Dear Russia: This idiot doesn't represent Americans


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
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This douche bag doesn't represent Americans. We know that Trump won the election even despite the Democrats best efforts to rig it and scapegoat the Russians in the aftermath. And we know that douche bags like McCain are soulless c***ts that do not speak for Americans.
McCain wants a real war before he checks out. He doesn't care with who.

He used to be an actual person. Too bad.
sub titles in Russian eh?

I just do not understand why Trump and his minions, are so upset about this, UNLESS they had something to do with it?

If they had nothing to do with the hack, including getting the emails released on to wikileaks, then there is nothing, at all for Trump and minions, to be upset about,

other than Russia trying to interfere with out election process.

Whether Trump won due to some of the Russians doings with the leaks, matters not....

as long as Trump had nothing at all to do with the leaks and hacks, then he is President, and as legitimate as one could be.

Trump can not be held accountable for what the Russians may or may not have done to influence the election. It would not be his fault... and nothing like the presidency could be taken away from him due to what other people have done illegally.

If Trump and team are responsible for any part of the hacks and leaks, then that would be another story...his presidency could be taken away from him....BUT ONLY IF THAT WERE TRUE.

OTHERWISE he really has nothing at all to fret over this...
McCain might want to be careful wishing for war with Russia, he might be taken captive.

Is all this BS about protecting Obama and Hillary? Is it a false flag to take away from the actual FACT that she violated policy, as Comey said, and should face some sort of sanction. Since Obama and Hillary can't have it blamed on their own lack of dilligence then why not blame it on the Russians. Maybe the other plus side they are looking at is maybe Obama will leave Trump a cold or even a hot war which of course they will blame on Trump.

Truth is this is obama and the establishment doing their best to do dirt to Trump. To make the transition as hard as possible. I really wish Trump would have told Obama, no need to meet just leave the keys under the door mat when you leave.
This douche bag doesn't represent Americans. We know that Trump won the election even despite the Democrats best efforts to rig it and scapegoat the Russians in the aftermath. And we know that douche bags like McCain are soulless c***ts that do not speak for Americans.

I think dear Russians know that already, that's why Putin didn't expel American diplomats but instead invited their children for the New Year party to Kremlin.

"We will not expel anyone," Putin said in a statement. He said Russia reserved the right to retaliate but would not "descend to the level" of "irresponsible diplomacy."
Putin said he was inviting all children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas party in the Kremlin.
Russia will not expel anyone and wait for Trump on U.S. sanctions,...
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”

“No enemy of the United States could have done worse,” Zakharova concluded.
Zakharova: ‘Obama team are foreign policy losers, humiliate Americans with anti-Russia sanctions’
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Can any of you geeks out there explain to me how they know if the Russian government sanctioned any hack? I mean do they log into the server with Putin's name?

Does anyone believe that the US doesn't hack into Russian computers? Maybe the US can't because the Russians don't have anyone stupid enough to have unprotected servers. Or are not too stupid to give away their passwords to fake web sites.

What this is turning out to be is an example of how stupid are the democrats to get hacked in the first place.
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This douche bag doesn't represent Americans. We know that Trump won the election even despite the Democrats best efforts to rig it and scapegoat the Russians in the aftermath. And we know that douche bags like McCain are soulless c***ts that do not speak for Americans.
Well.......he does appear to be representing democrats.
Oh boo-hoo for Putin....Or is Trump his complicit dupe?

The sanctions that Putin wants dropped the most was passed by Congress..

Trump will have less flexibility with the 2012 law known as the Magnitsky Act, which was signed by Obama after it passed in both houses of Congress. The law introduced visa bans and financial sanctions on Russians deemed complicit in the 2009 death of whistle-blowing Russian auditor Sergei Magnitsky and other alleged rights abuses. The Kremlin has railed against the law, which has publicly hit 39 Russians with sanctions and an unspecified number secretly.

Putin demanded in the plutonium-deal law that Washington "repeal" the Magnitsky Act. Even though Republicans will control both houses of Congress, this likely would be a tall order for Trump. Congress would have to initiate the process of repealing the bill, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Explainer: How Trump Could Roll Back Obama's Russia Policies
This douche bag doesn't represent Americans. We know that Trump won the election even despite the Democrats best efforts to rig it and scapegoat the Russians in the aftermath. And we know that douche bags like McCain are soulless c***ts that do not speak for Americans.

I think dear Russians know that already, that's why Putin didn't expel American diplomats but instead invited their children for the New Year party to Kremlin.

"We will not expel anyone," Putin said in a statement. He said Russia reserved the right to retaliate but would not "descend to the level" of "irresponsible diplomacy."
Putin said he was inviting all children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas party in the Kremlin.
Russia will not expel anyone and wait for Trump on U.S. sanctions,...
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote, labeling the current administration “a group of foreign policy losers, bitter and narrow-minded.”

“No enemy of the United States could have done worse,” Zakharova concluded.
Zakharova: ‘Obama team are foreign policy losers, humiliate Americans with anti-Russia sanctions’
So, do you think Trump will reward Russia for their hacks and dumping on wikileaks, instead of allowing the Obama/congress punishments to stand?
sub titles in Russian eh?

I just do not understand why Trump and his minions, are so upset about this

Because there is no proof presented, other than a "we say so" from departments under the cloak of the Obama administration.
do you really believe this is all imaginary and made up by ALL of our intelligence agencies as some kind of gift to Obama?
sub titles in Russian eh?

I just do not understand why Trump and his minions, are so upset about this

Because there is no proof presented, other than a "we say so" from departments under the cloak of the Obama administration.
do you really believe this is all imaginary and made up by ALL of our intelligence agencies as some kind of gift to Obama?

What remains in the absence of evidence is the truth.
sub titles in Russian eh?

I just do not understand why Trump and his minions, are so upset about this

Because there is no proof presented, other than a "we say so" from departments under the cloak of the Obama administration.
do you really believe this is all imaginary and made up by ALL of our intelligence agencies as some kind of gift to Obama?

What remains in the absence of evidence is the truth.
here's what we do know, the hackers who hacked the DNC and Podesta, left footprints behind, signatures that our intelligence agencies found, that MATCH the same Russian signatures left behind that hacked the Ukrainian elections, and same signature footprint left behind when the Russians hacked the Ukrainian electric grid, and same signature left behind on the recent hacking attempt of Vermont's electric grid with the same malware, that allows them to break in....

that's pretty compelling evidence....even without anything more being released on it, to NOT disregard the intelligence community's assessment so far.... imo.
sub titles in Russian eh?

I just do not understand why Trump and his minions, are so upset about this

Because there is no proof presented, other than a "we say so" from departments under the cloak of the Obama administration.
do you really believe this is all imaginary and made up by ALL of our intelligence agencies as some kind of gift to Obama?

What remains in the absence of evidence is the truth.
here's what we do know, the hackers who hacked the DNC and Podesta, left footprints behind, signatures that our intelligence agencies found, that MATCH the same Russian signatures left behind that hacked the Ukrainian elections, and same signature footprint left behind when the Russians hacked the Ukrainian electric grid, and same signature left behind on the recent hacking attempt of Vermont's electric grid with the same malware, that allows them to break in....

that's pretty compelling evidence....even without anything more being released on it, to NOT disregard the intelligence community's assessment so far.... imo.

Okay. How do you know that?

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