Debbie's IT guy Guilty!

Guilty of BANK FRAUD!

These proven terrorist connected Pakistani spies we're just allowed to walk in one of the largest Espionage cases, this one facilitated by Democrat, in US history.

The US Inspector General found that the a wands were given illegal access to Classified house servers and files; yet, the judge in the case ruled that the federal government failed to prove its case regarding Espionage, theft of government computers and systems, and more, in large part 2 a great deal of evidence 'disappearing' before the trial.

44 Democrats were proven to have refuse to comply with house rules and regulations that require them to do background checks on all employees before hiring them, allowing the terrorist connected pakistanis to be hired in the first place. They were then given illegal access to classified house servers computers and files. All of this was proven, but the judge just let them walk on those charges.

Ex-Dem IT aide Imran Awan pleads guilty to bank fraud in deal with prosecutors
Imran Awan, the former IT aide to congressional Democrats whose federal court case has drawn the interest of President Trump and other Republicans, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal bank fraud in a plea deal where prosecutors said they "uncovered no evidence" that Awan "violated federal law with respect to the House computer systems."

During a hearing before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan in Washington, Awan pleaded guilty to making a false statement on a loan application. As part of the deal, the prosecution dropped fraud charges against Awan's wife, Hina Alvi.

The case has generated interest from Republicans on Capitol Hill, who have suggested Awan could have been involved in a cyber breach operation. But prosecutors said Tuesday they investigated allegations of misconduct by Awan while on the job in Congress and determined federal charges were not warranted.

"Particularly, the government has found no evidence that your client illegally removed House data from the House network or from House members' offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information," the prosecution said in the plea deal.

Prosecutors said the government conducted a "thorough investigation of those allegations."

The government interviewed 40 witnesses, took custody of the House Democratic Caucus server and other devices, reviewed electronic communications between House employees and questioned Awan during multiple voluntary interviews, the plea deal said

This BULLSHIT decision was the result of the Washington Capitol Police - the Keystone Kops - NOT THE FBI - doing the investigation.
Awan Funneling ‘Massive’ Data Off Congressional Server, Dems Claim It’s Child’s HOMEWORK
Democratic congressional aides made unauthorized access to a House server 5,400 times and funneled "massive" amounts of data off of it. But there's nothing to see here, Democrats told The Washington Post: They were just storing and then re-downloading homework assignments for Imran Awan's elementary-school aged kids and family pictures.
Imran Awan and his associates "were moving terabytes off-site so they could quote 'work on the files'" and that they desperately tried to hide what was on the server when caught, providing police with what law enforcement immediately recognized as falsified evidence and an indication of criminal intent.
Terrorist-connected Pakistani spies had illegal access to CLASSIFIED HOUSE SERVERS - A CRIME - and downloaded a tera-byte of information off of those CLASSIFIED SERVERS....but Democrats want us to believe nothing ILLEGAL happened. WTF?!

Just In: IG Report Shows ‘Pattern’ In Congress Hacking 'Device' Scheme, NY Dem Busted With 75
According to the Inspector General, in just one example, "75 pieces of equipment with a total purchase price of $118,416 went missing" from an office where Abid Awan worked. Rep. Yvette Clarke, a New York democrat, turned out to be the "victim."
Terrorist-connected Pakistani spies had illegal access to classified House files from several Committees, to include the House Intel Committee, and downloaded tera-bytes of information from those Classified servers before being caught and many fleeing to Pakistan where they are being protected by the Pakistani Govt....and the article states:
IT staffers may have compromised sensitive data

KEY EVIDENCE GOES MISSING: Server Belonging to Wasserman Shultz IT Worker Imran Awan Is Physically Stolen from Congress - Blunt Force Truth
Key Evidence in Awan Hacking/Spying Case Is Missing

Investigation: How Could The Capitol Hill “Intelligence Gang Of Eight” Let Members Of A Pakistani Spy Ring Work On Capitol Hill For Three Years, Stealing Intelligence, And Endangering Our Special Forces In The Field. – Investment Watch Blog

us ag Protects Terrorist-Connected Pakistan Spies....WHY?
AG Jeff Sessions Refuses to Charge Pakistani Awan Brothers Accused of Spying on Democrats

DNC Lawyer Scrambles To Block Evidence From Hidden Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz
DNC Lawyer Scrambles To Block Evidence From Hidden Laptop Tied To Wasserman Schultz

VIDEO: Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief Over Awan Bros Laptop Evidence - ZeroPointNow

Democrats Exempted Proven Terrorist-Connected Pakistani it Spies From Simple BACKGROUND Check

44 Dems, Including Wasserman-Schultz, Exempted Muslim Spy Ring From Background Checks - FITNAPHOBIA

Every one of the 44 House Democrats who hired Pakistan-born IT aides who later allegedly made "unauthorized access" to congressional data appears to have chosen to exempt them from background checks, according to congressional documents.
All of them appear to have waived background checks on Imran Awan and his family members, even though the family of server administrators could collectively read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, and despite background checks being recommended for such positions, according to an inspector general's report. The House security policy requires offices to fill out a form attesting that they've initiated background checks, but it also includes a loophole allowing them to simply say that another member vouched for them.
Among the red flags in Abid's background were a $1.1 million bankruptcy; six lawsuits against him or a company he owned; and at least three misdemeanor convictions including for DUI and driving on a suspended license, according to Virginia court records. Public court records show that Imran and Abid operated a car dealership referred to as CIA that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities. Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran's residence, Virginia corporation records show. Imran was the subject of repeated calls to police by multiplewomen and had multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving

Inspector General: Awans Used "Unauthorized Access" To Transfer Congress' Data To Stolen Server » The Event Chronicle
* An internal House probe concluded that Pakistani IT aides Imran Awan along with four other individuals inappropriately accessed House servers and moved data
* They impersonated at least 15 U.S. House members they did not work for and the Democratic Caucus, using their credentials to gain access to the system - a federal offense.
* Data was migrated from several servers onto a single server, which disappeared while being monitored by police
* The Awans engaged in a "pattern of login activity" which suggest steps were taken to conceal their activity
* House Democrats in turn misrepresented the issue to their own members as solely a matter of theft
* No criminal charges have been filed related to the data breaches or a number of other violations

Awan Family Had Access to Emails of 59 House Democrats - NTD.TV


Capitol Police Accidentally Gave Evidence to House Hacking Suspect’s Defense Attorney
The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and a source.

Awan, three relatives and a friend ran IT for one in five House Democrats and could read all their emails and files until they were banned on Feb. 2, 2017, for "numerous violations of House security policies." The violations alleged by the House Office of Inspector General include logging into the House Democratic Caucus server thousands of times without authorization. This allegedly occurred during the same period in 2016 the DNC was hacked.

I always knew dems were crooked but Damn!!!
There is no way in hell we can survive as a country with shit like this going down with no repercussions.
Some people need to swing for this!
The only problem with that are all the details...

US IG reports finding illegal access to classified House servers and Files, illegal downloading of information, stolen govt property, criminal neglect by 44 Democrats who did not comply with rules/regs and gave this access to terrorist-connected Pakistani spies, Democrat refusal to press charges after their files were hacked and stolen, a vast majority of the evidence against the Pakistani spies - that was being guarded by the same Keystone Kops who were allowed to lead an investigation into federal ESPIONAGE - DISAPPEARS days before the trial, the Keystone Kops handing all of the evidence to the Pakistani spies' attorney - ' by accident' - before it was discovered. It was supposed to go to the prosecuting attorneys.

The Democrats can't professionally pull off a cover-up - the crimes are always blatantly obvious. They just count on their loyal sheep followers to be stupid as he'll and accept anything they are told.

BTW: Here is another example / case of why @$$clown Jeff Sessions should be fired and kicked to the curb immediately.

When the F* is the Capitol Police allowed to take over and run an investigation of FEDERAL Espionage, which was opened up when they 1st got caught and banned from having access to the House ... Which IMRAN IMMEDIATELY VIOLATED WITH HELP FROM DWS?!
The RUSSIANS didn't hack the DNC server - Wasserman-Schultz gave the terrorist connected Awan access to it .... And it was STOLEN, replaced with a look-alike!

Daily Caller: Democratic caucus server was replaced by look-alike (Update: DOJ has 'no evidence' House computer systems were compromised)

Last fall the DC reported that when police requested a copy of a Democratic caucus server run by Awan, they were provided with a fake. Today, the DC reports on the contents of a memo from Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving describing the fake server and the disappearance of the real server.

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