CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

Is a rational conversation possible with you? I'll try again because this is the CDZ.

Americans hate terrorists and they hate Chinese people, but they love Chinese terrorists. The Uighurs!

There's a need for Americans to understand who are the terrorists and who are the freedom fighters.

There are some states (countries) that fight for freedom and there are some that are terrorist states.

I think we might not be able to totally agree on which are which.

As to the 'rational conversation', that is pre-determined by the rules of the CDZ in my opinion.

If a terrorist attacks the civil authorities they are freedom fighters. If a terrorist attacks innocent civilians they are scum and should die.

So simple a moron can understand.
Seriously, people call others bees these days to offend them? Do you not like bees or something?
the BEE is an insect. It has a primitive brain
which educated people call DORSAL GANGLION.
The Drone is a male Bee.
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No. I do not forgive rape. What is the name of
the "prominent Israeli politician" who said that he
could "forgive instances of rape"? Rape is a crime
both in USA law and Jewish law-----it is acceptable
in Shariah law when enacted upon non-muslims
the BEE is an insect. It has a primitive brain
which educated people call DORSAL GANGLION.
The Drone is a male Bee.
Bees are absolutely beautiful, necessary and have astounding communication skills between each other. They're mentioned in the Quran:

"And your Lord inspired to the bee, "Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct." 16:68

"Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought." 16:69
No. I do not forgive rape. What is the name of
the "prominent Israeli politician" who said that he
could "forgive instances of rape"? Rape is a crime
both in USA law and Jewish law-----it is acceptable
in Shariah law when enacted upon non-muslims
In Palestine occupied by jews and America the punishment for rape is imprisonment at most. In Islam it is death.
In Palestine occupied by jews and America the punishment for rape is imprisonment at most.

In Islam it is death.
if the victim of rape is a muslim woman and the
rapist is a non muslim. Rape by a muslim of a
kaffirah is not a crime in Shariah law. Read your
Kharahan. I should inform you, I have lots of
relatives thru marriage who escaped shariah
adherent cesspits
You called me a bee — a drone. I don't mind.
I called you a "mindless drone" which is a
well accepted slang terms for "stupid person
who believes anything he is told to believe"
Those who use the LETTER B to describe a
female person do so as a gutter euphemism for
"bitch" (khalba in arabic)
if the victim of rape is a muslim woman and the
rapist is a non muslim. Rape by a muslim of a
kaffirah is not a crime in Shariah law. Read your
Kharahan. I should inform you, I have lots of
relatives thru marriage who escaped shariah
adherent cesspits
No, the punishment applies regardless of whether they are Muslim or not. It's not in the Quran.
wrong again-----women CAPTURED IN WAR
have no choice----neither do orphaned dhimmis.
Forced intercourse with one's slave or one's wife is not called rape in Islamic law, that's true, and it's because the word by definition is problematic, seeing as it is lawful to have intercourse with one's wife or one's slave woman. However, that doesn't make forced intercourse permissable. Actually, even slapping of a slave automatically frees the slave. So what about greater violence?

As for dhimmis, if the child is free, then he/she isn't a slave and doesn't fall into the category of...slaves and therefore sexual intercourse is only permitted through marriage.
Forced intercourse with one's slave or one's wife is not called rape in Islamic law, that's true, and it's because the word by definition is problematic, seeing as it is lawful to have intercourse with one's wife or one's slave woman. However, that doesn't make forced intercourse permissable. Actually, even slapping of a slave automatically frees the slave. So what about greater violence?

As for dhimmis, if the child is free, then he/she isn't a slave and doesn't fall into the category of...slaves and therefore sexual intercourse is only permitted through marriage.

Sooooooooo, what did you just say here?

Rape is ok under sharia law because they simply don't call it rape?
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Forced intercourse with one's slave or one's wife is not called rape in Islamic law, that's true, and it's because the word by definition is problematic, seeing as it is lawful to have intercourse with one's wife or one's slave woman. However, that doesn't make forced intercourse permissable. Actually, even slapping of a slave automatically frees the slave. So what about greater violence?

As for dhimmis, if the child is free, then he/she isn't a slave and doesn't fall into the category of...slaves and therefore sexual intercourse is only permitted through marriage.
wrong----in fact muslims can KILL non-muslim slaves ----as to ORPHANED dhimmis (orphan means
a minor with a dead father in the filth of shariah) they
are free meat for the local Imam pig (Imam is the
word used to address local chieftains and even the
King in the islamic cesspit of my husband's birth)
Slapping a slave does not free him in the filth of islamic law------you are thinking of jewish jurisprudence
Forced intercourse with one's slave or one's wife is not called rape in Islamic law, that's true, and it's because the word by definition is problematic, seeing as it is lawful to have intercourse with one's wife or one's slave woman. However, that doesn't make forced intercourse permissable. Actually, even slapping of a slave automatically frees the slave. So what about greater violence?

As for dhimmis, if the child is free, then he/she isn't a slave and doesn't fall into the category of...slaves and therefore sexual intercourse is only permitted through marriage.
what is a free orphaned dhimmi? you are very

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