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with a bullet in the head and tied up and weighted down if he swims to shore then it proves he's not a witch and he is innocent....

I saw this in a movie once.....
Why bury him with the muslim rituals?
Isant that offensive to real muslims?

It's like walking a razors edge. Piss of the radicals by making a statement or rely on the assumption Islam might really be a religion of peace?

I think the proper thing was done.
whooa hatted harlot....

where have i said anything like that...i ask xox if that was his thought....

myself i dont rejoice in death.....even if a man/woman deserves to die....

You said, "ahhh you think we got the old bait and switch going?"

What does that mean?
hey lets look at the bright side!!!the gov is making a lil progress...usually,when they dispose of a body to clear themselves of any wrong doing or foul play,it ussually isnt openly

be prayerful is my plan!!this mess along with all the others will be sorted and justice will be served when true big Brother gets here!
Why bury him with the muslim rituals?
Isant that offensive to real muslims?

It's like walking a razors edge. Piss of the radicals by making a statement or rely on the assumption Islam might really be a religion of peace?

I think the proper thing was done.
Probably not Pershing and Pigs
I don't follow.

What was done, with an Imam present, was simply not kicking a hornets nest. One less reason for them to pretend retaliation.
I believe they have OBL, but he's not dead. Why would they kill the most valuable piece of information on this earth in regards to terrorism?

Obama had no knowledge of this ahead of was all the Navy and Marines, for mmy money. They didn't want his indecisiveness.

Now the most modern techniques of enhanced interrogation are taking place unkown to to anyone else on some island completely deserted except for the USA.

And watch for raids on terror cells everywhere in the next months.

He's been out of the loop on terrorist activity for years.... he would have had absolutely nothing usable. Do you think our security services are that dumb? Because I can guarantee you, they are not.

They did take all the hard drives from Osama's computers. I am sure he was still in the loop & we will see more heads roll soon.

Uh huh, sure...ABC news reported that there was something suspicious about the "mansion"/ 'compound" as there was no TV or phone service which suggests no electricity,..But now it is being said they have all this computer equipment to retrieve data from..There is just sooo much that appears to be BS about this story.

The U.S. had been monitoring the compound in Abbottabad for months after receiving a tip in August that Bin Laden might be seeking shelter there. He had long been said to be in the mountainous region along the Afghanistan, Pakistan border, hiding in a cave as the U.S. sought to kill him with drone strikes from above. Instead, he was in a house eight times larger than its neighbors, with walls more than 12 feet tall and valued at $1 million. The house had no phone or television and the residents burned their trash. The house had high windows and few points of access, and U.S. officials concluded it had been built to hide someone.

Osama Bin Laden Killed By Navy Seals in Firefight - ABC News
It is my opinion that Alex Jones is spot on with this issue. I may have to watch him more ofyen

[ame=]YouTube - Alex Takes Last Call from Military, and Closes With These Final Thoughts on The Death of Bin Laden[/ame]
But it is just my harmless little opinion
Alex Jones is a flaming idiot.

Maybe so but every once in a while even an idiot will get it right.
Surely you didn't get a chance to watch the ten minute video.

I don't agree with all of AJs views, mainly how he minimizes the Israeli connection to 9-11 and spying etc.. but he is spot on with the NWO, and the FED reserve and has great interviews with ex government insiders. He had the DC madaam on a week or so before she died. She said she would never kill herself, and that she was ready for her court date to blow the lid on what she knew, next we hear she "suicided" herself.

I made a decision as to who it is I should believe, and when I weighed how much the US government had bullshitted me all these years against the whistle blowers and ex government and military, it was a no brainer..the US government lost all credibility with me.

P.S Why is this thread being moved to where it is?? Is it to try to keep the opinions of us that are counter to the governments lies, hidden??
Alex Jones is a flaming idiot.

Maybe so but every once in a while even an idiot will get it right.
Surely you didn't get a chance to watch the ten minute video.

I don't agree with all of AJs views, mainly how he minimizes the Israeli connection to 9-11 and spying etc.. but he is spot on with the NWO, and the FED reserve and has great interviews with ex government insiders. He had the DC madaam on a week or so before she died. She said she would never kill herself, and that she was ready for her court date to blow the lid on what she knew, next we hear she "suicided" herself.

I made a decision as to who it is I should believe, and when I weighed how much the US government had bullshitted me all these years against the whistle blowers and ex government and military, it was a no brainer..the US government lost all credibility with me.

P.S Why is this thread being moved to where it is?? Is it to try to keep the opinions of us that are counter to the governments lies, hidden??

I don't know why this thread keeps on moving around maybe it's the ghost of Ben Ladin.
I have a question If Ben Ladin was on Kidney dialyses and the house had no electricity how did he get to flush his kidney’s out?
In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan.
Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME

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