Debt Clock......Frozen????


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Good thing we have a transparent administration striving to keep the electorate informed.....


1. "Treasury Ran $98 Billion Deficit in July--But Debt Stayed Exactly $16,699,396,000,000 -

2. ( - The Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS), which publishes both the federal government's official Daily Treasury Statement and its official Monthly Treasury Statement, is reporting that in July the federal government ran a deficit of $98 billion but that the federal government's debt remained exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for the entire month.

3. The Daily Treasury Statements show the daily value of the federal government debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress.

4. ....for every day of July, the debt was just $25 million below the legal limit of $16,699,421,000,000 that was set in a law passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama.

5. If Treasury's daily statements were to declare that the government had borrowed an additional net $98 billion to cover the $98 billion deficit... Treasury would be conceding that the government had already surpassed the legal limit on the debt--and has been violating the law by continuing to borrowing additional money.

6. Since Lew sent that letter--announcing that he would use "extraordinary measures"--the debt has remained stuck at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 for 87 straight days."
Treasury Ran $98 Billion Deficit in July--But Debt Stayed Exactly $16,699,396,000,000 | CNS News

And, in a related story....Baghdad Bob has been appointed as Sec'y of Treasury.....

What does it say about the administration's opinion of the people if their lies are this blatant?
Why should the Hussein administration be afraid of breaking the law? They've never been held accountable every time they've broken the law in the past.


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Why isn't anyone stopping this ?

Too busy arguing for their respective party of choice to notice.

Theoretically we have a group of people in Washington who were elected to represent the minority. Where are are they ? Why are they letting Obama get away with everything without even a complaint ? Where are the Republicans ? Do they really think they will get support from me in the next election with a poor performance like this ?
Why isn't anyone stopping this ?

Too busy arguing for their respective party of choice to notice.

Theoretically we have a group of people in Washington who were elected to represent the minority. Where are are they ? Why are they letting Obama get away with everything without even a complaint ? Where are the Republicans ? Do they really think they will get support from me in the next election with a poor performance like this ?

They don't need your support. Americans are so divided and caught up in Democrat vs. Republican to DREAM of voting for the other party to make any change.
Every American should have been dumbfounded by the last election. RECORD disapproval ratings, record poor opinions on the federal government - YET - we re-elected nearly every single politician across the entire country. No change.
Until America wakes up and realizes that our government (BOTH SIDES) is the problem and not just the other party - we will continue out path of destruction.
Too busy arguing for their respective party of choice to notice.

Theoretically we have a group of people in Washington who were elected to represent the minority. Where are are they ? Why are they letting Obama get away with everything without even a complaint ? Where are the Republicans ? Do they really think they will get support from me in the next election with a poor performance like this ?

They don't need your support. Americans are so divided and caught up in Democrat vs. Republican to DREAM of voting for the other party to make any change.
Every American should have been dumbfounded by the last election. RECORD disapproval ratings, record poor opinions on the federal government - YET - we re-elected nearly every single politician across the entire country. No change.
Until America wakes up and realizes that our government (BOTH SIDES) is the problem and not just the other party - we will continue out path of destruction.

Perhaps nurturing America's demise would wake up some people quicker.
What a shame we don't have a clock monitoring the erosion of our civil liberties.

At least that would be measuring something REAL.
What a shame we don't have a clock monitoring the erosion of our civil liberties.

At least that would be measuring something REAL.

The debt clock measures REAL wealth drestroyed by central planners. Economic liberty IS a civil liberty. Without the ability to peacefully exchange with others and store wealth to do so, you would be wearing a pelt moomoo and running around the forest eating berries, buddy.
In the coming months, the Treasury will employ its full
arsenal of extraordinary measures to stay under the current
debt limit. If a new debt limit is not agreed upon,
CBO expects those measures to run out sometime in
October or November of this year.
If the debt limit is not increased before extraordinary
measures are exhausted, the Treasury will not be
authorized to issue additional debt that increases the
amount outstanding. (It will be able to issue additional
debt only in amounts equal to maturing debt.) That
restriction would severely strain the Treasury’s ability to
manage its cash and could lead to delays of payments for
government activities and possibly a default on the government’s
debt obligations.11 Which of the government’s
various financial obligations would be paid and which
would not would be determined by the Administration.

Bring on the default!!!
In the coming months, the Treasury will employ its full
arsenal of extraordinary measures to stay under the current
debt limit. If a new debt limit is not agreed upon,
CBO expects those measures to run out sometime in
October or November of this year.
If the debt limit is not increased before extraordinary
measures are exhausted, the Treasury will not be
authorized to issue additional debt that increases the
amount outstanding. (It will be able to issue additional
debt only in amounts equal to maturing debt.) That
restriction would severely strain the Treasury’s ability to
manage its cash and could lead to delays of payments for
government activities and possibly a default on the government’s
debt obligations.11 Which of the government’s
various financial obligations would be paid and which
would not would be determined by the Administration.

Bring on the default!!!

That would be retarded. Seniors and Vets around the Country who have earned their money through their life's work will be on the ass end of the Government's fuck ups at that point, and also the economy would take a drastic hit and thousands of businesses would sink because of the amount of $ funneled out of the economy.

Sometimes thinking things through can lead to better solutions, but partisanship and fiscal retardedness got us to where we are so.....carry on.
What a shame we don't have a clock monitoring the erosion of our civil liberties.

At least that would be measuring something REAL.

The debt clock measures REAL wealth drestroyed by central planners. Economic liberty IS a civil liberty. Without the ability to peacefully exchange with others and store wealth to do so, you would be wearing a pelt moomoo and running around the forest eating berries, buddy.

No, it doesn't. It's designed for propaganda purposes. If this wasn't the case, we'd have a corresponding asset clock for the public. It's a basic principle of accounting that for every single financial asset out there we must have an offsetting and equal financial liability. Those federal liabilities represented in the debt clock are assets of the non-government.
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What a shame we don't have a clock monitoring the erosion of our civil liberties.

At least that would be measuring something REAL.

The debt clock measures REAL wealth drestroyed by central planners. Economic liberty IS a civil liberty. Without the ability to peacefully exchange with others and store wealth to do so, you would be wearing a pelt moomoo and running around the forest eating berries, buddy.

No, it doesn't. It's designed for propaganda purposes. If this wasn't the case, we'd have a corresponding asset clock for the public. It's a basic principle of accounting that for every single financial asset out there we must have an offsetting and equal financial liability. Those federal liabilities represented in the debt clock are assets of the non-government.

A lot of people actually think most of the $ is owed to China. PrOpOgAnDa
I know that it is futile to suggest that you folks find out about what you are outraged about rather than engage in this intellectual circle jerk, but if anyone cares about why the official deficit remains the same,here it is:

If we look at the numbers, we see that the deficit has actually decreased a little over 36% in the first ten months of 2013. It was a little over 10% of GDP in 2009. Currently, more or less, we're looking at little over 4% of GDP. This isn't a good thing in my estimation under the current economic environment.
What a shame we don't have a clock monitoring the erosion of our civil liberties.

At least that would be measuring something REAL.

The debt clock measures REAL wealth drestroyed by central planners. Economic liberty IS a civil liberty. Without the ability to peacefully exchange with others and store wealth to do so, you would be wearing a pelt moomoo and running around the forest eating berries, buddy.

No, it doesn't. It's designed for propaganda purposes. If this wasn't the case, we'd have a corresponding asset clock for the public. It's a basic principle of accounting that for every single financial asset out there we must have an offsetting and equal financial liability. Those federal liabilities represented in the debt clock are assets of the non-government.

The debt clock measures REAL wealth drestroyed by central planners. Economic liberty IS a civil liberty. Without the ability to peacefully exchange with others and store wealth to do so, you would be wearing a pelt moomoo and running around the forest eating berries, buddy.

No, it doesn't. It's designed for propaganda purposes. If this wasn't the case, we'd have a corresponding asset clock for the public. It's a basic principle of accounting that for every single financial asset out there we must have an offsetting and equal financial liability. Those federal liabilities represented in the debt clock are assets of the non-government.

A lot of people actually think most of the $ is owed to China. PrOpOgAnDa

Correction. Mostly ignorant and uninformed people actually think the US has to borrow its own fiat from China. :) I get it. People here this garbage on TV, the web, and talk radio all day by right wing and even left wing hacks.
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