*Death To Syria: Death To Muslim Nations*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. You know what, I get real freaking tired of seeing people of islamic teachings chant "Death To America".
2. I say *Death To Syria*, and *Death To All Muslim Nations*.
3. Death is what they say, let death come to their *hell hole nations*.
4. Syria can't kill their people fast enough.
5. Seems a revolution may be in order.
6. Sure, lets do it!
7. LINK:U.N. rights chief: Syria risks 'full-blown civil war' - latimes.com

"REPORTING FROM BEIRUT -- The United Nations' top human-rights official assailed the Syrian government Friday for a campaign of “ruthless repression and killings” and called for the international community to take steps to prevent the nation from plunging into “full-blown civil war.”

U.N. condemnation came as activists said thousands of demonstrators took to Syria's streets Friday (see video below) in weekly after-prayer protests, with some reportedly carrying signs backing soldiers who have reportedly switched sides and clashed with security services.

Navi Pillay, U.N. high commissioner for human rights, presented a version of events that essentially agreed with anti-government activists, who say Syrian authorities have routinely attacked protesters without provocation. The administration of President Bashar Assad has blamed the violence on terrorists armed from abroad and seeking to overthrow the government.

“Since the start of the uprising in Syria, the government has consistently used excessive force to crush peaceful protests,” Pillay said in a statement issued in Geneva. “Sniping from rooftops, and indiscriminate use of force against peaceful protestors — including the use of live ammunition and the shelling of residential neighborhoods — have become routine occurrences in Syrian cities.”

8. Let Syria die off, then lets re-name it, *Shitholeistan*.

Death to Death and Life to Life

Choose Life...

We lose if we choose death first. We honor life.
Sorry bout that,

Death to Death and Life to Life

Choose Life...

We lose if we choose death first. We honor life.

1. I agree, but, death to muslims, because they wish death on us.
2. I myself choose life, and in life, life springs eternal through God.:eusa_angel:
3. Through Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so the transgressions of man can be forgiven, through the grace of God.

Death to Death and Life to Life

Choose Life...

We lose if we choose death first. We honor life.

Knowing that this forum can be read anywhere in the world one might think being circumspect would be a wise course to follow. I don't understand why the OP would choose to attack/threaten all followers of Islam unless further conflict is his hearts desire. Unless he is truly evil and gets off on carnage, maybe he and others like him, who I consider abject fools, would consider the words they post and their possible effect on others.
Knowing that this forum can be read anywhere in the world one might think being circumspect would be a wise course to follow. I don't understand why the OP would choose to attack/threaten all followers of Islam unless further conflict is his hearts desire. Unless he is truly evil and gets off on carnage, maybe he and others like him, who I consider abject fools, would consider the words they post and their possible effect on others.

Obama seems to love carnage. He needs it.

He's backing the world-wide protests.....and sending in troops into even more countries as we speak.
It would be easier to support the rebels of Syria against a despotic government IF it wasn't so apparent that the rebels of Syria would be even worse than the leaders they want to replace.
Sorry bout that,

Death to Death and Life to Life

Choose Life...

We lose if we choose death first. We honor life.

1. I agree, but, death to muslims, because they wish death on us.
2. I myself choose life, and in life, life springs eternal through God.:eusa_angel:
3. Through Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so the transgressions of man can be forgiven, through the grace of God.


We lose if we follow their path. We have no need to attempt to kill 1.5 billion people in order to fight extremism.

I vehemently disagree with your posit used to support such a premise Chess. You say you are Christian and in one post wish to kill all Muslims in the world.

Yet you wonder why I see you and Sunni Man with much the same eye? You need not wonder as this OP clarifies your intent.
Muslims are like a rabid dog, no matter how nice you are it will still bite you.
^Somehow I kind of expected that from you tank...

I've met too many Muslims to believe you.

Ropey said:
We lose if we follow their path.

By "their" I am speaking of extremists, not Muslims btw. Just to qualify and clarify..
^Somehow I kind of expected that from you tank...

I've met too many Muslims to believe you.

Ropey said:
We lose if we follow their path.

By "their" I am speaking of extremists, not Muslims btw. Just to qualify and clarify..

Is there a separate extremist version of the Quran that extremists follow which decrees jihad for all muslims?:lol:
How about the sacred hadeeth that says the mahdi will not come until Jews are exterminated from the Earth? This is the extremist version? :lol:

There is no such thing as extremism in the Muslim world, just so you know. This is a Western post-9/11 politically correct term invented to make muslims feel better about themselves. In fact, there is just one flavor of Islam: Islam. Suggestions to the contrary merely point to your total ignorance of the subject matter.
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Muslims are like a rabid dog, no matter how nice you are it will still bite you.

Ironic comparison since Islam opposes dogs since Mahomet was averse to them. What can be said about a religion that hates Lassie?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Death to Death and Life to Life

Choose Life...

We lose if we choose death first. We honor life.

1. I agree, but, death to muslims, because they wish death on us.
2. I myself choose life, and in life, life springs eternal through God.:eusa_angel:
3. Through Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so the transgressions of man can be forgiven, through the grace of God.


We lose if we follow their path. We have no need to attempt to kill 1.5 billion people in order to fight extremism.

I vehemently disagree with your posit used to support such a premise Chess. You say you are Christian and in one post wish to kill all Muslims in the world.

Yet you wonder why I see you and Sunni Man with much the same eye? You need not wonder as this OP clarifies your intent.

1. I started this thread saying *Death to Syria,* and somehow went off in a rant to the muslims in Syria, and all muslims, which was not where I wanted to go with this, just ranting about Syria was my first intent and its name, anyway, they are busy killing each other, so why would I want them all dead anyways???
2. Another thing, all these muslims want Israel wiped off the map, and all you Jews ground into fertilizers.
3. My regard for islam is next to nothing, but I don't condone just rounding them up and killing them, as they do you Jews and we Americans.
4. What will happen someday, they will find their end, and it will be GOD who does it.
5. So in the matter of me saying I wanted them all dead, its not up to me to wish or will all the muslims dead, thats GODS job, and when he's ready he will do it.
6. If there is one thing I am sure of, GOD will wipe out *ALL* islam, one day.
7. In GODS time, not mine ofcourse.
8. And islam is of the devil, only a complete fool wouldn't know that.:doubt:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I agree, but, death to muslims, because they wish death on us.
2. I myself choose life, and in life, life springs eternal through God.:eusa_angel:
3. Through Jesus Christ, who gave his life, so the transgressions of man can be forgiven, through the grace of God.


We lose if we follow their path. We have no need to attempt to kill 1.5 billion people in order to fight extremism.

I vehemently disagree with your posit used to support such a premise Chess. You say you are Christian and in one post wish to kill all Muslims in the world.

Yet you wonder why I see you and Sunni Man with much the same eye? You need not wonder as this OP clarifies your intent.

1. I started this thread saying *Death to Syria,* and somehow went off in a rant to the muslims in Syria, and all muslims, which was not where I wanted to go with this, just ranting about Syria was my first intent and its name, anyway, they are busy killing each other, so why would I want them all dead anyways???
2. Another thing, all these muslims want Israel wiped off the map, and all you Jews ground into fertilizers.
3. My regard for islam is next to nothing, but I don't condone just rounding them up and killing them, as they do you Jews and we Americans.
4. What will happen someday, they will find their end, and it will be GOD who does it.
5. So in the matter of me saying I wanted them all dead, its not up to me to wish or will all the muslims dead, thats GODS job, and when he's ready he will do it.
6. If there is one thing I am sure of, GOD will wipe out *ALL* islam, one day.
7. In GODS time, not mine ofcourse.
8. And islam is of the devil, only a complete fool wouldn't know that.:doubt:


Syria was a better place when called Aram and inhabited by Aramaens before the Muhammadan took over and ruined it, like every other muslim country
^Somehow I kind of expected that from you tank...

I've met too many Muslims to believe you.

Ropey said:
We lose if we follow their path.

By "their" I am speaking of extremists, not Muslims btw. Just to qualify and clarify..

Dr. Wafa Sultan, the Arab human rights leader who is among Time magazine's 100 most heroic pioneers trying to change the world for the better, points out, below, that Jew hatred is endemic in the Arab and Muslim culture.

Thus, you really don't know what you're talking about with your "extremist" nonsense.

Wafa Sultsn...
When I emigrated to the United States of America from Syria, another Arab country that today is undergoing a turbulent political earthquake, never did I imagine that one day I would stand outside the United Nations to oppose its perverted conference, to defend against its malicious attempt to single out Israel -- a country that I was taught to hate. But here I am today, proud to stand for light in the midst of darkness. This darkness brought about by the multiple Muslim countries and their international enablers, who have dishonored the initial objective of the United Nations, only to vilify, and eventually to destroy Israel - the one and the only free democratic country in the entire Middle East. For the last 1,400 years, since its inception, Islamic ideology has attempted to deprive the Jews of their three most cherished possessions -- their Bible, their Lives, and their Land of Israel. During my school years, I heard my teachers, family members, neighbors, and the media all bombarding us daily, throughout the Arab world. We, as small kids and young adults, were indoctrinated to share the anti-Semitic vitriol -- to despise and denigrate Jews. God condemned the Jews because they falsified the Torah. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Since Jews forged the Bible, they were despised and depicted as pigs and apes. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Jews killed our prophets and were the enemies of Allah. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Therefore, the Jews represent an existential danger to all humanity, so their annihilation, as individuals and as a people, was and would be a legitimate service to God and mankind. How did I know it? That is what I was taught.

Yes, killing Jews was always presented to me and my classmates as a religious obligation. We absorbed this evil propaganda with our food and water, and with our school books, each and every day. As a trained psychiatrist, I assert that seeds of hatred planted in the mind of a child, lead to immense hatred as the child grows into adulthood. Tragically, this hatred generates dangerous actions and even death.

And so, Durban III is the end-product of exactly this lasting hatred. Let's be honest; Durban III harbors deep anti-Semitic sentiments -- the same sentiments with which my mind was poisoned; sentiments that are still taught to hundreds of millions of Arab kids throughout the Middle East. I believe that any nation that grants equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or gender, thereby, establishes its moral legitimacy.

According to this principle, Israel stands alone in the Middle East region, as a nation with moral legitimacy: it grants all citizens equal rights for men and women alike, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech and of the press. Not a single Arab or Muslim country in the surrounding region does the same. Nor do any of those Arab and Muslim nations allow their citizens personal freedom, or the right to maintain and express opposing points of view.

These essential qualities of life provide oxygen for the human soul; they are the kind of basic nourishment that is desperately missing in all of Israel's Muslim neighbors. Yet, the so-called humanitarian aid organizations at the United Nations direct all their energy to act against anything and everything Israel does. Let me ask: as every human being deserves to live in dignity, why has an enormous unbalanced portion of global aid gone mostly to Palestinians, while millions of underprivileged people all over the world suffer genuine, life-threatening deprivation?

Here is why: The United Nations time and again focuses its power on the perpetual manufacturing of false anti-Israel accusations. Painting Palestinians as perennial underdogs provides the perfect cover for their subversive effort. Without doubt, this trend encourages hatred and violence against the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere else. And that is exactly its point.

Hence, as a woman of an Arab and Islamic background, with that perspective, I join you all today to highlight the hypocrisy of the UN. I challenge the U.N. for neglecting its fundamental mission. They do it under pressure from totalitarian Muslim regimes who put their full faith and credit of their oil wealth behind this anti-Israel campaign. I am here to demand that the United Nations return to its objectives, to apply international law, justice and fairness equally, to all nations regardless of their size, economic conditions, or global influence.

While the United Nations obsessively attacks Israel, it merely reveals its own abysmal human rights record -- neglecting Muslim women's rights; ignoring freedoms of faith and conscience; turning a blind eye to the fate of Muslim apostates sentenced to death; failing to address the brutal treatment of Christians and other citizens of Islamic nations, and for ignoring the rights of non-Muslim foreigners living or working in Muslim countries.

A Palestinian women's organization reported that Muslim men perpetrate some 40 honor killings annually in the West Bank alone, not including the vast majority of honor killing and abuse of women that go unreported -- as Islamic society maintains secrecy in upholding the popular belief that those "cursed with a sin, [should] hide it." Where is the UN Human Rights Commission's outcry over the Muslim world's honor killing epidemic? Has the UN adopted the same Islamic philosophy, hiding a societal sin to protect Muslim honor?

Where is the UN condemnation of Sharia law that forgives abusive and murderous men whose wives are assumed sinful? What has the UN done to stop and forbid this appalling trend? Mr. Ban Ki-moon, please note that we, enlightened and liberated Muslims take notice. And we are enraged. Just as with Israel, the UN marginalizes enlightened and liberated Muslims, and treats them as pariahs. Elite government leaders, willfully blind Western media, arrogant Middle East studies academics and foolish UN representatives follow suit. All these presumably progressive, freethinking leaders have given their full support to Islamic totalitarian countries and rally behind their dehumanizing objectives at the UN.

I receive countless letters from Arab readers throughout the Middle East, expressing their desperate desire to live as free people with the same human rights we enjoy in the West -- and especially, freedom from Sharia! One young Arab woman, a student, wrote to me only last month: "They deprive us of any right to think, and ... remind us each time, how we will burn in hell. They terrorize us, and they do the same with the children. I would like that to stop. I try very hard to change things. I created a little group against sexism. And I hope to be able to defend Arab women one day."

Tell me Mr. Ban Ki-moon, who will defend this young student and her small group fighting Arab sexism and the atrocities committed against Arab women? Concerning Islamic and Arab violence, the UN remains tragically blind and silent. The UN repeats its denunciation of Israel, the only Middle East nation that grants all citizens the basic human rights this young Arab woman wishes to have for her people.

Here is important information to expose the charade of Durban III conference: According to recent face-to-face surveys by prominent international pollsters, more Palestinians in East Jerusalem would prefer to be citizens of Israel than citizens of a new Palestinian state -- and 40% would probably or definitely move to avoid Palestinian rule. This alone demonstrates the hypocrisy of the UN and its Durban III forum.

To add salt to wound, the UN has degenerated into the puppet of Arab and Islamic forces operating freely in its own hallways and offices. It has evolved into a tool of the Organization of Islamic conference – the 56 Islamic nations seeking through the UN to impose international blasphemy laws supposedly labeled "defamation of religion."

We understand this would criminalize anyone criticizing Islam. To be specific, the UN aims to suppress free speech globally -- and especially the freedom to oppose many harsh tenets of Islam's Sharia law. Without a doubt, this plan to criminalize a genuine and necessary discourse on Islam is seditious and most dangerous.

But in spite of its attempt to silence voices of dissent, let us be frank: From Islamic point of view, the so called Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict is merely an Islamic Jihad, specifically targeting Jewish infidels, cultivated by sacred texts, which date to the time of Mohammed. Even if the alleged Arab-Palestinian crisis were "solved," jihadists would continue to fulfill their Islamic duty to subdue the entire world under Islam and Sharia.

So now, I am here to stand with all of those who are in the fight to preserve our freedom. I call on all nations and people to boycott the United Nation's Durban III conference against racial discrimination.

Those who love liberty and life will strengthen their ties and warm relations with Israel, and stand with her. Israel will continue to shine its light among all nations.

The United Nations and Human Rights Abuse :: Hudson New York
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Sorry bout that,

1. I'm just a human, and I went off on a rant about islam, and how evil they are, based on facts, and what I said is true, indeed, no problem, but the way I see it, islam has a far bigger problem than me ranting as a human being, on some random website, their problem really starts with GOD, and what GOD is about to do to all of them one day.

^ I understand.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm just a human, and I went off on a rant about islam, and how evil they are, based on facts, and what I said is true, indeed, no problem, but the way I see it, islam has a far bigger problem than me ranting as a human being, on some random website, their problem really starts with GOD, and what GOD is about to do to all of them one day.


Every religion has its form of the Golden Rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you...Except, Islam.
Knowing that this forum can be read anywhere in the world one might think being circumspect would be a wise course to follow. I don't understand why the OP would choose to attack/threaten all followers of Islam unless further conflict is his hearts desire. Unless he is truly evil and gets off on carnage, maybe he and others like him, who I consider abject fools, would consider the words they post and their possible effect on others.
Islam is evil. The quran says so.

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