Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

The article SAYS it is states relaxing social distancing and opening up their economies too early, and not following the CDC guidelines of when and how to open, that has DOUBLED the estimated deaths....thru August 4th......

Maybe they'll be correct; maybe they won't. Given how few times they've been close to anything accurate I take it with a grain of salt. The other problem with these models is that they don't take into consideration the collateral damage being done by society being shut down over an extended period of time.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
You mad, Bro?

Rolling Stone Timeline: Coronavirus in America

"When the outbreak hit, the administration dithered.

"Our once storied public health agencies fumbled the rollout of COVID-19 testing — causing bottlenecks and weeks of delay, as powerful resources sat idle. 'We didn’t unleash our biomedical establishment to create tests,' Donald Milton, who runs the Public Health Aerobiology, Virology, and Exhaled Biomarker Laboratory at the University of Maryland told Rolling Stone.

"He points to the alternate path of South Korea, which controlled its outbreak through mass testing, and has suffered fewer than 300 deaths. 'We have that capability,' Milton says, 'We could have done that.'":oops:
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
You don’t care about human life.
Don’t even pretend that you do.

But, we're to assume that you do?
You will assume the worst about me no matter what I say so why should I even bother.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.

The 70,000 number is a cooked number. Funeral directors like Lanza of New York City said all the corpuses are coming over as "COVID" nowadays, regardless of the real cause of death.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.

The 70,000 number is a cooked number. Funeral directors like Lanza of New York City said all the corpuses are coming over as "COVID" nowadays, regardless of the real cause of death.
I remember when the deaths of four Americans was too much.

Where do you get your numbers?
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.

Go fuck yourself you anti-American POS!
You guys always brag about capitalism. Look at what your unregulated trickle down capitalism has produced. The rich have never been richer and the middle class isn't what it once was. Doesn't mean I don't love America. I just remember when it was greater. Greater for the bottom 60%.

And here you Republicans want to pretend though kicking illegals out that you are going to MAGA and bring wages up because we will no longer have illegals in this country? That's such a lie. If they were serious they'd go after illegal employers. That would change wages in this country. But right now Trump plays wack a mole with illegal workers and ignores the illegal employers.

You people are so stupid.

And you want to bring jobs back home but not good paying ones. Those factories will pay $10 hr. But to you, that's better than nothing. But when you sent those jobs away they were paying much better. So you want us to settle for this new low. Well guess what? The rich have taken over your government and redistributed the wealth. And what do you want to do about that mr Republican? Nothing. You applaud the widening gap to be honest. You do by the policies you push.
Free market works best for people and gives them the most freedom in regards to the natural God given rights all men are born with. All men are born free...only government puts restrictions on our rights.Communinsm is a failure because of this. Spread the word to your fellow captives in China.
Now you dumb sunsofbitches are seeing there is no capitalism without a government. The government is the referee and sets the rules. You've just been brainwashed to be anti government and you serve your corporate masters who have left you and your buddies all broke.

Are you the exception?
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
Republicans supported opening up China as a hedge against the Soviets

later as libertarian economic policies became the rage free trade was taught as gospel in the colleges

so repubs are not guilt free

but neither are democrats starting with bill clinton
You guys can never admit being wrong without saying, "both sides are to blame". LOL.

You came the closest though.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Well first off not chinas fault natures fault. Second models are extrapolations and are typically not very accurate especially this early on in research. Many things can happen to skew these modles in a big way such as a realy horrible respons can tend the real numbers worse. On the other hand we could have a supprise scientific discovery that makes the out come much better. Considering the speed of scientific advancement I wanna believe that we will do better than the models and be back to normal sooner. That all being said I have no crystal ball, neither does trump or any one else. All we have is best guesses.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
Republicans supported opening up China as a hedge against the Soviets

later as libertarian economic policies became the rage free trade was taught as gospel in the colleges

so repubs are not guilt free

but neither are democrats starting with bill clinton
You guys can never admit being wrong without saying, "both sides are to blame". LOL.

You came the closest though.

Memo to SB Sluggo:

Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously

but its obvious that most people will not die or even become noticeably ill

shutting down the economy meamwhile harms everyone and will continue to harm for years to come
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.

Go fuck yourself you anti-American POS!
You guys always brag about capitalism. Look at what your unregulated trickle down capitalism has produced. The rich have never been richer and the middle class isn't what it once was. Doesn't mean I don't love America. I just remember when it was greater. Greater for the bottom 60%.

And here you Republicans want to pretend though kicking illegals out that you are going to MAGA and bring wages up because we will no longer have illegals in this country? That's such a lie. If they were serious they'd go after illegal employers. That would change wages in this country. But right now Trump plays wack a mole with illegal workers and ignores the illegal employers.

You people are so stupid.

And you want to bring jobs back home but not good paying ones. Those factories will pay $10 hr. But to you, that's better than nothing. But when you sent those jobs away they were paying much better. So you want us to settle for this new low. Well guess what? The rich have taken over your government and redistributed the wealth. And what do you want to do about that mr Republican? Nothing. You applaud the widening gap to be honest. You do by the policies you push.

Couldn't have done it without the heavy lifting by the Dimms, too!
Embrace your semi-dystopic future that China has unleashed. I've lived through the best of times (seems like it was only yesterday).
Me too. And I'm 49 years old. I shouldn't take too big of a hit on my social security and medicare cuts that are no doubt coming. Maybe I'll have to work until 70 now instead of 67. And I didn't even get a stimulus check. I made too much last year.

So I don't know how the rest of America thinks they are ever going to retire. I'm considered upper class and I have zero bills and still I'm not rich really. How are the rest of you going to do it? I'll tell you how. You won't. Or you will be on what they call a "fixed income". Sit around in your golden years because you have high medical costs and very small social security coming in every month.

Yes, America is not what it once was. Luckily for me I'm rich with no kids and my brother is super rich with 2 kids who have silver spoons in their mouths. I'm not worried about my family I'm worried about yours.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.

The 70,000 number is a cooked number. Funeral directors like Lanza of New York City said all the corpuses are coming over as "COVID" nowadays, regardless of the real cause of death.
I remember when the deaths of four Americans was too much.

Where do you get your numbers?
One death is too much especially if is a loved one. But then death is a fact of life. No one is given any guarantees of living forever. To say that 4 deaths are 'too much' is much to broad a statement IMO. If one does not accept that death is a fact of life and happens then one is living in fantasy.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?
To paraphrase the greatest coach in NFL history, it was a team effort involving both democrats and republicans
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.

Go fuck yourself you anti-American POS!
You guys always brag about capitalism. Look at what your unregulated trickle down capitalism has produced. The rich have never been richer and the middle class isn't what it once was. Doesn't mean I don't love America. I just remember when it was greater. Greater for the bottom 60%.

And here you Republicans want to pretend though kicking illegals out that you are going to MAGA and bring wages up because we will no longer have illegals in this country? That's such a lie. If they were serious they'd go after illegal employers. That would change wages in this country. But right now Trump plays wack a mole with illegal workers and ignores the illegal employers.

You people are so stupid.

And you want to bring jobs back home but not good paying ones. Those factories will pay $10 hr. But to you, that's better than nothing. But when you sent those jobs away they were paying much better. So you want us to settle for this new low. Well guess what? The rich have taken over your government and redistributed the wealth. And what do you want to do about that mr Republican? Nothing. You applaud the widening gap to be honest. You do by the policies you push.

Couldn't have done it without the heavy lifting by the Dimms, too!
Embrace your semi-dystopic future that China has unleashed. I've lived through the best of times (seems like it was only yesterday).
Me too. And I'm 49 years old. I shouldn't take too big of a hit on my social security and medicare cuts that are no doubt coming. Maybe I'll have to work until 70 now instead of 67. And I didn't even get a stimulus check. I made too much last year.

So I don't know how the rest of America thinks they are ever going to retire. I'm considered upper class and I have zero bills and still I'm not rich really. How are the rest of you going to do it? I'll tell you how. You won't. Or you will be on what they call a "fixed income". Sit around in your golden years because you have high medical costs and very small social security coming in every month.

Yes, America is not what it once was. Luckily for me I'm rich with no kids and my brother is super rich with 2 kids who have silver spoons in their mouths. I'm not worried about my family I'm worried about yours.

You got a long ways to go. Only 49.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
Republicans supported opening up China as a hedge against the Soviets

later as libertarian economic policies became the rage free trade was taught as gospel in the colleges

so repubs are not guilt free

but neither are democrats starting with bill clinton
You guys can never admit being wrong without saying, "both sides are to blame". LOL.

You came the closest though.

Memo to SB Sluggo:

If you are doing better than the average American, good for you. But if you are just an average American, you are living month to month and not saving enough to retire.

If all of us here are rich then I see why most of you vote GOP. You're greedy. If you are not then you are stupid. If you are middle class, the only party you can possibly control is the Democratic party. The labor party. The GOP is run and controlled by the rich and corporations.

You can say the Democrats are too but they also answer to the unions. You know, the unions that you hate and have demonized over the past 4 decades? And you wonder why labor hasn't gotten a raise in decades? And you wonder why the gap between the rich and rest of us has widened? You must be real smart.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.

The 70,000 number is a cooked number. Funeral directors like Lanza of New York City said all the corpuses are coming over as "COVID" nowadays, regardless of the real cause of death.
I remember when the deaths of four Americans was too much.

Where do you get your numbers?
Deaths in libya of Americans who might have been saved were too much
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

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