Death Toll Going to Double and Triple...Thanks Socialist China

Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?
To paraphrase the greatest coach in NFL history, it was a team effort involving both democrats and republicans
You're more to blame than the Democratic party. You vote GOP right? Well then when you leave the labor party and vote for the party of the rich, don't wonder why your life sucks and why you aren't making enough money.

30 million Americans are unemployed but all you big mouth republicans are all working?

P.S. I just saved everyones healthcare and pay. I sold over $100K last month and so everyone gets to keep their benefits and 100% pay. Otherwise people were going to get furloughed and/or laid off.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
Thanks Nixon for opening that door.
I'm glad that I am not young anymore.
China has shit all over your futures.
So have baby boomer republicans. more them than China. They’re the ones who sold us to China.
No. You did with your goddamn thumb phones and video games you worship. Fuck you communitst slant I have a bullet for your head. Don't try to pollute this web page with your doctrine and communitst propaganda. We can see through your ruse in the free world. Don't be a bullshit artist Chinese agent.
Remember everyone this guy liked Bush too.

Which one? Both actually. The one who invented NAFTA and the one who lied us into Iraq.

The NAFTA signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton? You realize had he vetoed the NAFTA the Senate didn't have the votes to overturn the bill. Funny how you never remember that and always twist the lies. You seem to just perpetuate lies.
No stupid. It's funny how you dumb fucks never remember Bush invented the thing and every Republican including you were in favor of it. Who wasnt? Back then it was unions.

Oh, and Bill Clinton put labor and environmental protections in NAFTA. Regulations that later Bush removed. But you don't know those details do you?

Dumb ass, did Clinton sign the bill into law or not? Had he vetoed the bill would it have been dead? Go back to previous conversations Sealy, I never wanted this passed, it was a bad deal for the United States, again you are wrong. It unleveled the playing field with Canada and Mexico and gave them both huge advantages. That is why the Canadians and Mexicans were upset with Trump wanting to renegotiate.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.
I agree

but also the less Americans work the less money they make and the more they will fall into poverty

at which point you will cry about that and demand more government handouts for people who once provided for themselves
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the Chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.
I agree

but also the less Americans work the less money they make and the more they will fall into poverty

at which point you will cry about that and demand more government handouts for people who once provided for themselves
Are you working?
I am. Never stopped.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Do you really think this country is in "lockdown?"
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Libs wont go back to work till the government checks stop arriving
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Libs wont go back to work till the government checks stop arriving
I'm a lib.
I never stopped working.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the Chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.
I agree

but also the less Americans work the less money they make and the more they will fall into poverty

at which point you will cry about that and demand more government handouts for people who once provided for themselves
Are you working?
I am. Never stopped.
I’m going to engage in personal antidotes with you

but even if you are telling the truth there are 325 million Americans not just you
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
You don’t care about human life.
Don’t even pretend that you do.
ain't you the dude that likes when people kill babies? you sound funny making that statement.
You have me confused with someone else.
so you don't support roe vs wade then?
I support a women’s right to choose .
so you don't protect defenseless babies, so I was correct.
I’m a single man.
Abortion is not an issue for me.

Bush92 said to me he would not hesitate to kill chinese women and children.
Do you have a problem with that?
I do. I don't need to kill anyone. I need/ want my freedom back that's it.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Libs wont go back to work till the government checks stop arriving
I'm a lib.
I never stopped working.

Good for you. But there are teeming multitudes of people who have been locked out of their jobs and their professions and aren't permitted to work. And that's the point. Empathy for you fellow man.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.
You don’t care about human life.
Don’t even pretend that you do.

But, we're to assume that you do?
You will assume the worst about me no matter what I say so why should I even bother.
try and embrace the constitution. that'd be a start. stop thinking you can impede on others rights. There are no guarantees with rights.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.
no they aren't. they aren't doing autopsies. stop pandering to the leftists media fudging data. just stop it.
Great. Thanks China you piece of shit motherfuckers. Now the free world has to deal with your fuck-up.

I wouldn't count on those predictions, the models have been wrong with the coronavirus pretty consistently. Models recommended that Trump send tens of thousands of ventilators, hospital beds and other equipment and staff to New York City. They didn't need them.
Remember when trumpanzees said it was all a hoax and no one had died?
The panic that gripped America was generated by a lib hoax which claimed millions were going to die from the chinese disease
I guess 70,000 people isn’t enough for you.
The only way for to take it seriously is if millions die.
I think the nation took it very seriously
You think so?
There is no vaccine.
Around 1,000 people are dying from this daily.
Now you guys want to go back to “business as usual.”
Doesn’t sound like its being taken seriously at all.

More people die of cancer, heart disease than this. But we don't shut down the country.
Is cancer a highly contagious disease?
Is heart disease a highly contagious disease?
Is getting hit by a car a highly contagious disease?
Is getting shot a highly contagious disease?
The thing is the chinese disease cannot be avoided unless you really do seal yourself in a vault and dont come out till its 100% safe

and even then some people who are vaccinated will still die
I'll go with the law of averages.
The less contact you have with people the less likely you are to get it.

Theoretically, you're right. But in the medium/long term, almost everyone is going to be exposed. An eternal Lockdown isn't a good idea even if it was viable.
Libs wont go back to work till the government checks stop arriving
I'm a lib.
I never stopped working.

Good for you. But there are teeming multitudes of people who have been locked out of their jobs and their professions and aren't permitted to work. And that's the point. Empathy for you fellow man.

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