Death Penalty in Texas

Life in prison is a far greater punishment than the death penalty.

And why are the convicts try to appeal against their fate? They would rather spend their lives in prison than get executed. Additionally the average time from getting sentenced to death until getting actually executed is about 14 years. 14 years in death cell is a rather hard sentence, imagine the Feeling. The only proportionated punishment for some of them.
I didn't know that California uses the Bible to justify the death penalty.

I also didn't know that 2 out of 50 is your definition of a handful.

New Hampshire
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota

States With and Without the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

Then again, I am not a drunk liberal, I just oppose the death penalty on principle, I don't trust the fucking government.

There are many states that have a death sentence but don't have a death penalty. How many have been executed in California?

The vast majority of executions are in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. What we like to call our Bible Belt

The death penalty exists in California because 53% of the people voted for it in 2012, and they have 741 people on death row. But keep pretending you have a point.

They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?
There are many states that have a death sentence but don't have a death penalty. How many have been executed in California?

The vast majority of executions are in Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. What we like to call our Bible Belt

The death penalty exists in California because 53% of the people voted for it in 2012, and they have 741 people on death row. But keep pretending you have a point.

They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?

I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.
Hey guys,
sorry to interrupt you. For school we are currently working on the death penalty. We already worked out most northern states abolished it, in contrast most southern states and the complete west side still execute. Now we have to constitute different ways of arguementation. I took Texas, i thought this one is gonna be easy :eusa_liar:

My spanish Google just gives me spanish results for reasons i dont unterstand.
Maybe some of you can help me by givivng surveys or stuff like that concerning Texas.
Just an explanation would be awesome too. What do i have to mind? Religion seems to be more important for texanians than for the rest of the us.

Thank you all,

You are working on the death penalty? What? ' Scuse ME? What does that mean? Ever wonder why so many students shoot each other? Perhaps that would a more relevant topic to discuss as you and your classmates ponder were the nearest exists are. Perhaps you should discuss that with that dippy hippy liberal teaching staff of yours regardless of the state you live in. And debate the logic of their teaching syllabus . Bye.

[MENTION=47162]acuesto[/MENTION] , whatta snatch, eh?
The death penalty exists in California because 53% of the people voted for it in 2012, and they have 741 people on death row. But keep pretending you have a point.

They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?

I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.

Okay, you DO have a point. Still, there's little virtue in being determined when the determination is to put people do death in the face of exculpatory evidence that the keepers of said state refuse to review because it would skew their stats...:eusa_whistle:
The death penalty exists in California because 53% of the people voted for it in 2012, and they have 741 people on death row. But keep pretending you have a point.

They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?

I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.

Death row is not execution

How many have been executed in California in the last five years?

In order to have someone to receive a death sentence, you must have:

A federal and state constitution that permit the death penalty,

A legislatures (i.e., representatives of THE PEOPLE), that have determined that they want to have the Death Penalty available as punishment for certain of the most heinous crimes,

A capital crime committed,

A trial in which the prosecution proved to a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused committed the capital crime,

A second finding by both the jury and the judge that "aggravating circumstances" existed and the death penalty was warranted,

Interminable appeals at the state level, and if appropriate, the federal level as well, NONE OF WHICH WERE SUCCESSFUL.

But with all this behind it, some people try to make the case that it is not "legitimate" or that the public somehow doesn't support it.


The only time when a survey indicates people don't support the death penalty, it is a matter of the question being presented in a theoretical way. When you talk about actual cases and fact situations - even in Europe - the PEOPLE support the death penalty. The EU has a system of government that results in government by a society of Elites who are largely out of touch - and don't care about - the wishes of the majority. If it's barbaric to support the DP, then most people are barbaric.

One interesting factoid about the American death penalty is that despite a huge amount of effort by thousands of people who oppose the death penalty, they have not been able to point to a single case in the past 60 years where a person who was FACTUALLY INNOCENT was executed. They can point to people who were exonerated after being convicted, and people who were executed and might have been able to avoid execution due to "technicalities" in the law, but nobody who was proven to be factually innocent after having been executed.

The cost of executing someone is approximately zero. Everyone involved is a government employee, and they are all "overhead." The ridiculous cost of the endless appeals and other bullshit are not the result of the cost of execution, but rather the horrific waste of resources caused by people who simply can't accept the FACT that the death penalty is both legal and Constitutional, and it is totally warranted in many cases.

To say that it is "cheaper" to send someone to LWOP than to execute someone is so incredibly stupid that anyone uttering such nonsense deserves a dope-slap.

And by the way, the New Testament says NOTHING that even hints that capital punishment is evil. In fact, if memory serves, the late J.C. accomplished his Mission via the Death Penalty, and most of his closest supporters were executed as well. I never read anything in the N.T. that complained that executions were evil, per se.
In order to have someone to receive a death sentence, you must have:

A federal and state constitution that permit the death penalty,

A legislatures (i.e., representatives of THE PEOPLE), that have determined that they want to have the Death Penalty available as punishment for certain of the most heinous crimes,

A capital crime committed,

A trial in which the prosecution proved to a jury, beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused committed the capital crime,

A second finding by both the jury and the judge that "aggravating circumstances" existed and the death penalty was warranted,

Interminable appeals at the state level, and if appropriate, the federal level as well, NONE OF WHICH WERE SUCCESSFUL.

But with all this behind it, some people try to make the case that it is not "legitimate" or that the public somehow doesn't support it.


The only time when a survey indicates people don't support the death penalty, it is a matter of the question being presented in a theoretical way. When you talk about actual cases and fact situations - even in Europe - the PEOPLE support the death penalty. The EU has a system of government that results in government by a society of Elites who are largely out of touch - and don't care about - the wishes of the majority. If it's barbaric to support the DP, then most people are barbaric.

One interesting factoid about the American death penalty is that despite a huge amount of effort by thousands of people who oppose the death penalty, they have not been able to point to a single case in the past 60 years where a person who was FACTUALLY INNOCENT was executed. They can point to people who were exonerated after being convicted, and people who were executed and might have been able to avoid execution due to "technicalities" in the law, but nobody who was proven to be factually innocent after having been executed.

The cost of executing someone is approximately zero. Everyone involved is a government employee, and they are all "overhead." The ridiculous cost of the endless appeals and other bullshit are not the result of the cost of execution, but rather the horrific waste of resources caused by people who simply can't accept the FACT that the death penalty is both legal and Constitutional, and it is totally warranted in many cases.

To say that it is "cheaper" to send someone to LWOP than to execute someone is so incredibly stupid that anyone uttering such nonsense deserves a dope-slap.

And by the way, the New Testament says NOTHING that even hints that capital punishment is evil. In fact, if memory serves, the late J.C. accomplished his Mission via the Death Penalty, and most of his closest supporters were executed as well. I never read anything in the N.T. that complained that executions were evil, per

Hey......Death Penalty is good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for some loser in Texas
They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?

I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.

Okay, you DO have a point. Still, there's little virtue in being determined when the determination is to put people do death in the face of exculpatory evidence that the keepers of said state refuse to review because it would skew their stats...:eusa_whistle:

If you think that is an attitude that is unique to any particular state I will be happy to provide evidence to disabuse you. California has a particularly despicable history of Brady violations and never admitting that they are wrong. They even let people they know are liars be the sole evidence in obtaining a murder conviction.

Ninth Circuit Panel Overturns Murder Conviction | The Volokh ConspiracyThe Volokh Conspiracy

The government should not be killing people, and should only lock people up when they overcome the highest possible standard on favor of the defendant, and they should only get one chance at it, period.
They have a death sentence, not a death penalty

When was the last execution in California?

I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.

Death row is not execution

How many have been executed in California in the last five years?


It doesn't matter, they have the death sentence, which makes you wrong. Just admit it.
Life in prison is a far greater punishment than the death penalty. can get use to anything.
Go ahead and ask any criminal which they would rather have. A jail cell for life or dead.
99% Will take the jail cell.

Anyone who says they would rather be dead then jailed for life hasn't faced the decision or the death chamber.
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I guess you think being put on death row is a vacation.

If you oppose the death penalty you oppose it, you don't pretend that the fact that your favorite state sentences people to die, but is to incompetent to actually kill them, proves they are better than Mississippi.

Death row is not execution

How many have been executed in California in the last five years?


It doesn't matter, they have the death sentence, which makes you wrong. Just admit it.

I never said they didn't have a death sentence,

I said they didn't have a death penalty
Death row is not execution

How many have been executed in California in the last five years?


It doesn't matter, they have the death sentence, which makes you wrong. Just admit it.

I never said they didn't have a death sentence,

I said they didn't have a death penalty

Yet they do, and death penalty activists say they are comparable to Louisiana in just how bad it is.

The Center for Constitutional Rights and the International Federation for Human Rights recently released an analysis of the death penalty in California and Louisiana. The report concluded that those states' application of capital punishment "violates U.S. obligations under international human rights law to prevent and prohibit discrimination and torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment." Researchers conducted interviews with many of those involved in the legal system and examined data on charging, sentencing, and executions. They found that racial disparities in the death penalty in both states constituted discrimination. The report was particularly critical of death row conditions, saying, "[E]xtreme temperatures, lack of access to adequate medical and mental health care, overcrowding and extended periods of isolation, do not respect and promote human dignity...Such deplorable circumstances have been condemned by the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture as constituting cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, or, in certain circumstances, torture."

STUDIES: Human Rights Groups Examine Death Penalty in California and Louisiana | Death Penalty Information Center

PDF version of report.

Which makes you wrong.

Even Mexico understands the death penalty is barbaric

Texas can't

Even if I am not American I definitely understand everyone supporting the death Penalty. How can you explain to a victims family they will have to pay taxes for decades to keep the murderer alive in prison while their familymember and good friend is dead?

Death penalty as anything under the sun has risks and benefits.

Only the balance of those can swing your opinion ( or anybody's) one way or the other.

It would not mean that either way is correct, because all the argumentation is based on emotion, financial calculations and convenience.

one of the strongest arguments against the death penalty is the possibility of the mistake - and it's probability differs by judicial systems and case types ( and evidence, obviously).

one of the strongest arguments for the death penalty is the possibility of the heinous crimes committed by a perpetrator to be repeated again and it's probability differs by judicial systems, case types and evidence as well.

So it has nothing to do is it in Texas or in Washington - and the idiotic statements of our lleftards that it exists only in Southern states is just that - idiocy ( as the vast majority of their statements).

Death penalty exists in 32 states and is abolished in 18. Latitude doesn't matter much, neither does longitude.

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