Death Penalty in Texas

I know but I would rather pay for the execution than for the daylie life in prison if I imagine I would be a part of the victims family.
It also conveys kind of closure if the murderer gets executed, so familys can start a new life. Is the victims family or the murderer more important to you?

The murderer is in prison. The family won't let go and won't forget even though the person isn't coming out in most cases.

Someone who is locked up and isn't coming out in most cases isn't bothering them.

How does the victim's family start a new life if they are still grieving and won't forget or let go? How do they live a new life when something is missing?

Unfortunately, the murder victim is never coming back to life, they have departed this life forever.
All execution-homicides are just more premeditated, cold-blooded killing of human beings by the state...quite possibly including innocent ones.

Death Penalty

■The death penalty ignores the real needs of victims. Seeking the death penalty diverts millions of dollars of our scarce resources that could otherwise go into providing critical services to the family of homicide victims.
It is wrong to give more consideration to the well being of the convicted murdered versus the well being of the victim's family members. When a family member has been murdered, there is an enormous amount of grief and suffering for the affected family. Capital Punishment helps ease the pain somewhat. It provides a sense of closure.

Therefore, Texas is doing it right. It is doing what it can to accommodate the victim's family members. Convicted killers deserve no accommodation.
The rest of the world looks at us a bunch of barbarians

Thanks Texas
Even if I am not American I definitely understand everyone supporting the death Penalty. How can you explain to a victims family they will have to pay taxes for decades to keep the murderer alive in prison while their familymember and good friend is dead?

It costs more to execute someone, so that argument does not work.

I know but I would rather pay for the execution than for the daylie life in prison if I imagine I would be a part of the victims family.
It also conveys kind of closure if the murderer gets executed, so families can start a new life. Is the victims family or the murderer more important to you?

If you execute a person, that is the end of it for them. Make them spend the rest of their life in prison, and you have really punished them.
Even if I am not American I definitely understand everyone supporting the death Penalty. How can you explain to a victims family they will have to pay taxes for decades to keep the murderer alive in prison while their familymember and good friend is dead?

It costs more to execute someone, so that argument does not work.

It doesn't have to. The Chinese have been doing it.

Should we lower ourselves to this point?
The rest of the world looks at us a bunch of barbarians

Thanks Texas
If we look at Japan, a democratic country much like us, and a strong ally as well, Capital Punishment has been used there for decades. They apply it for murder and treason. Japan is by no means an intellectually challenged country, yet like us, they see the death penalty as a suitable form of punishment. No one looks at Japan as a barbaric country, the same way they shouldn't look at us that way.

Capital punishment is legal in Japan.

Executions are carried out by hanging in a death chamber within the detention centre. When a death order has been issued, the condemned prisoner is informed in the morning of his/her execution. The condemned is given a choice of the last meal. The prisoner's family and legal representatives are not informed until afterwards. Since 7 December 2007, the authorities have been releasing the names, natures of crime and ages of executed prisoners.[8]

The method of hanging is a substantial drop, causing a quick death by neck fracture. It was not always thus. When Kanno Sugako was hanged in 1911: "...she was ordered to sit upright on the floor. Two thin cords were placed around her neck. The floor-board was removed, In twelve minutes she was dead."[9]

As of late March 2012, there were 135 people awaiting execution in Japan.[10][11] A total of nine convicted murderers were executed in 2007.[12] Three men were executed on 23 August 2007,[13] four men were executed on 25 December 2006,[14] one execution was carried out in 2005[15] and two in 2004.[1]

Two inmates were executed in July 2010,[16] three in March 2012,[17] three in February 2013,[18] and two in April 2013, one in September and two in December 2013.[19]

As of December 2013, the number of inmates in death-row was 129. Of them, 85 are applying for their cases to be reopened and 25 are requesting amnesty.

Capital punishment in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The rest of the world looks at us a bunch of barbarians

Thanks Texas
If we look at Japan, a democratic country much like us, and a strong ally as well, Capital Punishment has been used there for decades. They apply it for murder and treason. Japan is by no means an intellectually challenged country, yet like us, they see the death penalty as a suitable form of punishment. No one looks at Japan as a barbaric country, the same way they shouldn't look at us that way.

Capital punishment is legal in Japan.

Executions are carried out by hanging in a death chamber within the detention centre. When a death order has been issued, the condemned prisoner is informed in the morning of his/her execution. The condemned is given a choice of the last meal. The prisoner's family and legal representatives are not informed until afterwards. Since 7 December 2007, the authorities have been releasing the names, natures of crime and ages of executed prisoners.[8]

The method of hanging is a substantial drop, causing a quick death by neck fracture. It was not always thus. When Kanno Sugako was hanged in 1911: "...she was ordered to sit upright on the floor. Two thin cords were placed around her neck. The floor-board was removed, In twelve minutes she was dead."[9]

As of late March 2012, there were 135 people awaiting execution in Japan.[10][11] A total of nine convicted murderers were executed in 2007.[12] Three men were executed on 23 August 2007,[13] four men were executed on 25 December 2006,[14] one execution was carried out in 2005[15] and two in 2004.[1]

Two inmates were executed in July 2010,[16] three in March 2012,[17] three in February 2013,[18] and two in April 2013, one in September and two in December 2013.[19]

As of December 2013, the number of inmates in death-row was 129. Of them, 85 are applying for their cases to be reopened and 25 are requesting amnesty.

Capital punishment in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan rarely executes its prisoner. Eight last year

Texas does that in a good month
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Only barbarians support the death penalty

Texas, China, North Korea and Muslim countries

Very few civilized western countries use the death penalty. A country cannot belong to the EU if they have capital punishment.

Even in the US, the Death Penalty is used in only a handful of states......those who use God to justify it

I didn't know that California uses the Bible to justify the death penalty.

I also didn't know that 2 out of 50 is your definition of a handful.

New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

Then again, I am not a drunk liberal, I just oppose the death penalty on principle, I don't trust the fucking government.
Hey guys,
sorry to interrupt you. For school we are currently working on the death penalty. We already worked out most northern states abolished it, in contrast most southern states and the complete west side still execute. Now we have to constitute different ways of arguementation. I took Texas, i thought this one is gonna be easy :eusa_liar:

My spanish Google just gives me spanish results for reasons i dont unterstand.
Maybe some of you can help me by givivng surveys or stuff like that concerning Texas.
Just an explanation would be awesome too. What do i have to mind? Religion seems to be more important for texanians than for the rest of the us.

Thank you all,

Bible's absolutely pro-death penalty. 6th commandment is NOT "thou shall not kill," bu t rather "thou shall not murder." Bible commands death for many sins so if it really mean 'kill' how would that be explained? It's forbidding murder, not killing. Be it capital punishment, or war.

In secular terms, an executed convict is never again a threat to the community. Due to overcrowding, human error, and escape, violent criminals often walk the streets again. Executed people, not so much.

The Bible is absolutely against the death penalty, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone..."
Even Mexico understands the death penalty is barbaric

Texas can't

Even if I am not American I definitely understand everyone supporting the death Penalty. How can you explain to a victims family they will have to pay taxes for decades to keep the murderer alive in prison while their familymember and good friend is dead?

The problem is the criminal justice system - innocent people can be convicted, but if they aren't dead, when they're found to be innocent, they can be released without so much as an apology - when they're dead, not so much.
The rest of the world looks at us a bunch of barbarians

Thanks Texas
If we look at Japan, a democratic country much like us, and a strong ally as well, Capital Punishment has been used there for decades. They apply it for murder and treason. Japan is by no means an intellectually challenged country, yet like us, they see the death penalty as a suitable form of punishment. No one looks at Japan as a barbaric country, the same way they shouldn't look at us that way.

Executions are carried out by hanging in a death chamber within the detention centre. When a death order has been issued, the condemned prisoner is informed in the morning of his/her execution. The condemned is given a choice of the last meal. The prisoner's family and legal representatives are not informed until afterwards. Since 7 December 2007, the authorities have been releasing the names, natures of crime and ages of executed prisoners.[8]

The method of hanging is a substantial drop, causing a quick death by neck fracture. It was not always thus. When Kanno Sugako was hanged in 1911: "...she was ordered to sit upright on the floor. Two thin cords were placed around her neck. The floor-board was removed, In twelve minutes she was dead."[9]

As of late March 2012, there were 135 people awaiting execution in Japan.[10][11] A total of nine convicted murderers were executed in 2007.[12] Three men were executed on 23 August 2007,[13] four men were executed on 25 December 2006,[14] one execution was carried out in 2005[15] and two in 2004.[1]

Two inmates were executed in July 2010,[16] three in March 2012,[17] three in February 2013,[18] and two in April 2013, one in September and two in December 2013.[19]

As of December 2013, the number of inmates in death-row was 129. Of them, 85 are applying for their cases to be reopened and 25 are requesting amnesty.

Capital punishment in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Japan rarely executes its prisoner. Eight last year

Texas does that in a good month

Japanese Justice Minister Sadakazu Tanigaki said it right:

“I am aware that there have been various debates over the death penalty, whether people are for or against it. But our nation has maintained this system from the viewpoint of deterrence, and the sentiment of the victims’ families,” Tanigaki said. “If there are problems, we must make improvements.”

Three murderers sent to the gallows | The Japan Times
Very few civilized western countries use the death penalty. A country cannot belong to the EU if they have capital punishment.

Even in the US, the Death Penalty is used in only a handful of states......those who use God to justify it

I didn't know that California uses the Bible to justify the death penalty.

I also didn't know that 2 out of 50 is your definition of a handful.

New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

Then again, I am not a drunk liberal, I just oppose the death penalty on principle, I don't trust the fucking government.

There are many states that have a death sentence but don't have a death penalty. How many have been executed in California?

The vast majority of executions are in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. What we like to call our Bible Belt
Hey guys,
sorry to interrupt you. For school we are currently working on the death penalty. We already worked out most northern states abolished it, in contrast most southern states and the complete west side still execute. Now we have to constitute different ways of arguementation. I took Texas, i thought this one is gonna be easy :eusa_liar:

My spanish Google just gives me spanish results for reasons i dont unterstand.
Maybe some of you can help me by givivng surveys or stuff like that concerning Texas.
Just an explanation would be awesome too. What do i have to mind? Religion seems to be more important for texanians than for the rest of the us.

Thank you all,

You are working on the death penalty? What? ' Scuse ME? What does that mean? Ever wonder why so many students shoot each other? Perhaps that would a more relevant topic to discuss as you and your classmates ponder were the nearest exists are. Perhaps you should discuss that with that dippy hippy liberal teaching staff of yours regardless of the state you live in. And debate the logic of their teaching syllabus . Bye.
Even in the US, the Death Penalty is used in only a handful of states......those who use God to justify it

I didn't know that California uses the Bible to justify the death penalty.

I also didn't know that 2 out of 50 is your definition of a handful.

New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

Then again, I am not a drunk liberal, I just oppose the death penalty on principle, I don't trust the fucking government.

There are many states that have a death sentence but don't have a death penalty. How many have been executed in California?

The vast majority of executions are in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. What we like to call our Bible Belt

The death penalty exists in California because 53% of the people voted for it in 2012, and they have 741 people on death row. But keep pretending you have a point.
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