Death penalty

When you have someone who freely admits to killing someone with several witnesses, blah blah blah, it is easy to believe we should execute the guy.

However, when you pull back and look at the big picture, our death penalty machine is broken. And for that reason, we should work hard to fix the justice system before we reconvene any death panels.

The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive
2) kills innocent peoole
3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive

The economic argument fails. It costs more to keep a guy in prison for life than it does to just let him go free. So by your logic we should let all criminals go free.

2) kills innocent peoole

There is strong circumstantial evidence this is true, but no hard evidence.

3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

The government has had that power since the Founding.

is a GREAT thing....why is this guy not dead?
Chilling details of John Lennon shooting recounted at Chapman parole hearing - U.S. News

I think having people to have to relive viscious crimes over and over at parole hearing is far more cruel and unusual punishment than clubbing a murderer over the head til he's dead.....kill the guy and let people move on.

Since the death penalty is more expensive than life in prison (due to the appeals process and other things) I think we should just get rid of the death penalty. Save the tax payers money whenever possible.
It's funny how people wil hysterically defend the right to bear arms on the grounds that you can not trust the government - but have no problem with the government executing people.
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive

The economic argument fails. It costs more to keep a guy in prison for life than it does to just let him go free. So by your logic we should let all criminals go free.

2) kills innocent peoole

There is strong circumstantial evidence this is true, but no hard evidence.

3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

The government has had that power since the Founding.


1) And many states let criminals out of jail early because of lack of funds. I'm also against the war on drugs for similar reasons. I think cost is important, especially when states are in the red.

2) If there is enough evidence to overturn someone's conviction and set them free, then they are innocent of the crime

3) this is true, and it creeps me out. I have no doubts this power has been abused in the past, and can be abused in the future.
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive

The economic argument fails. It costs more to keep a guy in prison for life than it does to just let him go free. So by your logic we should let all criminals go free.

2) kills innocent peoole

There is strong circumstantial evidence this is true, but no hard evidence.

3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

The government has had that power since the Founding.


Bullshit....look up a documentary series named "Dallas DNA". In that state and city, the system was so broken that they actually had to create a task force to test convict's DNA that maintain their's a link to a list of people exonerated by DNA evidence for murder....

The Innocence Project - Know the Cases: Search Profiles
is a GREAT thing....why is this guy not dead?
Chilling details of John Lennon shooting recounted at Chapman parole hearing - U.S. News

I think having people to have to relive viscious crimes over and over at parole hearing is far more cruel and unusual punishment than clubbing a murderer over the head til he's dead.....kill the guy and let people move on.

Since the death penalty is more expensive than life in prison (due to the appeals process and other things) I think we should just get rid of the death penalty. Save the tax payers money whenever possible.

It's not the fault of the death penalty, make it less expensive, put them in the general population, and maybe the prisoners will do it for us, but if not, we can cut down on appeals, there is no reason someone should be in jail forever or even released on parole....for first degree murder.
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive

The economic argument fails. It costs more to keep a guy in prison for life than it does to just let him go free. So by your logic we should let all criminals go free.

There is strong circumstantial evidence this is true, but no hard evidence.

3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

The government has had that power since the Founding.


Bullshit....look up a documentary series named "Dallas DNA". In that state and city, the system was so broken that they actually had to create a task force to test convict's DNA that maintain their's a link to a list of people exonerated by DNA evidence for murder....

The Innocence Project - Know the Cases: Search Profiles

I love the DNA that we have we can be even more lets' go old school.
It's funny how people wil hysterically defend the right to bear arms on the grounds that you can not trust the government - but have no problem with the government executing people.

Because people arent convicted by the this instance the government is a tool, like a gun, it does the execution, but hey if you'd rather have citizens participate in a public stoning because you dont want the government to do it....we can negotiate that.
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive

The economic argument fails. It costs more to keep a guy in prison for life than it does to just let him go free. So by your logic we should let all criminals go free.

There is strong circumstantial evidence this is true, but no hard evidence.

3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

The government has had that power since the Founding.


1) And many states let criminals out of jail early because of lack of funds. I'm also against the war on drugs for similar reasons. I think cost is important, especially when states are in the red.

2) If there is enough evidence to overturn someone's conviction and set them free, then they are innocent of the crime

3) this is true, and it creeps me out. I have no doubts this power has been abused in the past, and can be abused in the future.

1) There should be no monetary bearing on the punishment of criminals. The states being in the red can be handled by cutting the things government should not be involved in

2) No conviction is flawless, well hardly any. But if someone receives the death penalty, it should be as absolutely close to a slam dunk as possible. There are many cases that fit that criteria.

3) A sane society eliminates its maniacal murderers
is a GREAT thing....why is this guy not dead?
Chilling details of John Lennon shooting recounted at Chapman parole hearing - U.S. News

I think having people to have to relive viscious crimes over and over at parole hearing is far more cruel and unusual punishment than clubbing a murderer over the head til he's dead.....kill the guy and let people move on.

Take a life...Forfeit yours.....

Sorry, but people that murder have no use to me or anyone else in society, they shouldnt be able to live while the people they killed probably suffered in their death. I say first degree murders as soon as they kill their victim, it's open season, I have zero sypathy for them, I hope they know God, because they should meet him as soon as possible.

Hi-Fi murders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The people that did this I would happily pull the switch, toss the stone or shoot the gun, I have absolutely no care for these people, hell maybe we could let Dexter deal with them
It's funny how people wil hysterically defend the right to bear arms on the grounds that you can not trust the government - but have no problem with the government executing people.

Because people arent convicted by the this instance the government is a tool, like a gun, it does the execution, but hey if you'd rather have citizens participate in a public stoning because you dont want the government to do it....we can negotiate that.

If the government is not involved, to whom should people petition to have the death penalty outlawed?
It's funny how people wil hysterically defend the right to bear arms on the grounds that you can not trust the government - but have no problem with the government executing people.

It is more dangerous that even a guilty person should be punished without the forms of law than that he should escape.
Thomas Jefferson

Conservatives LOVE government...when it bombs, invades, arrests, abuses, incarcerates and kills. Government is only evil when it helps people.

Conservatives built the BIGGEST Nanny State in the history of the world...


  • With only 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. has 25% of the world’s prison population – that makes us the world’s largest jailer.

  • Since 1970, our prison population has risen 700%.

  • One in 99 adults are living behind bars in the U.S. This marks the highest rate of imprisonment in American history.

  • One in 31 adults are under some form of correctional control, counting prison, jail, parole and probation populations.



It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
Albert Camus
It behooves every man who values liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasions of it in the case of others: or their case may, by change of circumstances, become his own.
Thomas Jefferson

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It's funny how people wil hysterically defend the right to bear arms on the grounds that you can not trust the government - but have no problem with the government executing people.

Because people arent convicted by the this instance the government is a tool, like a gun, it does the execution, but hey if you'd rather have citizens participate in a public stoning because you dont want the government to do it....we can negotiate that.

If the government is not involved, to whom should people petition to have the death penalty outlawed?

Very easily, the death penalty is a punishment, like jail time, but the government does not convict people, juries do. OJ Simpson didnt do jail time for killing his wife? Why was that, oh the jury said he didnt.....
The death penality

1) costs more than just keeping them alive
2) kills innocent peoole
3) gives the goverment the power to kill its citizens

I don't care if bad people die, but I'm not ok with the government having the power to excute people.

It is a lie that the death penalty costs more. All the comparisons made never take into account the true cost of keeping somebody in prison for 6 decades or more.

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