative in liberal land? We know the answers to these questions and that should be reason enough for anyone to reject such a scenario out of hand.
No liberal would agree to anything resembling your plan, so what are you prepared to give up to get rid of us cockroaches? What price are you prepared to pay to live in an authoritarian, ideologically pure nation with a single ruling party?

You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

Since we are answering questions with questions, Would it be legal to be a liberal in conservative land? Would it be legal to be a conservative in liberal land? We know the answers to these questions and that should be reason enough for anyone to reject such a scenario out of hand.

I have no problem with anybody living in Conservativeland just so long as he or she doesn't try to turn it into Liberalland. That's why we want Liberalland to have the illegals. It is mostly folks on your side who like them, who want to keep funding them, and who think it is racist to reject them or object to them. Conservatives don't want them because too many of them have no interest in becoming Americans or assimilating into the American culture. They want to retain their language, their flag, their laws, etc. etc. while benefitting from whatever they can get from America. In Liberalland that apparently would not be a problem. In Conservativeland it would be.

Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.
You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

Since we are answering questions with questions, Would it be legal to be a liberal in conservative land? Would it be legal to be a conservative in liberal land? We know the answers to these questions and that should be reason enough for anyone to reject such a scenario out of hand.

I have no problem with anybody living in Conservativeland just so long as he or she doesn't try to turn it into Liberalland. That's why we want Liberalland to have the illegals. It is mostly folks on your side who like them, who want to keep funding them, and who think it is racist to reject them or object to them. Conservatives don't want them because too many of them have no interest in becoming Americans or assimilating into the American culture. They want to retain their language, their flag, their laws, etc. etc. while benefitting from whatever they can get from America. In Liberalland that apparently would not be a problem. In Conservativeland it would be.

Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.

American exceptionalism is a philosophy we used when dealing with other nations, not our own people, no idea leads to fascism like "the enemy within". Quit talking about liberals as a "them", we are your neighbors and relatives who are relatively decent people who have no problem putting up with you.
You mean you WANT those evil, polluting oil companies and all those evil corporations that so many on your side have been demonizing for years now? Who would have thought? Why do you want that which you say you hate? It is purely because nobody on your side has had anything positive to say about them for yuears now, that I assigned them to Conservativeland. We like them.

We in Realville WANT industry and good stewardship and know both can exist. Obamaville kooks change direction on a dime.

But in a no fault divorce that doesn't matter. Each side should take what they want and organize their country as they want. We shake hands and part company with no hard feelings.

Luissa said she took offense at one of the proposals. Last night I spelled out why those things were assigned to the conservative side. Since then, crickets.

I assigned the oil companies and most of the big corporations to the conservative side for the same reason. Those who will occupy Liberalland have hated those things for a long time now. On thread after thread and post after post, they have had absolutely nothing good to say about any of them. So of course thsoe things should go to Conservativeland.

Liberalland can keep Ben & Jerry's, all the Solyndras, and all the wind, solar, and biofuel industries. They have always liked those and I don't think Conservatives would mind giving them up.

In that case? they can keep the rights to 'Kumbaya'.

WE will keep 'Stranglehold' ;)
Since we are answering questions with questions, Would it be legal to be a liberal in conservative land? Would it be legal to be a conservative in liberal land? We know the answers to these questions and that should be reason enough for anyone to reject such a scenario out of hand.

I have no problem with anybody living in Conservativeland just so long as he or she doesn't try to turn it into Liberalland. That's why we want Liberalland to have the illegals. It is mostly folks on your side who like them, who want to keep funding them, and who think it is racist to reject them or object to them. Conservatives don't want them because too many of them have no interest in becoming Americans or assimilating into the American culture. They want to retain their language, their flag, their laws, etc. etc. while benefitting from whatever they can get from America. In Liberalland that apparently would not be a problem. In Conservativeland it would be.

Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.

American exceptionalism is a philosophy we used when dealing with other nations, not our own people, no idea leads to fascism like "the enemy within". Quit talking about liberals as a "them", we are your neighbors and relatives who are relatively decent people who have no problem putting up with you.

You need to get your information from something other than Wiki. American Exceptionalism has nothing to do with dealing with other nations other than we are not obligated to submit to anybody else.

American Excpetionalism celebrates America's uniqueness, its focus on self governance, its concept of a people who own the government rather than the other way around, a concept of people possessing unaliienable rights that are not assigned by any government. You know, all those concepts put out there by the Founders that most liberals have despised and attempted to denigrate as much as possible. Most folks in Liberalland seem to appreciate and want to be more like Europe.

Conservativeland will embrace American exceptionalism and use it to very good advantage. And that's why Conservativeland should have it.
I have no problem with anybody living in Conservativeland just so long as he or she doesn't try to turn it into Liberalland. That's why we want Liberalland to have the illegals. It is mostly folks on your side who like them, who want to keep funding them, and who think it is racist to reject them or object to them. Conservatives don't want them because too many of them have no interest in becoming Americans or assimilating into the American culture. They want to retain their language, their flag, their laws, etc. etc. while benefitting from whatever they can get from America. In Liberalland that apparently would not be a problem. In Conservativeland it would be.

Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.

American exceptionalism is a philosophy we used when dealing with other nations, not our own people, no idea leads to fascism like "the enemy within". Quit talking about liberals as a "them", we are your neighbors and relatives who are relatively decent people who have no problem putting up with you.

You need to get your information from something other than Wiki. American Exceptionalism has nothing to do with dealing with other nations other than we are not obligated to submit to anybody else.

American Excpetionalism celebrates America's uniqueness, its focus on self governance, its concept of a people who own the government rather than the other way around, a concept of people possessing unaliienable rights that are not assigned by any government. You know, all those concepts put out there by the Founders that most liberals have despised and attempted to denigrate as much as possible. Most folks in Liberalland seem to appreciate and want to be more like Europe.

Conservativeland will embrace American exceptionalism and use it to very good advantage. And that's why Conservativeland should have it.

American Exceptionalism IS...Liberty found nowhere else in the world.
American exceptionalism is a philosophy we used when dealing with other nations, not our own people, no idea leads to fascism like "the enemy within". Quit talking about liberals as a "them", we are your neighbors and relatives who are relatively decent people who have no problem putting up with you.

You need to get your information from something other than Wiki. American Exceptionalism has nothing to do with dealing with other nations other than we are not obligated to submit to anybody else.

American Excpetionalism celebrates America's uniqueness, its focus on self governance, its concept of a people who own the government rather than the other way around, a concept of people possessing unaliienable rights that are not assigned by any government. You know, all those concepts put out there by the Founders that most liberals have despised and attempted to denigrate as much as possible. Most folks in Liberalland seem to appreciate and want to be more like Europe.

Conservativeland will embrace American exceptionalism and use it to very good advantage. And that's why Conservativeland should have it.

American Exceptionalism IS...Liberty found nowhere else in the world.

Yes, the Founders envisioned a nation like no nation that had ever existed. The concept of natural (or God given) rights did not originate with them, but they embraced the concept. And the Constitution was built around that principle. Rather than having a monarch or authoritarian pope/church authority or dictator or feudal lords or other totalitarian system of government as existed everywhere else in the world, Americans would designate a government that would secure their rights and then leave them alone to form whatever sort of society they wished to have. It was a freedom that the world had never known before in all of recorded history and it remains unique among nations of the world today.

THAT is American exceptionalism and it is THAT which most, if not all, conservatives embrace in America now whether or not they know how to define it. It is the antithesis of modern day American liberalism.

So American exceptionalism can't exist anywhere but in Conservativeland and that is why we should have it. And since our Constitution was built around the principle of American exceptionalism, that is why the Constitution should also go to Conservativeland. The liberals will be much more happy with a Constitution that more accurately reflects their stated point of view that has never included American exceptionalism.
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I have no problem with anybody living in Conservativeland just so long as he or she doesn't try to turn it into Liberalland. That's why we want Liberalland to have the illegals. It is mostly folks on your side who like them, who want to keep funding them, and who think it is racist to reject them or object to them. Conservatives don't want them because too many of them have no interest in becoming Americans or assimilating into the American culture. They want to retain their language, their flag, their laws, etc. etc. while benefitting from whatever they can get from America. In Liberalland that apparently would not be a problem. In Conservativeland it would be.

Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.

American exceptionalism is a philosophy we used when dealing with other nations, not our own people, no idea leads to fascism like "the enemy within". Quit talking about liberals as a "them", we are your neighbors and relatives who are relatively decent people who have no problem putting up with you.

You need to get your information from something other than Wiki. American Exceptionalism has nothing to do with dealing with other nations other than we are not obligated to submit to anybody else.

American Excpetionalism celebrates America's uniqueness, its focus on self governance, its concept of a people who own the government rather than the other way around, a concept of people possessing unaliienable rights that are not assigned by any government. You know, all those concepts put out there by the Founders that most liberals have despised and attempted to denigrate as much as possible. Most folks in Liberalland seem to appreciate and want to be more like Europe.

Conservativeland will embrace American exceptionalism and use it to very good advantage. And that's why Conservativeland should have it.

Meaningless stereotype is nothing to base a nation on, in fact, it may be the worse thing.
You need to get your information from something other than Wiki. American Exceptionalism has nothing to do with dealing with other nations other than we are not obligated to submit to anybody else.

American Excpetionalism celebrates America's uniqueness, its focus on self governance, its concept of a people who own the government rather than the other way around, a concept of people possessing unaliienable rights that are not assigned by any government. You know, all those concepts put out there by the Founders that most liberals have despised and attempted to denigrate as much as possible. Most folks in Liberalland seem to appreciate and want to be more like Europe.

Conservativeland will embrace American exceptionalism and use it to very good advantage. And that's why Conservativeland should have it.

American Exceptionalism IS...Liberty found nowhere else in the world.

Yes, the Founders envisioned a nation like no nation that had ever existed. The concept of natural (or God given) rights did not originate with them, but they embraced the concept. And the Constitution was built around that principle. Rather than having a monarch or authoritarian pope/church authority or dictator or feudal lords or other totalitarian system of government as existed everywhere else in the world, Americans would designate a government that would secure their rights and then leave them alone to form whatever sort of society they wished to have. It was a freedom that the world had never known before in all of recorded history and it remains unique among nations of the world today.

THAT is American exceptionalism and it is THAT which most, if not all, conservatives embrace in America now whether or not they know how to define it. It is the antithesis of modern day American liberalism.

So American exceptionalism can't exist anywhere but in Conservativeland and that is why we should have it.

Sad that acknowlegement of GOD and rights naturally conferred means Theocracy to far too many...
Conservatives embrace American exceptionalism and all that entails. I've never met a liberal who also embracedi that.

You should try to meet more people.

And it is comments like yours that definitely indicates that you should go to Liberalland where such will be considered intelligent debate,. Unfortunately, there are a few who philosophically belong in Conservativeland that we will need to send over to your side because they tend to debate in the same manner. But there aren't many of them so they shouldn't be much of a problem for you.

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