CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

I don't nor do I care-----I do understand that some
hadiths are considered fake. There are lots in my
Yusuf Ali version of the kharahan and I have been
given the impression that THOSE hadiths are
<gasp> "authentic" ----actually "valid"
Yusuf Ali's translation has commentary, not hadiths.
Would the nature of the weapons involved, and the efficiency for killing people, have a bearing on defining the difference between the terrorist and the freedom fighter?

Would the WTC serve as an example on the efficiency of the weapons involved?

Would Hiroshima and Nagasaki also serve as examples to answer the question?
In the 1950s the Israelis routinely carried out raids on Lebanon and Syria to steal topsoil. Read Moishe Dayan.
I am fascinated. I need some topsoil. How did they do it----mile long caravans of camels bearing
huge sacks?
That's logically incorrect. Most terrorists aren't psychopaths simply wanting to kill. They're weak and indoctrinated to do what they're told to do, in a manner they're told to do.
who is doing the "telling"? Why are muslims so
weak minded?
Dump trucks.
OH lots of dump trucks----convoys miles long.
Does not seem worth the effort. "TOPSOIL"
regenerates itself. The land in South Lebanon---
the stuff south of the Litani river-- is far from
Fertile. It is dry sandy stuff. Did they send
Dump trucks into Sinai too? Where did the
Lebanese topsoil go?
who is doing the "telling"? Why are muslims so
weak minded?

OH lots of dump trucks----convoys miles long.
Does not seem worth the effort. "TOPSOIL"
regenerates itself. The land in South Lebanon---
the stuff south of the Litani river-- is far from
Fertile. It is dry sandy stuff. Did they send
Dump trucks into Sinai too? Where did the
Lebanese topsoil go?
The Israelis did this all thru the 1950s. They would have a pickup truck of Israeli soldiers with them who simply shot any angry Lebanese farmers who tried to stop them. BBC and VOA reported it weekly. Moishe Dayan details why they did it.
The Israelis did this all thru the 1950s. They would have a pickup truck of Israeli soldiers with them who simply shot any angry Lebanese farmers who tried to stop them. BBC and VOA reported it weekly. Moishe Dayan details why they did it.
Hmm kinda like how the Arabs smashed the heads of Jewish Toddlers with Rifle butts during raids on settlements ?
The Israelis did this all thru the 1950s. They would have a pickup truck of Israeli soldiers with them who simply shot any angry Lebanese farmers who tried to stop them. BBC and VOA reported it weekly. Moishe Dayan details why they did it.
a pickup truck full of topsoil? what for? ----- there was a lot adjacent to my property, the
soil was
determined to be contaminated so that in order for
the owner to build a little tiny house he had to
soil. They were shipping soil ALL MONTH for a
lot something like 20 ft X 100 ft. How much of
Lebanon did the IDF ship out. Is that when they
started stealing rain clouds from Iran?
a pickup truck full of topsoil? what for? ----- there was a lot adjacent to my property, the
soil was
determined to be contaminated so that in order for
the owner to build a little tiny house he had to
soil. They were shipping soil ALL MONTH for a
lot something like 20 ft X 100 ft. How much of
Lebanon did the IDF ship out. Is that when they
started stealing rain clouds from Iran?
They were using dump trucks. The armed soldiers rode in pickup trucks.
wrong again----besides the EXTENSIVE COMMENTARY---it includes hadiths---my
version of the kharahan by yusuf ali comes in
two giant volumes
Interesting. Do you mind posting a link to any website for that book? The most widely used Quran translation in english is his translation but it only includes the commentary. You must have a unique book. Are you quite sure the hadith are translated by him?

In any case, the Quran and the hadiths are different things so I don't know why you keep confusing them.
Interesting. Do you mind posting a link to any website for that book? The most widely used Quran translation in english is his translation but it only includes the commentary. You must have a unique book. Are you quite sure the hadith are translated by him?

In any case, the Quran and the hadiths are different things so I don't know why you keep confusing them.
I am far from confused. It is a book---not a website. You commented some gibberish like
"that is not in the kharahan" but failed to note
WHAT is not in the Kharahan. I assume that you
meant to say it is in a valid hadith but not the Kharahan. This is a mere technicality-----the filth
of shariah law is an interpretation of lots of idiot
writings, both kharah... and idiot associated stories
and accordance with the "intellect" of a pile of jerks

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