Death threats against Sarah Palin reach "unprecedented levels"

I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

It's hatred. And, you own it.
I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

Now the left is being accused of calling her a murderess? Got a link to that?

you know what I'm talking about asswipe.
No it wouldn't. You essentialy said she brought it on herself. YOu hate. Own it.

So, what brought on all the death threats? I dont hate. I like your posts because you offer nothing to a conversation and think youve accomplished much. I dont hate you or Palin.

Let me put it to you straight buddy. The left has hated Mrs. Palin non stip 24/7 since the day she walked out on the stage to be the VP candidate on the McCain ticket. Never in the history of America has the venom flowed so freely and unabashedly. Against her, against her children. You have run out of excuses. It's hatred pure and malicious.. After this last week you can wear it as a badge of honor. You've earned it. It's hatred. And you and the left own it. Now stop with your whiney piney excuses.

I dunno, some people on here seem to want to give that a run for its money with their treatment and opinions of Obama.
What I don't get about this whole Arizona issue, is why the problem needs to be cultural in nature. What happened to crazy people just being crazy, and using any excuse for the fucktardery?

When Jeffrey Dahmer got found out, was there a calling for reflection on the nation's dietary habits?

There was another serial killer who thought god was communicating through his dog, or something like that. Someone who would shoot up a dozen plus people at a political rally is someone who would shoot people, regardless of how cuddly the political and media climate is or isn't.

I don't get this 'the left hates', 'no it's the right that hates moar'. Politics just has a bunch of haters who are too insecure in their own beliefs, that they have to deflect to 'at least the other guys are worse'. Bunch of petty haters.
I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

It's hatred. And, you own it.

yapp, yapp
Yep, someday this hate Sarah Palin thing going on in the left may end her life. And, they'll say "she brought it on herself."

You are good 3rd post

Eh tu, peaceniks.

The left is not really interested in a civil tone, except to impose it on their detractors.

Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Death threats to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin have increased to unprecedented levels in the wake of Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, an aide tells ABC News.

Following the attack that seriously wounded Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others, Palin has found herself embroiled in a firestorm of controversy. Numerous left-wing commentators have accused Palin’s hard-hitting partisan rhetoric of influencing accused shooter Jared Lee Loughner.

The Daily Caller reported that dozens of Twitter users called for Sarah Palin’s death in the hours following the shooting, with some going so far as to wish for her assassination.

Read more: Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Is it surprising? I dont support it but this comes as no surprise to me.
So Sarah Palin should shut her pie hole, or expect death threats?
I think she's more of a political/celebrity hybrid.

I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

I hate the left and obama but not enough to want to kill them.
It's probably just rumors and propaganda put out by her PR team to reinforce poor little St Sarah's victimhood in all this while keeping her name in the forefront of the news.
I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

I hate the left and obama but not enough to want to kill them.

That's pretty good I mean, wow, I'm pretty sure that's how most of us feel about anyone.
I don't care what she is. Short of being a murderess, as the left have erroneously accused her of being. no one living in the United States of America deserves the bullshit that's been dished to her and her family. But considering the fucking source and the way they've treated President Bush and Dick Cheney I guess it's to be expected. All I'm saying is the've fucking run out of excuses.. They hate her. It's hatred and they own it.

You hate anyone on the left, and Obama, and you own that, also. Where does that leave us? Where does that leave anybody?

All you're doing is proving more and more that all this hateful divisive rhetoric is over the top and unwarranted, from both sides.

I hate the left and obama but not enough to want to kill them.

I hate serfdom. That's all Obama and the left have to offer America.
It's probably just rumors and propaganda put out by her PR team to reinforce poor little St Sarah's victimhood in all this while keeping her name in the forefront of the news.

Death threats are nothing to joke about.
Yep, someday this hate Sarah Palin thing going on in the left may end her life. And, they'll say "she brought it on herself."

You are good 3rd post

Eh tu, peaceniks.

The left is not really interested in a civil tone, except to impose it on their detractors.

Palin death threats rise to unprecedented levels | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Is it surprising? I dont support it but this comes as no surprise to me.

No, I'm not good. They are just so dammned predictable. They accused her of causing the murders in Tuscon, thus forcing her out to defend herself and now they are bitching about her choice of words, and, if I'm not mistaken the Jewish Attorney Alan Dershowitz. sp? stated the comment was very appropriate. So now the death threats against Mrs. Palin have soared. The left needs a group hug and a reach around.
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No it wouldn't. You essentialy said she brought it on herself. YOu hate. Own it.

So, what brought on all the death threats? I dont hate. I like your posts because you offer nothing to a conversation and think youve accomplished much. I dont hate you or Palin.

Let me put it to you straight buddy. The left has hated Mrs. Palin non stip 24/7 since the day she walked out on the stage to be the VP candidate on the McCain ticket. Never in the history of America has the venom flowed so freely and unabashedly. Against her, against her children. You have run out of excuses. It's hatred pure and malicious.. After this last week you can wear it as a badge of honor. You've earned it. It's hatred. And you and the left own it. Now stop with your whiney piney excuses.

There you go again, putting words in my mouth. I hope Palin does get elected. Ive said that many many times. If you think the country is bad now, wait until she runs it. Thats ideology. Thats how I feel. Im sure theres tons of democrats that hate Palin. I dont.

By the way, how do you feel about Obama?
Maybe she should run away... like the GOPers in AZ.

Funny how the left is outraged by their resignations, but seem fine with the death threats against Palin. Where is this new civility that Obama wants?

Why no condemnation of the death threats from our liberals... like Chris who seem to think it's fine to threaten political opponents with death.

I remember, not so long ago, you were berating some liberal for generalizing about some annoying tendency of a few of those on the right, and piously and self-righteously bragging about how you never made generalizations, never painted with a broad brush, etc.

Remember? I sure do.
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The Left/Democrats have definitely encouraged violence against Sarah Palin and her children. If anything ever happens to them,it's on them. The same Left/Democrats were also incredibly vicious towards George Bush and his children. They even produced a movie depicting Bush's assassination. Also,the Left/Democrats are just using this awful tragedy to angle a way to shut Talk Radio down along with any other Media Outlets who don't tow the Democrat Party-Line. It really is very shameful. But i think the People see this though. They're not being fooled. The Left/Democrats should just stop using this tragedy for political gain. In the end they wont gain anything. If anything,they'll have lost a whole lot of credibility and respect.

Who produced that movie and what was the name of it.

Wait you're not going to provide any background on what that film was about or it's relevence are you? Oldly enough it turns out that it is relevent as this review states:

"The dramatic scene, which has caused outrage among Americans, has been created by a British film company for a programme about the effect of the War On Terror.

In Death Of A President, which will premiere at the Toronto Film Festival later this month (SEPT)before being shown on Channel 4's satellite channel More4 in October, the assassination is a starting point for a retrospective fictional documentary about what happened next.

This scene, which was created by putting the President's face onto an actor with digital wizardry, shows him being gunned down just hours after driving past an anti-war demonstration while doing a talk in Chicago.

The two hour drama, in which events are 're-created' by the use of footage and interviews, shows the media storm around the War on Terror as Muslims are fingered as the culprits before there is any evidence."

President Bush 'assassinated' in new TV docudrama | News

How about that?
No it wouldn't. You essentialy said she brought it on herself. YOu hate. Own it.

So, what brought on all the death threats? I dont hate. I like your posts because you offer nothing to a conversation and think youve accomplished much. I dont hate you or Palin.

That's another meme that get fucking old. "you bring nothing to the conversation" that's bullshit. It's hatred and You own it.

You hardly ever bring anything to a conversation other than demon-Rats or other divisive drivel. Thats all you know. No one would argue with me.

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