CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

wrong again-----women CAPTURED IN WAR
have no choice----neither do orphaned dhimmis.
Even when the men were reluctant to rape, they were instructed to do so.

“The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allaah (ﷺ) were reluctant to have relations with the female captives because of their pagan husbands. So, Allaah the exalted sent down the Qur’anic verse “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses.” This is to say that they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period.
Sooooooooo, what did you just say here?

Rape is ok under sharia law because they simply don't call it rape?
actually WALL----you got that right. In islamic
"law" there are all kinds of circumstances that
render forced sex LEGAL----to summarize---just
about any non-muslim woman can be raped if the
muslim CLAIMS she violated her "dhimmi status"---
like "that khalba touched a copy of the kharahan---
or took a walk without a veil over her head or even
went out of doors after dusk"
Even when the men were reluctant to rape, they were instructed to do so.

“The Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allaah (ﷺ) were reluctant to have relations with the female captives because of their pagan husbands. So, Allaah the exalted sent down the Qur’anic verse “And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses.” This is to say that they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period.
thanks dogma It seems to me that very few muslims ever actually READ the kharahan
wrong----in fact muslims can KILL non-muslim slaves ----as to ORPHANED dhimmis (orphan means
a minor with a dead father in the filth of shariah) they
are free meat for the local Imam pig (Imam is the
word used to address local chieftains and even the
King in the islamic cesspit of my husband's birth)
Slapping a slave does not free him in the filth of islamic law------you are thinking of jewish jurisprudence
I don't have time to do your work for you. Try debating with etiquette and post your proof and then I will answer you.
No, they don't. Do you have any idea how many hadiths there are?
I don't nor do I care-----I do understand that some
hadiths are considered fake. There are lots in my
Yusuf Ali version of the kharahan and I have been
given the impression that THOSE hadiths are
<gasp> "authentic" ----actually "valid"

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