Death panels are here!

A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Well, you can't blame Obamacare for what Texass does.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Just another reason not to live in Texass.
I'm pretty sure Texas doesn't want you anyway.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

If this was a death panel, it was put in place by the State of Texas under Bush.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.

The law they used if you bothered to read was passed in 1999 in Texas. Think and read before you ope that shitty mouth of yours.

It wasn't being used to kill people before Obamacare.

Unless you can find another instance of this happening..only before obamacare.

I already asked for that once. So you are going to start shitting yourself to avoid having to didn't happen then.
Need another one?

Houston Chronical, 2005: Life support may be cut based on pay, prognosis

St. Luke's notified Jannette Nikolouzos in a March 1 letter that it would withdraw life-sustaining care of her husband of 34 years in 10 days, which would be Friday.

Caballero said he believes the hospital wants to discontinue care because Nikolouzos' Medicare funding is running out.

Spiro Nikolouzos, a retired electrical engineer for an oil drilling company, has been an invalid since 2001, when he experienced bleeding related to a shunt in his brain.

Diapers...or coma?


Medicare is pre-obama obamacare...and hey guess what...

Court grants injunction for man on life support

Nursing home takes in man on ventilator

Didn't happen.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

I see, so you're going to focus on 'death panels' even though this is not the 'death panels' that were talked about when passing Obamacare. That right wing lie was about a government agency that was going to decide who lived or died if they HAD Obamacare insurance. This is a completely different nut.

No, it's not. It's the exact nut that it has always been.

Non medical financial people colluding with hospitals to deny people treatment.

Death panels.

Yeah, these make believe death panels revolved around having insurance, not for those who didn't have it. Shit are you confused.

Here's an article, read up on it:
Opinion | The so-called Obamacare death panel meets its unfortunate end

In the meantime what laws do you think should be enacted to ensure this doesn't happen again? I bet you still won't answer it.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

If this was a death panel, it was put in place by the State of Texas under Bush.

The GOP ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare.

They lied.

Who was responsible for the death list at the Arizona VA?

John McCain threw them to the wolves.
The guy was uninsured, what's your solution?

You are filth.
But you know that.

We didn't have this problem before Obamacare, did we?

Nope. We didn't.

The law they used if you bothered to read was passed in 1999 in Texas. Think and read before you ope that shitty mouth of yours.

It wasn't being used to kill people before Obamacare.

Unless you can find another instance of this happening..only before obamacare.

I already asked for that once. So you are going to start shitting yourself to avoid having to didn't happen then.
Need another one?

Houston Chronical, 2005: Life support may be cut based on pay, prognosis

St. Luke's notified Jannette Nikolouzos in a March 1 letter that it would withdraw life-sustaining care of her husband of 34 years in 10 days, which would be Friday.

Caballero said he believes the hospital wants to discontinue care because Nikolouzos' Medicare funding is running out.

Spiro Nikolouzos, a retired electrical engineer for an oil drilling company, has been an invalid since 2001, when he experienced bleeding related to a shunt in his brain.

Diapers...or coma?


Medicare is pre-obama obamacare...and hey guess what...

Court grants injunction for man on life support

Nursing home takes in man on ventilator

Didn't happen.

A court made the decision, not the family.

I gave you other examples, too.

Diapers...or coma?
As has been unquivocally proven, this has nothing to do with ObamaCare.

And now the pseudocons are running away from the key question to solve this problem: "What policies would you enact so that this guy could have gotten health care?"
I see, so you're going to focus on 'death panels' even though this is not the 'death panels' that were talked about when passing Obamacare. That right wing lie was about a government agency that was going to decide who lived or died if they HAD Obamacare insurance. This is a completely different nut.

All you have to do is look at the UK to see death panels come with social medicine at some point.

Nah, I'll let you demonstrate that.

Remember when there were lifetime caps on health insurance? So the sickest among us ran out of insurance first, how do you think that helps?
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Well, you can't blame Obamacare for what Texass does.
Actually, they can and do. :lol:

"Alternative facts" are all that matter.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Well, you can't blame Obamacare for what Texass does.

Waitl, what? Sure they can. It's all over this thread. They don't really give a fuck that it was a Texas law passed in 1999. They only want to be able to throw shade at Obama thinking it will tarnish him and make President "Despicable" a little less despicable. Pretending it was Obama and not Bush is kinda in their wheelhouse......
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff
So who fed this old story to you today? Was it Rush? Hannity? Your Facebook Retard feeds?
What have we learned today, kids?

"Don't get sick in Texas!"
koshergrl, need another one?

Baby born with fatal defect dies after removal from life support

Sun's death marks the first time a hospital has been allowed by a U.S. judge to discontinue an infant's life-sustaining care against a parent's wishes, according to bioethical experts. A similar case involving a 68-year-old man in a chronic vegetative state at another Houston hospital is before a court now.

Diapers...or coma?


Oh ouch, the loophole...

"A doctor's recommendation must be approved by a hospital's ethics committee, and the family must be given 10 days from written notice of the decision to try and locate another facility for the patient."

The mom, who was incompetent, could have moved the child to another hospital, if she had had the wherewithal to figure out how. She didn't, though. She was incompetent. So the court stepped in and forced her to kill her baby.

So her incompetence makes this not quite the slam dunk you think it represents. She wasn't considered competent, she wasn't well informed.

Quite different than a case where a man states he doesn't want to die, and the ghouls convene and decide "screw you, you don't have insurance, we aren't going to allow you access treatment".

Baby born with fatal defect dies after removal from life support
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

"Do no harm", aye?

Dime to a dollar his insurance ran out.

Read the article, he had no insurance and there is a Texas law to protect the hospital.
So the article says that if a man doesn't have insurance, a hospital can kill him..

Which is what we said all along. Death panels. People who kill people based on their biased and uneducated determination of their quality of life, their financial, and/or ideological, status.

I think this one is a little of each.

If this was a death panel, it was put in place by the State of Texas under Bush.

The GOP ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare.

They lied.

Who was responsible for the death list at the Arizona VA?

John McCain threw them to the wolves.
He can't die fast enough..or in sufficient suit me.
A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

A Texas man was taken off life support despite his objections and the objections of his family according to this article. It was all done because a hospital ethics committee decided to do it.

And the ethics committee cannot be questioned in any way, nor can we know who they are and these people need no qualifications.

Scary stuff

Well, you can't blame Obamacare for what Texass does.

Waitl, what? Sure they can. It's all over this thread. They don't really give a fuck that it was a Texas law passed in 1999. They only want to be able to throw shade at Obama thinking it will tarnish him and make President "Despicable" a little less despicable. Pretending it was Obama and not Bush is kinda in their wheelhouse......

No worries, the GOP is equally to blame.

They are all in it together it seems.
koshergrl, need another one?

Baby born with fatal defect dies after removal from life support

Sun's death marks the first time a hospital has been allowed by a U.S. judge to discontinue an infant's life-sustaining care against a parent's wishes, according to bioethical experts. A similar case involving a 68-year-old man in a chronic vegetative state at another Houston hospital is before a court now.

Diapers...or coma?


Oh ouch, the loophole...

"A doctor's recommendation must be approved by a hospital's ethics committee, and the family must be given 10 days from written notice of the decision to try and locate another facility for the patient."

The mom, who was incompetent, could have moved the child to another hospital, if she had had the wherewithal to figure out how. She didn't, though. She was incompetent. So the court stepped in and forced her to kill her baby.

So her incompetence makes this not quite the slam dunk you think it represents. She wasn't considered competent, she wasn't well informed.

Quite different than a case where a man states he doesn't want to die, and the ghouls convene and decide "screw you, you don't have insurance, we aren't going to allow you access treatment".

Baby born with fatal defect dies after removal from life support

Bush was president in 2005 when this happened.

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