CDZ Death penalty for terrorists?

When you read one of them next time, well, read it. It should tell you the reason for the murder. Just a hint. But, like I said before, I love to show how you have nothing.
I posted the reason Muslims murder each other…they’re are psychotic.
We withdrew from Gaza years ago. There is no occupation there. That was a mistake. Hamas has turned it into a terrorist state. There stated goal is creation of the Islamic empire. They are much like IS.
I think you are thinking of the old propaganda that leaving Gaza was to give them an opportunity. It never was. I accept that Jewish settlers were more than angry at being moved - many went to the West Bank and during the 2014 war there was a push from some Israelis to take Gaza again. Israel moved out of Gaza firstly to try to make it look like it was going by the two state solution (if a bit late) and also because the cost of policing it was just too much and there really was a direct intent and knowledge that they would be at war with Gaza again and again as it would be to suffocating living in there. That is the most ugly bit. I had a quote from the guy who was possibly the main person in this as my signature for a very long time. An Israeli came on and accused me of putting on false information so I gave it a search and not a bit of it. It was all sadly genuine. I cannot remember the guys name or I might be using it again.

I do not know who has told you Hamas has turned into a terrorist State. I am guessing you mean Hamas wants to turn Gaza into a terrorist State. Hamas have been willing to accept a two state solution on 68 lines for a long time. One of the reasons ISIS hates them is because they very definitely do not want anything to do with any creation of any Islamic Empire. This is just made up stuff. The latest I heard they would accept a two state solution after the Palestinians had been given and accepted a vote on it. There is no reason Israel would not have been able to form an agreement with Hamas. Interestingly the EU put in an ex MI6 to talk with Hamas. He discovered that Hamas was ready for talks, He managed to get them into a truce. Obviously this did not fit what Israel wanted so she attacked Gaza killing several of them and they did not understand the necessity not to respond if they wanted to be the winners - so phew for Israel that was stopped.

You should watch the video I left.
I think you are thinking of the old propaganda that leaving Gaza was to give them an opportunity. It never was. I accept that Jewish settlers were more than angry at being moved - many went to the West Bank and during the 2014 war there was a push from some Israelis to take Gaza again. Israel moved out of Gaza firstly to try to make it look like it was going by the two state solution (if a bit late) and also because the cost of policing it was just too much and there really was a direct intent and knowledge that they would be at war with Gaza again and again as it would be to suffocating living in there. That is the most ugly bit. I had a quote from the guy who was possibly the main person in this as my signature for a very long time. An Israeli came on and accused me of putting on false information so I gave it a search and not a bit of it. It was all sadly genuine. I cannot remember the guys name or I might be using it again.

I do not know who has told you Hamas has turned into a terrorist State. I am guessing you mean Hamas wants to turn Gaza into a terrorist State. Hamas have been willing to accept a two state solution on 68 lines for a long time. One of the reasons ISIS hates them is because they very definitely do not want anything to do with any creation of any Islamic Empire. This is just made up stuff. The latest I heard they would accept a two state solution after the Palestinians had been given and accepted a vote on it. There is no reason Israel would not have been able to form an agreement with Hamas. Interestingly the EU put in an ex MI6 to talk with Hamas. He discovered that Hamas was ready for talks, He managed to get them into a truce. Obviously this did not fit what Israel wanted so she attacked Gaza killing several of them and they did not understand the necessity not to respond if they wanted to be the winners - so phew for Israel that was stopped.

You should watch the video I left.
Egypt pays Israel to keep Hamas out, so you lose.
I think you are thinking of the old propaganda that leaving Gaza was to give them an opportunity. It never was. I accept that Jewish settlers were more than angry at being moved - many went to the West Bank and during the 2014 war there was a push from some Israelis to take Gaza again. Israel moved out of Gaza firstly to try to make it look like it was going by the two state solution (if a bit late) and also because the cost of policing it was just too much and there really was a direct intent and knowledge that they would be at war with Gaza again and again as it would be to suffocating living in there. That is the most ugly bit. I had a quote from the guy who was possibly the main person in this as my signature for a very long time. An Israeli came on and accused me of putting on false information so I gave it a search and not a bit of it. It was all sadly genuine. I cannot remember the guys name or I might be using it again.

I do not know who has told you Hamas has turned into a terrorist State. I am guessing you mean Hamas wants to turn Gaza into a terrorist State. Hamas have been willing to accept a two state solution on 68 lines for a long time. One of the reasons ISIS hates them is because they very definitely do not want anything to do with any creation of any Islamic Empire. This is just made up stuff. The latest I heard they would accept a two state solution after the Palestinians had been given and accepted a vote on it. There is no reason Israel would not have been able to form an agreement with Hamas. Interestingly the EU put in an ex MI6 to talk with Hamas. He discovered that Hamas was ready for talks, He managed to get them into a truce. Obviously this did not fit what Israel wanted so she attacked Gaza killing several of them and they did not understand the necessity not to respond if they wanted to be the winners - so phew for Israel that was stopped.

You should watch the video I left.
Just because the Hamas Charter calls for the eradication of Israel.
Are you a member of Hamas?
I guess that’s why Egypt pays Israel to help Hamas out of Egypt.
Unless something has changed in the last year Egypt has been running under a Dictator since they got rid of their first elected Government which was the Muslim Brotherhood. Since then he has been trying to get rid of them all and get them all recognised as terrorist. The UK Government was also asked to declare the Muslim Brotherhood was a terrorist group. They arranged for someone who had previously been Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to be in charge of this. Everyone thought it was a done job...but the report came back and having looked into everything they said they could not say that the Muslims Brotherhood was a terrorist group.
Just because the Hamas Charter calls for the eradication of Israel.
Are you a member of Hamas?
Does it? Is it not that they ask for the same as the first Likud Charter demands in 1977

When Menachem Begin was seeking to become Israel’s first Likud prime minister in the parliamentary elections of 1977, he ran on a platform that was unequivocally committed to annexation of the West Bank, the 2,263-square-mile territory west of the Jordan River that Israel had captured from Jordan in the so-called Six-Day War of 1967. Its population before the war was almost entirely Muslim Arabs, but to many religious Israelis and admirers of the pioneer Zionist Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the land was known as Judea and Samaria, its biblical names, and a rightful part of “Eretz Israel,” or Greater Israel.

“The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable, and is linked with the right to security and peace,” the platform’s first paragraph said. “Therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the [Mediterranean] Sea and the Jordan there will be only Israel sovereignty.”

One of them wants the land from the river to the sea and the other from the sea to the river. That being said it would not surprise me if they would want the Colonialists out. Every other country has.,
Unless something has changed in the last year Egypt has been running under a Dictator since they got rid of their first elected Government which was the Muslim Brotherhood. Since then he has been trying to get rid of them all and get them all recognised as terrorist. The UK Government was also asked to declare the Muslim Brotherhood was a terrorist group. They arranged for someone who had previously been Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to be in charge of this. Everyone thought it was a done job...but the report came back and having looked into everything they said they could not say that the Muslims Brotherhood was a terrorist group.
Every Muslim nation has a dictator.
you missed the point-----Alexa evinces a clear
preference for members government in support of the "muslim brotherhood" which by its own description is aggressively Pan - Islamic
Don’t worry…I got the gist a few days ago.
They have death penalties for children simply for existing. Do you expect them to ponder the moral side of it? If you do, think again. They are completely devoid of morals.

I posted the reason Muslims murder each other…they’re are psychotic.
we missed the "REASON FOR THE MURDERS"?
Circa 1970 muslims murdered more than a million
Biafran christian children. ------a "REASON"?
In the same decade muslims blocked aid to
Hindu children FLEEING extermination in
East Pakistan------they were dropping dead in their
own tracks------REASON?
we missed the "REASON FOR THE MURDERS"?
Circa 1970 muslims murdered more than a million
Biafran christian children. ------a "REASON"?
In the same decade muslims blocked aid to
Hindu children FLEEING extermination in
East Pakistan------they were dropping dead in their
own tracks------REASON?
LibTards don’t care about facts when it comes to the so-called “oppressed”.
Does it? Is it not that they ask for the same as the first Likud Charter demands in 1977

One of them wants the land from the river to the sea and the other from the sea to the river. That being said it would not surprise me if they would want the Colonialists out. Every other country has.,
who are the colonialists? Last I heard, arabs under the command of a pig name ABU BAKR
invaded the land that the romans called ---Palestina
and Judea----about 15 centuries ago
When you read one of them next time, well, read it. It should tell you the reason for the murder. Just a hint. But, like I said before, I love to show how you have nothing.
I am still waiting for the "REASONS" for this
or that MURDER.
I posted the reason Muslims murder each other…they’re are psychotic.
Now you're making a fool of yourself and offending people who actually suffer of a psychosis. But you know, it's good you do the work of disqualifying yourself so I don't have to refute any arguments, since you're unable to make one.
Who gets to decide what a "terrorist" is?
Any reasonable person who is consistent in the application of the basic definition of terrorism.

Terrorism is an act of violence directed at an innocent individual with a political objective in mind and utilized in order to instill a degree of fear in the general population such that they will become more amenable to the political goal.

Just because creatures like you support murder when Jews happen to be the target and so make up excuses to justify it, that does not change the definition.

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