CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

I am far from confused. It is a book---not a website. You commented some gibberish like
"that is not in the kharahan" but failed to note
WHAT is not in the Kharahan. I assume that you
meant to say it is in a valid hadith but not the Kharahan. This is a mere technicality---
I see you know what I meant — why do you always pretend to be confused? I'm beginning to think you might be retarded in some way.

It is a valid hadith, but all I meant to say is it isn't in the Quran. It's not in any sense a technicality. The Quran is a book. You can't just say something that isn't in a specific book is there and then claim the fact that it's not there is a "technicality" — no, you're a liar.
The Israelis did this all thru the 1950s. They would have a pickup truck of Israeli soldiers with them who simply shot any angry Lebanese farmers who tried to stop them. BBC and VOA reported it weekly. Moishe Dayan details why they did it.
was the "recovered soil"----that stuff that exists south of the Litani River or something more north or
east? Moshe Dayan was involved?----he always
took LOTS OF PICTURES of things he did----got some?
was the "recovered soil"----that stuff that exists south of the Litani River or something more north or
east? Moshe Dayan was involved?----he always
took LOTS OF PICTURES of things he did----got some?
I see you know what I meant — why do you always pretend to be confused? I'm beginning to think you might be retarded in some way.

It is a valid hadith, but all I meant to say is it isn't in the Quran. It's not in any sense a technicality. The Quran is a book. You can't just say something that isn't in a specific book is there and then claim the fact that it's not there is a "technicality" — no, you're a liar.
wrong again ----I do not lie----you are filth. The
two volume book I have is entitled something like
KHARAHAN. Furthermore---you never actually
clarified what you imagine is "not there" The body
of islamic ""jurisprudence" includes lots more than
just the relatively short work-----that some people
call "the kharahan" just as "case law" in the USA
is far more comprehensive than a copy of the
that's ^^^^^ it? that's your proof that
Israel divested Lebanon of its top soil in continual
convoys of dump trucks? in 1998? Seems
much more likely that the event involved some
sort of investigation----and, certainly, not an
idiotically implied. Maybe they were looking for
the bodies of kidnapped and murdered Israelis
I am fascinated -----seems as believable as the
blood in matzohs------I read about that too----
but it was much earlier and in Syria ---
oh now I remember-----Israel went into Lebanon
after the Hezbollah animals launched rockets into
northern Israel------hezbollah----fanciful Iranians
as I recall-----Lebanese muslims were desperate to
find a rationale for the fact that the christians of
the land were distressed. The best souce of information on this issue would be in the Maronite
churches of Brooklyn, NY
oh now I remember-----Israel went into Lebanon
after the Hezbollah animals launched rockets into
northern Israel------hezbollah----fanciful Iranians
Israel was going into Lebanon constantly from 1950.
as I recall-----Lebanese muslims were desperate to
find a rationale for the fact that the christians of
the land were distressed. The best souce of information on this issue would be in the Maronite
churches of Brooklyn, NY
Lebanon was forced to accept thousands of Palestinian refugees from Israel and the West Bank in 1948 and 1967. So many that it flipped their demographic and put Muslims as the majority.
Lebanon was forced to accept thousands of Palestinian refugees from Israel and the West Bank in 1948 and 1967. So many that it flipped their demographic and put Muslims as the majority.
forced? who forced them? there are so many
arab countries in the area? The number of
"palestinian" refugees is a drop in the bucket of
the VERY EXTENSIVE population shifts occasioned
by the wars of the 20th century. .....very sad for the
christians of Lebanon
from the arid, miserable and utterly non-productive
land of the area of Lebanon South of the Litani River
Compared to Israel south Lebanon has fertile soil. Moishe Dayan says the Israelis coveted it since the early 1950s. The soil stealing was part of their provocations to start a war. They also wanted the Litani river.
for the record---the land mass South of the Litani
river is a viper's nest of Hezbollah filth. The area
has no industrial or farming activity and is POPULATED
by indigent Lebanese who are scantily supported by
Iran with food and water because it is strategically
against Israel. As a "spiritual center" ---it is something like the scummy surround of the yellow
pustule called "al aqsa"----and a strategic place for the trashy minions of the rapist to toss rocks on the
heads of innocents below........

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