Death threats against Sarah Palin reach "unprecedented levels"

Where is your 'outrage' or even a modicum of concern about people who threaten public figures?

I am outraged that nutcases can buy guns and extended ammo clips at Walmart and KILL public officials.

Are you?

I am outraged that nutcases can have run-ins with local law enforcement for years and nothing happens until nutcases buy guns and kill people.


This is why we need state background checks for gun purchases to keep this from happening again.
When I said I dont support it that is, essentially, me condemning it. You can tell yourself that I dont mean it but that would be incorrect.

No it wouldn't. You essentialy said she brought it on herself. YOu hate. Own it.

So, what brought on all the death threats? I dont hate. I like your posts because you offer nothing to a conversation and think youve accomplished much. I dont hate you or Palin.

Let me put it to you straight buddy. The left has hated Mrs. Palin non stip 24/7 since the day she walked out on the stage to be the VP candidate on the McCain ticket. Never in the history of America has the venom flowed so freely and unabashedly. Against her, against her children. You have run out of excuses. It's hatred pure and malicious.. After this last week you can wear it as a badge of honor. You've earned it. It's hatred. And you and the left own it. Now stop with your whiney piney excuses.
Got it. You're saying it is the lefts fault that these extremists are tweeting Sarah such vile threats.

"Mr. Kettle. That guy over there, Mr. Pot, just called you black. What do you think about that?"
Eh tu, peaceniks.

The left is not really interested in a civil tone, except to impose it on their detractors.

Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Death threats to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin have increased to unprecedented levels in the wake of Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, an aide tells ABC News.

Following the attack that seriously wounded Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others, Palin has found herself embroiled in a firestorm of controversy. Numerous left-wing commentators have accused Palin’s hard-hitting partisan rhetoric of influencing accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner.

The Daily Caller reported that dozens of Twitter users called for Sarah Palin’s death in the hours following the shooting, with some going so far as to wish for her assassination.

Read more: Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

I denounce death threats against palin AND obama AND ALL political figures

I think these death threats against palin are JUST AS REPREHENSIBLE as all of the death threats against obama, rinos, democrats, hillary...etc...

I think these death threats are JUST as reprehensible as
1. when glenn beck mused about killing michael moore
2. when ann coulter wished everyone at the new york times had been murdered on 9/11
3. when limbaugh said "leave ONLY some liberals left alive
4. when ann coulter mused about poisoning justice john paul stevens
5. when conservatives discuss rounding up and executing liberals
6. when liberal declared liberals to be "the enemy" and said that "we are at war with war it is OK to kill your enemies"
7. as when sarah palin used images of violence and cross hairs to suggest/recommend to her minions that killing liberals and democrats and rinos was their patriotic duty
8. as those hunting permits for liberals that you can buy on con sites
9. as those bumper stickers that say "make America great! kill a liberal"
10. as pale rider and lone star and willow who so often reflect on the joys of killing liberals
11. as lt gen james mattis when he said "it's FUN to shoot your enemies! (don't forget....liberals are the REAL enemy)
If anything ever happens to Sarah Palin or her children,i would absolutely blame the Left/Democrats for it. They have been absolutely vicious in attacking her and her children. God Bless her and her kids. Lots of Leftist nutters out there.

Yep. She's become the Princess Di of the American left.
How about when Joe Manchin shot "cap and trade" with a real gun?
Got it. You're saying it is the lefts fault that these extremists are tweeting Sarah such vile threats.

"Mr. Kettle. That guy over there, Mr. Pot, just called you black. What do you think about that?"

i blame bush.
Got it. You're saying it is the lefts fault that these extremists are tweeting Sarah such vile threats.

"Mr. Kettle. That guy over there, Mr. Pot, just called you black. What do you think about that?"


And Obama hasn't been attacked since the day he came onto the national scene either. :cuckoo:
attention whores get attention.

good and bad

she should have thought about that when she set about marketing herself.


She's not an attention whore. She's a political figure, unless you want to include meech in the whore category.

I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.
She's not an attention whore. She's a political figure, unless you want to include meech in the whore category.

I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.
It's more info that speaks to divisive rhetoric encouraging unhinged people to get more and more unhinged, and so the divisive rhetoric against sarah is leading to more death threats by crazy people.

Sarah Palin deserves death threats because of divisive rhetoric?

Hes making a statement. Palin DOES NOT deserve death threats. She did incite them. She rubbed salt into a wound. By wounds I mean people who do hate her.

Action/reaction. This is what orating does. People give speeches to incite others whether its for good or bad.
Maybe she should run away... like the GOPers in AZ.

Funny how the left is outraged by their resignations, but seem fine with the death threats against Palin. Where is this new civility that Obama wants?

Why no condemnation of the death threats from our liberals... like Chris who seem to think it's fine to threaten political opponents with death.

Which democrats are fine with the death threats?

Show me where you condemned the threats. Otherwise, wear the cap that you gave yourself.

Show me yours and I'll show you mine. Just kidding. I think most normal people Left and Right condemn death threats and violence like we saw in AZ.

Show me someone who condones the threats.
When I said I dont support it that is, essentially, me condemning it. You can tell yourself that I dont mean it but that would be incorrect.

No it wouldn't. You essentialy said she brought it on herself. YOu hate. Own it.

So, what brought on all the death threats? I dont hate. I like your posts because you offer nothing to a conversation and think youve accomplished much. I dont hate you or Palin.

That's another meme that get fucking old. "you bring nothing to the conversation" that's bullshit. It's hatred and You own it.
If anything ever happens to Sarah Palin or her children,i would absolutely blame the Left/Democrats for it. They have been absolutely vicious in attacking her and her children. God Bless her and her kids. Lots of Leftist nutters out there.

Thats right there are, there are also lots of right/republicans just as nutty.
The Left/Democrats have definitely encouraged violence against Sarah Palin and her children. If anything ever happens to them,it's on them. The same Left/Democrats were also incredibly vicious towards George Bush and his children. They even produced a movie depicting Bush's assassination. Also,the Left/Democrats are just using this awful tragedy to angle a way to shut Talk Radio down along with any other Media Outlets who don't tow the Democrat Party-Line. It really is very shameful. But i think the People see this though. They're not being fooled. The Left/Democrats should just stop using this tragedy for political gain. In the end they wont gain anything. If anything,they'll have lost a whole lot of credibility and respect.
I personally don't understand the infatuation with Sarah Palin on either side of the aisle. It's like she's becoming the Paris Hilton of politics, she's politically famous for being politically famous.
She's not an attention whore. She's a political figure, unless you want to include meech in the whore category.

I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

Now the left is being accused of calling her a murderess? Got a link to that?

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