CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

you consider a child who dies in a response to
armed aggression------a "death penalty"----try
again. Do you believe that kids who died during
the RAF bombardment of Germany were sentenced
to death by England?
I know israelis are the aggressors.
Now you're making a fool of yourself and offending people who actually suffer of a psychosis. But you know, it's good you do the work of disqualifying yourself so I don't have to refute any arguments, since you're unable to make one.
he did a bit better than have YOU
many like you would be totally fine with Jews being totally pushed out of Palestine, into the sea or into a modern Diaspora. That's around 6+ million human beings, most of who are Sabra these days - "BORN IN ISRAEL"
Now you want pity? "Poor israeli terrorists, poor thieves, poor murderers, poor wicked moraless scum — who will pardon their terrorism and other crimes like mass rape of palestinian women?" Like that?

Yes, we know israelis are scared, but that's no excuse for terrorism. They can grow a spine anytime and act like human beings.
Now you want pity? "Poor israeli terrorists, poor thieves, poor murderers, poor wicked moraless scum — who will pardon their terrorism and other crimes like mass rape of palestinian women?" Like that?

Yes, we know israelis are scared, but that's no excuse for terrorism. They can grow a spine anytime and act like human beings.
crime like mass rape of palestinian women----oh gee
someone had a recent Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
Now you want pity? "Poor israeli terrorists, poor thieves, poor murderers, poor wicked moraless scum — who will pardon their terrorism and other crimes like mass rape of palestinian women?" Like that?

Yes, we know israelis are scared, but that's no excuse for terrorism. They can grow a spine anytime and act like human beings.
Israelis aren’t scared…
Thanks to Arabs, Israel is on the cutting edge of everything.
crime like mass rape of palestinian women----oh gee
someone had a recent Khutbah Jumaat feces fling
No, just read some news. You'd like it to be forgotten, unrighteous as you are. If you were fair you'd judge fairly, but you're not fair and so you judge unfairly.
my english is perfect. I will pay attention to your
composition problems----I tutored while in college
So you think errors are stylish.. you're wrong. You're not here as an artist. You have to know your audience. One can hardly read your posts (—and why would one want to?) Because of the mess they are. But I don't mind you making for yourself that reputation and that image. It's for the benefit of everyone.
nope----you are a mindless drone. I asked a
simple question and you answered with an
idiot standard deflection
Aren't drones mindless by definition?

Here's a reply that you would give me — let's see how you like it:

What question are you referring to? And what deflection are you talking about?
No, just read some news. You'd like it to be forgotten, unrighteous as you are. If you were fair you'd judge fairly, but you're not fair and so you judge unfairly.
I am an avid reader and have read lots of news
and other publications----since I was about 8
years old. I am well passed 70 now. I have also
interacted with people from most parts of the
world. I NEVER came across a credible account
of Israeli Mass Rape of Palestinian Women-----
you got a link to support that "just read some
news" idiot retort? An interesting factoid of
you may not be aware >>> rape is even more
likely to result in pregnancy than is "sex the regular
way" -----where are the children of these MASS
I am an avid reader and have read lots of news
and other publications----since I was about 8
years old. I am well passed 70 now. I have also
interacted with people from most parts of the
world. I NEVER came across a credible account
of Israeli Mass Rape of Palestinian Women-----
you got a link to support that "just read some
news" idiot retort? An interesting factoid of
you may not be aware >>> rape is even more
likely to result in pregnancy than is "sex the regular
way" -----where are the children of these MASS
I hope you realize you are the only one here paying attention to this “person”.
Israelis aren’t scared…
Thanks to Arabs, Israel is on the cutting edge of everything.
Don't spoil their story! It's all about how scared they are. That's why they must kill and destroy and lie. They're scared!

In all seriousness, I've seen them and how they behave. They're desparate and it makes them do pathetic things such as hitting random people minding they're business and then running away, pushing over old men in wheel chairs and running away again. They do all this while heavily armed and surrounded by dozens of other heavily armed people. If that doesn't sound like a coward to you...

And what creates despare? Fear.
So you think errors are stylish.. you're wrong. You're not here as an artist. You have to know your audience. One can hardly read your posts (—and why would one want to?) Because of the mess they are. But I don't mind you making for yourself that reputation and that image. It's for the benefit of everyone.
Oh! Then you will have no problem CITING
my many grammatical errors. FEEL FREE!
BTW, you left out the comma after the first
word of your moronic post. I am not an
"artist" ?? To what does that idiotic retort

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